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last update-- 9/29/99

This is a quote page. The views expressed are not necessarily the views of the author. If you have any good quotes please submit them through my reader's response. I appreciate your help.

Some of these quotes are deathly serious and some are just for grins. I'm sure you'll be able to tell the difference. The funnier quotes tend to be more toward the bottom of the page.

) No one can be a great thinker who does not recognize that as a thinker it is his first duty to follow his intellect to whatever conclusions it may lead.

---John Stuart Mill, "On Liberty"

) "Hope" is knowing the truth and acting on it.

---Bodie Theone, "The Gates of Zion"

) The strongest faith is born of doubt.

---Richard Baxter

) Where ever the greatest good is possible there, also, is evil possible to the same extent.

---modified proverb

) To be at home in the world you must care and be cared for.

---Milton Mayeroff, "On Caring"

) Nothing passes door nor windows save moonlight, starlight, and the sound of wind passing.

---The Fellowship of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien

) If you can't get it, make it look good.

--- Frank Wacholtz--referring to playing goalie and dealing with life

) Their can't be a fake without the real thing existing somewhere.

---F. W.

) I can't loose that which is not mine.

---F. W. -- referring to his life

) Distance is mutual be it emotional or physical... it is impossible to get close to someone without the reverse being true.

---F. W.

)It is incredibly difficult for your body to reside in one place and your heart in another.

---Kristen Hicky

) Watch yourself, because you yourself are being watched.

---F. W.

) When God is known He appears paradoxal to our reason.

---Soren Kierkegaard

) The essence of religion is what you do for those who can do nothing for you.

---Dr. Art Allen (HPU)

) If God lived on Earth people would throw rocks at his windows.

---Old Jewish Proverb

) If God is not God of all then God is not God at all.


) A man with an obssesion has very little sales resistance

---C. S. Lewis, "Mere Christianity"

) What one wants... that you can't have. What one does not want...that, you can have.

---F. W.

) The wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safty from danger, but for deliverance from fear.


) It is not necessary to drink up the ocean in order to learn that the water is salty.


) If you take away someone's dream you leave them to live a nightmare.

---Summer Herrington

) Look into the mirror occasionally... to see who is really there.

---F. W. ---The Portal

) God doesn't make junk.... But He sure does buy a lot of it.

---Summer Herrington

) We cannot trust ourselves even in our best moments

---C. S. Lewis, "Mere Christianity"

) Sometimes you enjoy something more after the fact than the actual experience.

---Dr. Wallace Roark (HPU)

) Theology is grammer.

---Martin Luther

) Sin is like a foriegn weed planted in the grass field of humanity. It's not supposed to be there

---Oscar Koolmann

) I don't know why God created this world, but at least He stepped in and played the sane rules as the rest of us.

---H. Wheeler Robinson

) Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps his mouth shut.


) If you only preach things you aren't guilty of, you'll soon run out of material.

---Dr. Robert Smith (HPU)

) Happiness is a by-product

---Dr. Wallace Roark (HPU)

) To stub your toe is human. To curse about it is not.

---F. W.

) A man is not an action but the sum of his actions

---F. W.

) If voting could change something it would be illegal.


) He who comes with notes written down carries the day.


) I guess brownie points can sometimes be redeemed for hugs.

---Becca McDonald

) The darkness hides two kinds of deeds... Those of great courage and those of great cowardice.

---F. W.

) Sometimes you stare hopelessly into the eyes of destiny... only to find her staring right back.

---F. W.

) The greatest risk of all is not to take a risk at all.

---Reader's Digest.

) When you have your 50th wedding anniversary, no matter what age you are, you are old.

---Dr. Wallace Roark

) Brush your teeth three times a day, and when you are old they shall not depart from you.

---F. W.

) A man should always wear pants when living in a glass house. Especially living near a highway.

---Josh McFadden & Kevin Cass

) Anytime there is a guy involved there is a risk, because they have a tendancy to be a jerk

---John Norwood

)If you can't find it at Wal-Mart and if Duct Tape can't fix it, you don't need it.

---F. W.

)Wolverines have claws.

Don't mess with wolverines.

Girls have claws.

Don't mess with girls.

---F. W.

) Never moon a werewolf.

---Larry Rook

) Never trust a guy named Josh.


) Life is funny, but not so funny that I should laugh.

---Josh McFadden

) I didn't design this T-shirt, I just got it for free.

---Greg Irwin

)The world is a battlefield, and love is our weapon.

---Caleb Raucly

) It's such a rush of power when you can finally drive the church van.

--- ibid.

) Put passion in your compassion.

---Adam Brodner

) True love is a many splendored thing, and because of that fact it is guarded by so many booby traps, pitfalls, and fakes that whoever can find it I applaud. But ... one who can grasp it ...the man does not exist.

----F. W. "The Truth about Love."

) If you have nothing good to say ... mime it.

---F. W. "The Life and Times of the Great Frank Wacholtz"

) Practice is practice. A game is all out war.

---F. W. ibid

)The best sound a tuba (place instrument here) will ever make is the sound of it's owner being choked to death as it's wrapped around his throat.

---F. W. ibid

) In order for our relationship to progress any further I must be made aware of the scent of your fart.


) I'm so scared of hieghts... I'm glad it's dark.

---Kerstin Scates (halfway up climbing wall at night)

) Over appreciated friends of under appreciated people end up face down in Korean sewer streams running through golf courses.

---F. W. "Attack of the Radioactive Brown Mamba from North Korea"

) Flattery will get you everywhere.


) It helps to be a lunatic. It could get depressing otherwise.

---Bodie Theone, "The Gates of Zion"

) Funny, how you can live in the same house as someone and never know what's going on.


) Be careful who you throw salami at...


) Love is never lost ... it is only momentarily misplaced.

---F. W.

) Girls need one more hug than they say they do.

---F. W.

) Sanity is simply a matter of perspective.

---Bodie Thoene, "The Gates of Zion"

Everyone's got to love somebody. It is up to you to decide who. Choose wisely.

---F. W.

) A plaid shirt does not go with hortizonal striped pants.

---Common Sense

) All stories have morals to be learned.

---F. W. "Conquest of Killer Potatoe Saladfrom 1963"

) You are tap dancing on the line of blasphemy.

--- Adam Brodner

)You can only take reality so far then it becomes a joke.

---Jeremy Gallion

) I like them, but they're idiots.

---Matt Wacholtz

) Life is like a Big Mac. It may not always taste good but, at least you can hold the onions.

---Josh McFadden

) When is you look for something why is it always the last place you look?

---Jeremy Gallion

)Why is it that the long and treacherous way is always the most fun?

---Kristen Hicky

) For he today who sheds his blood with me shall be my brother.

---William Shakesphere

) Perhaps a lunatic is simply a minority of one.

---George Orwell "1984"

) Smile. It makes people wonder what you are up to.

---spotted on a white board

) Don't ever turn your back on a creature capable of shapeshifting.

---F. W. "Of Ice and Steam"

) Diplomacy, is saying, "Nice doggy," until you can find a rock.


) Sometimes when you hold out for everything; you walk away with nothing.

---"Alley McBeall"

) Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.


) Remember, I have Duct Tape.

---threat from college roommate, Josh McFadden.

) Lazinss grows exponentially.

---Rob McClendon

) If a man is his own first victim he is seldom his last.

---Abraham Kaplan "The New World of Philosophy"

) A life that cannot withstand examination is not worth living.


) If you think you are not concieted, you are very concieted indeed

---C. S. Lewis, "Mere Christianity"

We are woth Jesus to God.

---Rich Gebauer

) Life passed me by so quick it didn't even bother to flash its lights.

---F. W.

) She loves me ... she just doesn't know it yet.

---"A Pyromaniac's Love Story"

) It is sometimes emminently reasonalble to reject reason.


) Truly straight lines, after all, are just a mythological theory. Nobody has ever seen one.

---Rip Wipond, The Humanist, March/April 1998

) Physics is simple.

---Albert Einstien responding to the question, "If we have made so much progress in science why are we so behind in sociology and politics?"