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persons have met Aiden

        This is where you can learn about "Second Light", my upcoming fantasy novel. Check out my character files, A-K. Characters L-Z. As I learn targeting It will be easier to find stuff. I will dicuss characters, plot, setting, time,I have even scaned a picture of the known world map:) Stay tuned. I'll try to update bimonthly. I've just added more detailed computer rendered maps.

current progress= chapter 12 complete

rough word count=44k




      Aiden is the hero of "Second Light". He starts out as a 15 year old (in Choardar years)secretly in love with Kate. He eventually joins the Southland army and is later appointed bodyguard to the Illuminarch. He struggles with self-esteem and tends to be a bit task oriented. He develops a closer relationship with the Glorious One as time goes on.

Height:5'11" or so

Race: Human

Eyes: Deep blue

Hair: Curly golden blond

Hand: Ambidexterous

B-day: 8th of Omicrus

Father's occupation: Carpenter in Rie

Family: Little bro. Alan. mother and father

Tongue: Modern Southland (common)

Common words: "yes", "okay", "no impact",

Kate Ellis


      Kate is a hopeless romantic secretly in love with Aiden for nearly three years. She is a closer follower of the Glorious One. Her diary is often used as insight into her life. She tries hard to stay out of trouble but it has a way of finding her. She is somewhat athletic from all the advetures she has gone on with Aiden and Kilien. She has strange habit of always tilting left.

Height:5'9" or so

Race: Human

Eyes: small green

Hair: full,long, light brown

Hand: Left

B-day: ?

Father's occupation: ?

Family: Mother and father, older brother

Tongue: Modern Southland (common)

Common words: "Still"



     Kilien is Aiden's best freind. The two have known each other for years. Kilien is a skilled archer and joins the army with Aiden to protect him. He is a reasonable tracker and gets along well with creatures. He is probably to bold for his own good. He is a better relationship with the Glorious One than many. He is clueless to Aiden's feelings for Kate and vice-versa.

Height:6'3" or so

Race: Tanthris

Eyes: purple

Hair: shoulder length straight black

Hand: Right

B-day: 5th of Trabic

Father's occupation: Mayor's assistant

Family: Mother and father, older brother Jarrel

Tongue: Older Southland (common)

Common words: "Sure"

Upcoming charaters can be found by clicking here: Raimyx, Captain Zeticus, Astrid, Darcy, Jarvis, Ripp, Cole, Silvan, Everrett, Soyce, Cedric, Kalle, Myles, Avast, General Jagernik, General Dravinik, Banthri, Andalis, Zadoaken the historian.


      Time is a unique factor in "Second Light". The clocks (If there were any) are based on tens. I will do my best to make this clear.

Choardar time                   Earth time

1 minute       =       50 seconds

1 hour       =       83 minutes

1 day       =       14 hours

1 waking day       =       28 hours

1 year       =       438 days

Now that that is established we will se how Choardar time interacts with itself. It helps to think of a waking day as the time between sleeps.

1 minute       =       50 seconds

1 hour       =       100 minutes

1 day       =       10 hours

1 waking day       =       2 days

1 waking day       =       20 hours

1 week       =       10 days

1 week       =       5 waking days

1 month       =       25 waking days

1 season       =       3 months

1 year       =       15 months

1 year       =       375 waking day

That wasn't so hard was it? *hehehe* You may ask why I did this. The reasons are basically phsyics. I wanted to keep the temperature a bit more stable during the day, and most ofa ll I wanted a time of darkness when everyone would be awake.

Months and Seasons

There are 15 months a year named after old Illuminarchs (13 good, 1 evil) and the planet.

Nearing (late Spring - early Summer):




The Heat (mid Summer):




The Leaving (late Summer - early Fall):


                  Kay (Great female Illuminarch)

                  Illumnus (named after first Illuminarch)

The Cooling (late Fall- mid Winter):



                  Nobus (Named after dark priest)

The Warming (mid Winter - early Spring):

                  Choard ("Chaos")



          Aiden is a young man in a distant world about to encounter the stuff that dreams are made of. His best friends Kate and Kilien will hopefully be there to support him. He confesses his love for Kate. He has a nightmare that haunts him, and he is joining the army. Throw in a knowledgeable dragon named Klite and a seemingly insane drill sergent. This is proabaly the first of a series if I stick with it. This book shuold basically include the training Aiden and his courting of Kate. Stay tuned for updates.

          Big scenes include the nightmares that assail Aiden as he sleeps. Everything from Soyces constant griping to Raimyx's immense patience comes out. Even the feared Captain Zeticus saves their tails a few times. How do you say greed, treasure, a dark hole in the ground.