The Burning Times

What were the Burning Times? You may hear grown-ups talking about them sometimes. The burning times were a time, long ago, when people were so scared of Witches and Pagans that they killed them by burning their bodies. These people thought that Witches and Pagans were very bad, even though they weren't. The Witch-hunters just had false information. In fact, most of the people they killed weren't even real Witches!

Now most people know that it is very wrong to hurt others because of their religion. It is against the law to kill people, no matter what their religion is. However, there are still some people who simply do not like others because of their race, nationality, or religion. These people are very, very sad to watch. They sometimes live their whole lives not knowing many wonderful friends they could have had if they just didn't care what color those friends' skin was or Who they worshipped.

Remember, always, to be nice to others. Never judge a person because of what they look like. True beauty really does come from inside. And never, ever forget the Burning Times and the many people who died out of other people's fear and hate.

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