
Spring Windsock
Empty cardboard ice cream container with top and bottom cut out
Colored construction paper
White glue
Crete paper or tissue paper
Paper punch

Cover the empty container by gluing various colors over it. Cut long
streamers from the crepe paper or tissue paper, and glue them to one open
end of the container. Cut out shapes from paper scraps and glue to the
outside of the container for decoration. Punch four holes in the other
end of the container, spacing them equally around the rim. Thread string
through the holes and double knot. Tie all four strands together at the
top. the longer piece of string to the knotted ends and use it to hang
your windsock from the edge of a deck, roof or tree branch.

Glittery Sun
circle cutout
yellow tissue paper
yellow streamers
gold glitter glue

Glue the yellow tissue paper pieces all over the circle
cutout to cover it. Then sprinkle glitter over circle. Finish by
attaching the yellow streamers to the edges to create a sun.

Parsely Planters for kids....

egg carton
broken eggshells
small pieces of sponge
parsley seeds

l. Put half an eggshell in each pocket of the carton
2. Pce. of spong to fit each shell.
3. Wet the sponge
4. sprinkle parsley seeds on teh sponges
5. water the seeds a little every day

In about a week this is ready to snip and start eating..also good for watercres and things like that..Remember the little pet things you buy that grow grass? Same thing...Check around there must be lots of other can plant, grow, eat.

Herbs coming soon!

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