Special Knowledge
Vampire Legend Lore
You know all of the legends perpetrated about Vampires. Most are wrong. But now that you know vampires are real, you can see these strengthened or weakened. The higher the level in this Knowledge, the farther from reality your perceptions are.
*--Vampires need to drink blood every night to survive and their victims become vampires.
**--Vampires have no reflection and are repulsed by garlic.
***--Vampires cannot cross running water and are repulsed by crosses.
****--Vampires vaporize when staked.
*****--Vampires don't exist, so these "vampires" are deceiving all those around you. That's why they don't vaporize when you stake them, can cross running water, are not repulsed by crosses, have reflectioins, and aren't repulsed by garlic.