Freshman (3pts) Flaw This is the replacement for the child flaw. Youalso take the penalties from flaw short. You are not taken seriously,are treated as a child, and picked on by upperclassmen. You can notfake your age upward, and may be kept out of places with agerestrictions. You may not have any physical trait above two, you maystill spend freebee points to increase these traits (freshmen have starathletes as well).
Teachers Pt (1pt) Merit You are well liked by a faculty member. Theywill defend you to the other faculty members and believe your excuses,'cause youíre a good kid. They will offer you make up tests if you missone for some reason, and can keep you out of trouble.
Star Athlete (4pt) Merit You are considered irreplaceable to somesports team. Itís a sad fact that sports are often considered moreimportant then education. When in season you can get away with anything short of murder, as the town goes out of its way to keep youplaying. Local police will even look the other way of your less then legal activities. You can count on gentlemen's C's in most your classes regardless of how you do on an exam. You are expected to have statsthat can support this level of support as well, to help out though, yougain a minus two difficulty when performing tasks related to yoursport. This represents the single mindedness you have devoted to thesport in question. Sometimes this skill bonus translates to real worldsituations, making a tackle, swinging a bat, performing a gymnastictumble, or swimming away from an overturned boat.
Severe Acne (1pt) Flaw You suffer sever and painful acne and all socialinteractions with the opposite sex are increased in difficulty by one.Soon to be Nosferatue may not take this flaw.
Trend Setter (2pt) Merit Among all the people in the schol you areconsidered by all to be ahead of the curve. Your clothes are always instyle because you are wearing them, what ever you are doing is cool because you are doing it. You can never hurt your standing in the eyesof your peers by acting weird. This is not the same as being popular,but you are considered cool, with your finger on the pulse of youngAmerica.
Bad Rep (3pt) Flaw You have a rep as a bad kid, in trouble with drugsor the law. The authorities keep careful tabs on you. You are alwayssingled out when ever trouble happens.
Abusive Family (2pt) Flaw You have grown up abused, and still live withyour family. The abuse could be physical, mental or even sexual. You are ashamed and donít wish any one to know. Worse, you are prone tocarrying on such behavior, and your chances of frenzy increases by one.The abuser could be an older sibling or other relative, not just mom orpop.
Unperson (4pt) Flaw You belong to no clique and have no friends. Youare shunned by all and no other characters will want to be around you,they must spend will power to not pretend they donít see you in public.People pretend they can't see you, even teachers. It is a lonely andbitter way to grow up. You have a plus two difficulty to all socialinteraction rolls. This flaw may not be taken with the merit starathlete.
Older Looks (2pt) Merit You pass easily for an adult, and are neverquestioned as to your age. You can enter bars and order drinks, go to Rrated movies, and smoke openly in public. This may not be taken withthe flaw Freshman.
Car (1pt) Merit You own your own car, (resources determines thequality). You donít need to borrow from your parents, and have greaterfreedom of movement.
Busy Parents (3pt) Merit Your parents are too busy and self absorbedto worry about you. While not good for the average teen, when you stopbeing an average teen they are unlikely to notice. Bad grades andstaying out all night are ignored. If you get arrested or called by theprinciple, they will be annoyed but unable to enforce any punishment,they are too busy. They also believe youíre a good kid and trust youcompletely.