Name: Elizabeth Godfroy
Occupation: Artiste
Age: 250+, Height: 5'7", Weight: 117lbs.
Affiliations: Clan Toreador
Expertise: painting, breeding experiments

painting c. 1730

Name: Bruno deBaseau
Occupation: Silverware Manufacturer (?)
Age: 30+, Height: 6'7", Weight: 250lbs.
Affiliations: unknown
Expertise: unknown

police file photo

Name: Francis Matheson
Occupation: unknown
Age: 120+, Height: 6'0", Weight: 200lbs.
Affiliations: Clan Tsimicze
Expertise: unknown

police file photo

(c) 2000 Imaginary Company.  No rights reserved.
Any ideas, names, or concepts takeen from Joss Whedon or White Wolf Games is purely out of awe and appreciation and any official requests from either of these parties will be executed to the letter.  They own the copyrights, not me.  Even my copyright line is fake.