Ivan Ooze chuckled, watching the images in a pool of ooze as his zombified minions completed the construction of his Ectomorphicon titans. "Soon, my machines will be complete, and I will have the power to crush Zordon's Rangers! My revenge on that pain-in-the-neck wizard will finally be complete!"

"Yes, Master," Kris replied in a monotone. "And I will take great pleasure in dispatching the Rangers for you."

"Easier said than done, Kris," Red Turbo spat. He and Red Astro stepped out of the hall into the main processing plant. The room was cavernous, two stories high with a catwalk running around the upper level. Vats of ooze bubbled merrily, and in the center of the room, a generator seethed with a strange purple energy.

"Well, well. Two little Rangers," Ivan chuckled. "I see you've brought a friend along, Red Ranger. But where's the rest of your pathetic little team?"

"Right here," Blue Turbo snarled, as he and Blue Astro came charging out of another hallway.

"And here," Pink Astro added, appearing on the catwalk, Pink Turbo beside her.

"Here," continued Yellow Turbo, from the catwalk on the other side of the room. Yellow Astro followed.

"And don't forget us!" finished Black Astro, kicking the grate out of the ventilation duct. He and Green Turbo swung down to take their places on the catwalk. Ivan was surrounded.

"Give it up, Ooze," Red Astro snarled. "You've got nowhere to go."

"That's what you think. Oozemen!" Purple forms began pulling themselves out of the vats, surrounding the Rangers. "You can play with them for a while. Purple Ranger, destroy them! I have other matters to attend to." In a streak of purple light, he disappeared.

Swallowing, Red Astro and Red Turbo moved back to back as the horde of Oozemen closed in. "This is going to get ugly," Red Turbo observed, falling into a fighting stance.

The six warriors on the catwalk exchanged concerned glances, then Green Turbo shrugged. "Well, here goes nothing! Geronimo!" Getting up onto the railing, he jumped, landing in the middle of the fight and immediately digging in.

Black Astro cocked his head. "You heard the man! Banzai!"

"Look out bel-oooow!"


"Eat boot, sucker!"

"Why meeeeee?"

Kris raised a hand into the air, and ooze exploded around her, forming her costume. Then she too threw herself into the fight.

The resulting conflict was brutal. Two Oozemen attempted to beat Black Astro against a wall, but were stopped by Pink Turbo and Yellow Astro. Blue Turbo was sent hurtling through the air, crashing into Yellow Turbo and Blue Astro. Green Turbo and Pink Astro were back-to-back, sending Oozemen flying in all directions, while Red Astro was carving through the press like living lightning. For every purple thing splattered, though, another one pulled itself out of the vats.

Meanwhile Purple and Red Turbos were involved in the most brutal battle of all. The two of them traded punches and kicks with a ferocity that would have startled anyone who knew them. Slipping a hand inside his guard, Purple Turbo grabbed Red Turbo by the throat, bashing him into the closest wall. He retaliated by planting his foot in her stomach and pushing her away. She went reeling back, and he followed up his advantage, pummeling her with strike after strike.

"We can't keep this up forever!" Blue Astro cried. "These things just keep coming!"

"Thunder Scanner!" Green Turbo yelled. A silvery visor appeared over the eyeplate on his helmet. "The Oozemen are drawing their power from the generator, just like the shield is! If we take it out, we'll denature all of them!"

"Great!" Pink Astro shot back as she was slammed into a wall. "Got any ideas how!"

"We'll need the Turbine Laser!" Yellow Turbo called. "It's the only thing that'll make a dent!"

"Great, but we need Fred to call on it, and he's a little busy right now!" Pink Turbo replied.

Blue Turbo looked up. "I have an idea. Power down!" Blue light flashed, and Justin Stewart stood in the middle of the fight, hastily ducking an Oozeman's strike.

"Are you nuts!" Yellow Turbo cried. "Morph, you idiot! These guys'll make Hamburger Helper out of your blue behind."

He just shot her a grin. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing!"

"Skull and Rocky both say that a lot," Green Turbo mused. "It never makes me feel any better."

Red Turbo had just slammed into yet another wall when he heard a very familiar voice. "Kris! Let him go." Blearily, Red Turbo looked up to see Justin, unmorphed, standing stock still in one of the few quiet areas of the fight. Purple Turbo also looked, ignoring the rather unsteady Ranger still lying at her feet.

"Justin? That's not going to help you. I know who you are, remember?"

He nodded. "I know. But- there's something I have to say to you, Kris, and I want to say it as myself."

"Justin, are you nuts?" Red Turbo managed, levering himself to his feet.

"Go help the others, Fred," Justin replied, his voice brooking no contradiction. Red Turbo regarded his friend for a long moment, then threw himself back into the fight.

Purple Turbo cocked her head. "Alone at last," she chuckled. "Now, what was that you wanted to say?"

"Well- I always thought- I mean, you've always acted as if you had a sort of a crush on me, and I just wanted to say that- well, I kind of like you too."

"What!" Yellow Turbo's shriek was clearly audible even over the noise of the battle. Both Justin and Purple Turbo ignored her.

"What about Tasha?" Purple Turbo asked, taking a step closer to Justin.

"Well, I like her, and all, but it's different from what I feel for you. That's- it's hard to explain," Justin continued, also taking steps to close the gap between them. Now the two of them were face to face. Suddenly there was a ripple in the ooze that made up Purple Turbo's helmet. It flowed back down into her suit, leaving her head exposed. Kris grinned slightly.

"Well, if you feel that way...." She reached out to him, laying her hands on his shoulders. He could feel her trembling slightly, and knew what was coming. Sure enough, she moved a little closer to him, eyes closed, lips heading for his.

Faster than the eye could follow, Justin pulled his Turbo Key out of nowhere, opened it, and jammed it into the ooze on the back of Kris' neck. "MOUNTAIN BLASTER TURBO POWER!" he screamed. There was a flash of blue light, sufficient to blind most of the onlookers. When it cleared, Justin was holding an unconscious Kris in his arms. Her clothes were normal, the last traces of Ooze gone from her body. Quickly he tapped his communicator. "Alpha, teleport Kris to the Power Chamber!" The girl's body disappeared in a flash of white light. Then Justin held up his key. "All right, time to get back in the game. Mountain Blaster Turbo Power!"

Blue Turbo rocketed back into the battle with a will. As he rejoined the action, Yellow Turbo gave him a sidelong look. "Boy, when this is over, we are going to have a very long talk."

"Yes dear," Blue Turbo chuckled.

"All right, guys, let's take this thing out!" Red Turbo called. "Turbine Laser!" The weapon appeared in the hands of the Turbo Rangers, who quickly fired it at the generator. The machine was unable to take the influx of power, and exploded, taking most of the Oozemen with it. Those who weren't destroyed in the blast quickly collapsed from lack of power.

Coughing and sputtering, the ten warriors pulled themselves painfully to their feet. "Is the dome gone?" Yellow Astro asked hesitantly.

"I dunno," Green Turbo replied, "but I think my spleen is."

Pink Turbo groaned. "It's okay, you'll grow a new one."

Looking around at the destruction, Red Turbo shook his head. "At least they can't stick us with the bill. Come on, let's go back to the Power Chamber, all of us. We need to discuss a few things."

Red Astro hesitated for a minute, then nodded. "You're right. We do."

"Alpha, this is Fred. Ten to teleport in." The ten of them were swallowed up in their teleportation signals and were gone.

* * *

"Forgive me, Master," Astronoma sighed, kneeling before Dark Specter. "I have failed you."

"Astronoma, my dear, your failure was minor. But Ooze, he is beginning to quite disappoint me," the shape-shifter mused. He had changed form once again. Now he seemed to be a large, black felinoid, with a velvet baritone voice. He lolled in his throne with the boneless grace common to the Fel'hari, which he currently resembled. "I suppose that I'll just have to speed the conquest of Angel Grove myself. Quantrons!" A platoon of the metallic minions appeared before their master. "Go to the town known as Angel Grove. Capture as many slaves as you can, and bring this city to its knees!" The Quantrons bowed, and vanished. Dark Specter then turned acquisitive green cat-eyes on the beautiful blue marble hanging in space.

"Soon, it shall all be mine," he purred. "Rise, Astronoma. I am not angry with you. Tell me, what did you think of the Red Morphin Warrior?"

"He is a mighty warrior, my lord, and extremely strong. The entire team will also be a force to be reckoned with."

"We will let Rita deal with them for now," Dark Specter decided. "Either they'll destroy her, or she'll get lucky and turn them into paste. Either way, I'm rid of an annoyance. You may go." Astronoma bowed and left the room hurriedly, grateful to have escaped punishment.

* * *

"I had to get her to demorph somehow!" Justin protested. He was receiving simultaneous chewings-out from Fred and Tasha, and was frantically attempting to defend himself against both. His leader was upset at his disregard for his own safety, while Tasha had taken exception to some of the things he had said to Kris.

"You could have been killed!" Fred growled.

"Look, I knew she had a crush on me. It was a good risk."

"And just what did you mean, you kind of like her too?" Tasha wanted to know.

Justin sighed. "She's nice, she's my friend. Besides, I had to make her think I had a crush on her too, so that she'd try and kiss me, and I could get my Key into the ooze. I knew the Key's goodness would denature the evil controlling her. End of discussion!"

Sitting in various places throughout the Power Chamber, most of the inhabitants were watching this by-play with amusement, except for Andros, who looked slightly disdainful. Carlos cocked his head. "Does this happen a lot?"

"Justin's not usually this careless," Rosa replied. "Normally it's Tasha that Fred's chewing out, for leaping before she looks."

"I can't believe you five have managed to defend this planet from Divatox for a year," Andros scoffed. "She must be slipping."

Fred turned slowly, hands on his hips. The other Turbo Rangers winced, seeing the flash in their leader's eyes. Andros was definitely in for it now.

"I have had just about enough of you and your attitude," Fred growled. "Look, I didn't ask for this job, and I didn't ask for Divatox to attack our planet. I'm fourteen years old! Most of my friends are spending their days playing baseball, doing their homework, and having fun. Me? I spend my time wondering if I'm going to live to see twenty, keeping space aliens from taking over the world, and lying to my father about why I'm never home! I'm sorry I don't fit your high and mighty standards, but nobody ever trained me to do this job! I just got a Turbo Morpher and got told, 'Oh, and there's an evil space pirate who wants to rule your planet, and you have to stop her. Nothing major.' I'm doing this the best I know how!"

"Yeah? A lot of good your best is when the planet's under some tyrant's heel," Andros replied. "You're just lucky you haven't had any real threats to deal with. Well, now Dark Specter's here. He's like nothing you've ever had to face."

"No? I'll tell you what real threats I've had to deal with," Fred shot back savagely. "I was part of the team that faced down Maligore, the Flame of Destruction. You gonna say he was a picnic? Or the Demons of Nyghtmayr?" Watching Andros' face pale at that last, Fred nodded. "I've spent nights where I couldn't sleep from the dreams I've had, watching my team, my friends get slaughtered because I wasn't quick enough, I made the wrong decision. But I haven't yet, and I don't intend to in the future. I've been risking my life for this planet, and I'm not about to let some jerk from another planet give me grief because I'm only fourteen. Now, I'll admit it, we could use your help. Ooze is tough, and Dark Specter's even worse. But I don't need your attitude, so if you wanna keep it, go take a hike!" Spinning on his heel, he turned back to a console, leaving a speechless Andros behind.

For a long moment, all was silent, then Andros sighed. "I'm- I'm sorry," he managed, as if forcing the words out was hard for him. "You're right, I've been a -jerk, I think the word is. It's just- I've been alone so long, it's hard for me to work as a team. I've just kind of fallen into the habit of doing everything on my own. But I've realized, I can't do that anymore. I need your help. Will you help me?"

Fred turned around, cocking his head. "It's hard for you to ask for help, huh? That takes a lot of guts. We have the same goal," he replied, extending his hand. "Welcome to the team."

Andros regarded Fred's hand for a minute, then took it gingerly. Smiling, Fred adjusted his grip and showed Andros how to shake.

Just then Terry came out of the back room. All of the occupants of the Power Chamber turned in her direction. "So- how's Kris doing?" Justin asked anxiously, earning him a look from Tasha.

Terry smiled a little wearily. "She'll be just fine, Justin. The energy of your Key healed any damage that the ooze might have done to her system. It's too early to tell if she'll remember anything. I'll keep her here for a while, just for observation."

"Ai yi yi!" Alpha cried. "And I have more good news- well, sort of. I found Ivan. He's at the construction site, charging up his Ectomorphicons!"

Ashley raised an eyebrow. "This is good news?" she asked of no one in particular.

"At least we know where to find him," TJ replied. Fred nodded.

"And I think it's time to take this slimeball down once and for all. Astro Rangers? Are you with us?"

"Well- we're not Rangers," Andros replied, "but we're with you."

"On the contrary," Zordon rumbled. "You have allied yourselves with us and fight to defend our planet from invasion. As a White Morphin Master, I am empowered to grant you the title of Ranger, if you wish. Do you accept?"

Andros picked his jaw up off the floor in time to nod. "Yes, of course! It's an honor."

Carlos grinned. "So now we really are Astro Rangers."

Cassie nodded. "Yup."

"And now it's time for us Rangers," Franklin emphasized the word, "to get back into the fight."

"Right," Fred agreed. "Back to Action!"

* * *

"Larry, behind you!" John Scott yelled. The Scotts and the Zeddens had gotten together for their weekly poker night when Ivan Ooze had attacked. At first, the five parents had decided to wait out the siege in the Zeddens' house, but when the Quantrons had spilled in through the windows, the fight had quickly spilled out into the street.

Leslie Zedden ducked as a Quantron slashed at her with its weapon. It was promptly knocked sprawling by a flying kick from Michael Lee. "Thanks," Leslie puffed as he helped her to her feet.

Michael grinned. "It's always a joy to assist a woman as beautiful as you," he grinned back.

Growling good-naturedly, Larry Zedden smashed his bo staff into the face of another attacker. "Lee, quit flirting with my wife and make yourself useful!"

Karen Scott couldn't help chuckling, despite the seriousness of the situation. Unlike Michael and John, she had no formal fight training, but after years of associating with the two of them, not to mention her martial artist son, she'd learned a few things. She and Leslie were both armed with heavy cast-iron frying pans, and giving a rather good account of themselves.

"Do you suppose the kids are all right?" she called. Her husband, plowing through a pair of Quantrons, shrugged.

"Wherever they are, I'm sure they're handling things."

Michael Lee shook his head. "Boy, when I came looking for Jason, I had no idea what I was getting into."

"Look at it this way," Larry grinned. "You're getting one hell of a workout." The five adults continued their battle, each wondering what was going on with the Power Rangers.

* * *

Ten flashes of color lit up the construction site as the ten Rangers teleported in. "I don't like the looks of this," Blue Astro muttered nervously.

Pink Turbo nodded. "And I don't like the looks of that!" She pointed up to where a huge robot, shaped something like a big hornet, stood, it's eyes glowing with red tracery.

"I think that one's uglier," Green Turbo replied, pointing to its companion, a vaguely scorpion-shaped device.

"Welcome, Rangers!" Ivan Ooze's voice startled them. The morphological being was standing in the center of the construction site, directly between his two instruments of destruction. "You're just in time for the final event of the night- your destruction!"

"I don't think so, Ivan!" Red Astro replied. "You're going down!"

"There're no more goons to stand between you and us," Red Turbo continued. "We're going to take you out."

"Big words for a little Ranger," Ivan sneered. "Unfortunately, it won't be that easy!" He began to laugh, and as he did so, something odd happened. His laughter seemed to- double, as if there were more than one person laughing. Then his form began to shift and stretch, until it split down the middle, forming two separate Ivans, both laughing evilly.

"Oh, man!" Pink Turbo groaned. "Ooze in stereo!"

"One or two, we can take him- uh, them, right, guys?" Black Astro asked.

"Right!" chorused the others.

"I think it's time for me to grow up!" the Ivans said in unison. Becoming fluid, they each raced to a machine, flowing into it.

"Aw, I'm gonna be sick!" Blue Turbo groaned.

"We need Turbo Megazord power, now!" Red Turbo cried. Leaping into the air, the Turbo Rangers quickly found themselves in their Zords.

"Andros, what are we going to do?" Yellow Astro cried. "We don't have a prayer of taking on those things without Zords!"

"Trust me, I have it covered. DECA, launch the shuttle and prepare for Astro Megazord transformation!"

Faster than thought, a blue and white shuttle streaked out of the sky, directly over the Rangers. "Going up," Red Astro chuckled. The five Astro Rangers dissolved into columns of light, materializing in the cockpit of the shuttle, which docked with the Megaship to form the Astro Megazord.

"Cassie, get me a hook-up to the Turbo Megazord," Red Astro ordered. "Ashley, you're Scanners. Find me any weak point on the scorpion one, pronto. TJ, how are our systems?"

"Everything's running fine, Andros," Blue Astro reported. "All systems go."

"Good. Carlos, you're weapons. What's our status?"

"Um, Astro Lasers at a hundred percent charge, Astro Megazord Saber ready to go, but that's about it. Looks like the missile launchers are out, and I don't think you want to know what the magnafield gauges say."

Red Astro grimaced. "Figures. Well, come on guys, let's go join the fight!"

In the cockpit of the Turbo Megazord, Blue Turbo suddenly looked up. "Fred, its Andros. They've got a Zord-"

"A very BIG Zord," Pink Turbo interrupted,

"And he says he's got the scorpion thing," Blue Turbo continued, ignoring the interruption."

"Good. Rosa, find me a weak point on hornet boy. Franklin, I want the Turbo Megazord Saber charged up to full. I think we're going to have a fencing match on our hands here."

"Anything you want me to say to Andros?" Blue Turbo asked.

"Yeah. Tell him to cross his fingers and buckle his seatbelt. This is going to be nasty." Then, with a clash of swords, the battle was joined.

* * *

The Angel Grove Youth Center was a bustling center of activity. Much of the northeast quadrant of the city had been evacuated there, and the crowding was high. Ernie had put a number of people to work feeding the assembled multitude, and there was a small infirmary in one corner treating the injuries sustained by the fleeing citizens.

Trevor Park looked over the crowded room, shaking his head. He had known for a while that something like this would come, but he hadn't ever really expected to see it. Luckily, no one seemed to be badly hurt, and no one had been killed yet, although it was unknown whether the zombie transformations were reversible or not.

Over in one corner, Lita Kino was talking to some of the younger children, obviously slipping back into her psychiatrist persona as needed. George Kelman was helping Arthur and Rebecca Kwan bandage up a boy who'd sprained an ankle and a wrist. The firefighter's expression showed that his mind was more on his son's whereabouts, though.

Sounds of chaos from the kitchen showed that Teddy Oliver and the De Santos children were still hard at work where Ernie had stuck them, making grilled cheese sandwiches for the masses. Daniel and Sarah Oliver were trying their best to look unconcerned, while Chelsea, home from college for the weekend, led a group of older children through a meditation kata. At a table, Maria De Santos simply stared off into space, no doubt worrying about Rosa.

"Detective Park?" a lightly accented voice caught his attention. Behind him stood Nina Vargas, a slightly heavy Hispanic woman in her early forties. "I'm sorry to bother you, but have you seen my son, Carlos? He was at the high school when- everything happened," she said quietly. Trevor reluctantly shook his head.

"I'm afraid not, Mrs. Vargas. I'm sure he's all right, though. He's a pretty resourceful kid."

She nodded, and headed back to sit with her oldest child, Julia. The pretty young doctor looked as worried as her mother did. Trevor sighed. He hoped very much that Carlos Vargas was all right. Adam had coached him in soccer over the summer, before heading off to college, and Trevor knew a little bit about the family. Nina Vargas had already lost her husband; she didn't need to lose her son, too.

Funny, though. Most of the high school had made it to the youth center in one piece, but Carlos Vargas wasn't the only missing child. Ken and Marianne Chan had been asking about their daughter, Cassie, and Ashley Thompson's parents, Roger and Jessica, had been looking for her. Looking over towards the infirmary, Trevor saw Roy Carter, an occasional golf partner, bandaging up a little girl's head. Roy had been looking for his nephew, Trevor recalled, a boy named TJ.

Trevor suddenly cocked his head. He had heard of the four missing kids. Carlos and Ashley were the best students in the freshman class, and TJ and Cassie were also said to be well behaved, with excellent academic records. They were the right age- and TJ, Cassie, and Ashley were all known to be martial artists- He shook his head. It was unlikely. Ah well. One way or another, he'd probably know soon.

* * *

"Ooof!" Red Ranger groaned as Tigerfire struck the Zeo Megazord with yet another blow. "Rocky, Adam! Status reports!"

"Shields are down by 25 percent," Blue Ranger reported. "Power is dropping in the main engine room. If we take another shot like that, we've had it!"

"Weapons systems can't get a lock on this guy. He moves too damn fast!" Green Ranger growled, his frustration evident.

"Shit," cursed Red Ranger. "This guy is serious! Kat, what do the scanners say about him?"

"Magically created, based on a tiger. Apparently, he's a magical expansion of a tiger's spirit signature."

"What does that mean in English?" Green Ranger asked archly, as the Zord rocked again.

"He's basically a big tiger with human intelligence," Pink Ranger replied. "He's as smart as a human, but he still thinks like a tiger."

"Hmmm. That gives me an idea. Tanya! Call Tyler and Skull. We're going to need them to distract this guy long enough to give us a clear shot."

"How?" Yellow Ranger inquired, already setting up the link.

"He's a tiger, more than anything else. And what distracts a male tiger faster than anything?"

"No! Ixnay, notta, nein, no way, not a chance, nyet, absolutely not!" Skull's voice replied. "I ain't doing it!"

"Chill out, Skull," Red Ranger chuckled. "I want you to be a guy tiger. Infringe on his territory or something."

"Although I'm sure you'd look cute batting your eyelashes at him," Kimberly teased.

"Tyler, I'm gonna need you to cast an illusion of a tiger the size of Tigerfire," Red Ranger continued.

"Using Skull as a template, right? You've got it, Tommy. Be ready to hit him when he's distracted. Casting now." There was a green-white flash from the ground below, and suddenly another tiger-like being stood there. This one, however, was white with black stripes and clear green eyes. The Skull-tiger examined itself.

"Not bad," it mused. Then it turned to the business at hand. "Hey ugly! You're hunting in my turf!"

Tigerfire turned to see who was addressing it, and growled. "This area is mine!" it hissed, lashing its tail.

"Now, just as long as he doesn't start marking his territory, we'll be all right," Blue Ranger muttered.

"Now, while he's distracted! Zeo Megazord Saber, now!" Tigerfire never had a chance. The sword struck home, and the monster exploded in a burst of light. Beside the Zeo Megazord, the illusory tiger faded into nothing.

"Well, that was fun," Skull growled. "Now what?"

"Now we head back to New York and see if they need our help," Green Ranger replied. In a series of flashes, the Zeo Rangers and Morphin Warriors disappeared, leaving Florida behind them.

CLANG! The Turbo Megazord reeled backwards from Hornitor's punch, sparks fountaining from its chest. The fight was raging through the streets of Angel Grove, rapidly clearing the last few people from the already empty streets.

"We've got to keep him away from the youth center!" Pink Astro cried over the com channel. "It's got to be full of people!"

"Tell her we'll do our best!" Red Turbo gritted out.

Beside them, the Astro Megazord was also taking a pounding. It ducked a swipe from one of Scorpitron's front claws, only to get whacked with the tail. "We can't take much more of this," Blue Astro declared. "Shields are down by 30 percent, we're running way too hot in the engine room, and another shot to our midsection might breach the power core completely!"

"We can't give up, either," Red Astro shot back. "Kysach!"

"What does that mean?" Pink Astro looked up.

"Let's just say that it shouldn't be used around anyone under fifteen," he replied. "Turbo Rangers excluded."

"And I'm sure Tasha's taking notes," Blue Turbo sent back. "How are you guys doing?"

"You don't want to know," Pink Astro replied.

"That's what we thought."

"Ai yi yi yi yi!" Alpha's voice suddenly filled both cockpits. "Rangers, we have more bad news!"

Yellow Turbo growled. "Oh, now what?"

"Dark Specter has released a horde of his Quantrons on Angel Grove! They're attacking the citizens and they're heading for the youth center."

"Damn!" Black Astro cried. "We've got to stop them!"

"We can't," Red Turbo replied grimly. "We're stuck here. As much as I hate to say it- I'm afraid they're on their own."

* * *

"Jerry?" Detective Stone looked up from the coffee he was nursing to see Trevor Park slide into the seat across from him. "You look like shit," the other man said bluntly. "Are you all right?"

Stone nodded. "Yeah, Trev, I'm okay. I haven't been quite this scared since I quit the force, but I'm okay."

"We'll be fine. The Power Rangers haven't let us down yet, have they?"

"That seems so strange to hear from you," Stone laughed, shaking his head.

"Hey, a man's entitled to change his mind," Trevor shot back, smiling a little. "Getting sent to another dimension can be an eye-opening experience."

"Mmm." Stone sipped his coffee. "Especially when you discover that the Ranger you've been sent with is your own son."

It was with some effort that Trevor refrained from doing a spit take. "What? I don't know what you mean, Jerry."

"Oh, come off it, Trevor. You pulled a major about-face after that trip, both on the Power Rangers and your relationship with Adam. Heck, even I noticed that the two of you stopped fighting all the time. Besides, I was a very good cop, and I'm now a fairly good private investigator. Five kids, or six, or ten, top of their class, good martial artists, constantly disappearing? Come on. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to put two and two together." He took another sip of his coffee, and Trevor frowned, realizing it was his fourth of the evening.

"Hey, go easy on that stuff. It'll rot out your pipes."

Stone snorted. "If I survived ten years of drinking that swill they have down at the station, nothing Ernie serves is going to rot out my pipes."

Trevor raised an eyebrow. "You're sucking that stuff down like you wish it was something harder. What's wrong, Jerry? You never used to be this bad under pressure?"

Detective Stone shrugged. "I guess- I'm just worried."

"About Skull?" Stone looked up, startled. "Come on, Jerry. My son's one of his best friends. It's no secret the kid crashed at your house more often than at home."

"Well- you know, those two knuckleheads were the closest thing to a family I ever had? Well, there's my sister, and my parents, but-"

"I know what you mean," Trevor nodded.

"Those two were like my own kids, Gene especially. His parents aren't bad people, but- he just kind of grew past them. They don't understand each other anymore, and that leads to fights."

"Don't I know it," Trevor grumbled, remembering all the arguments he'd had with Adam over the last few years.

"Anyway, Gene was spending most of his time at my place, and I noticed the change in him right away. You can imagine how floored I was when I saw that he was the White Morphin Warrior. Why doesn't anybody else recognize them anyway?"

"The transformation protects them from being recognized. Only people who really care about them can see through it."

Stone was about to say something else when an alarm began to blare. "What the hell is that?" Trevor asked, leaping to his feet.

"Proximity alarm," Ernie replied grimly. At Trevor's inquiring look, the heavier man grinned. "Hey, you weren't the only one in the military. I used to be a Marine."

Trevor scraped his jaw off the floor, shaking his head. "I'm going to have to ask about that later. For now, though, we'd better get ready. Looks like we've got a fight headed our way."

* * *

"Super Zeo Megazord Saber, now!" The dual swords combined into one, streaking towards their target with a deadly slash. The Falconer, however, was no longer there. It had taken to the air with a giant leap, and now hung before them, just out of reach.

"He flies, too?" Peter cried, astonished. "Not fair, not fair at all."

"I think he's laughing at us," White Ranger growled.

Suddenly the Zord was rocked from side to side as the Falconer pummeled them with missile after missile.

"Jamie!" Black Ranger cried. "Status report!"

"Shields are down 54 percent! We're running hotter than I want to imagine, and the next shot will probably blow us all the way to Oz!" Purple Ranger replied.

"Lillian!" Red Ranger's voice suddenly came over the com unit. "We're here! Need any help?"

"You have to ask?" Black Ranger replied tartly. "Get your red-clad butt over here, Oliver!"

"On our way!" As good as Red Ranger's word, the Zeo Megazord hove into view not too long after.

"I say we double-team him," Green Ranger suggested. "I'll lock lasers onto his head, you guys onto his feet. He can't get away from both of them."

"Better idea," Peter replied. "Why don't we clip his wings?" A laser shot out, searing one of the Falconer's wings. It screeched, and then again, louder as the Zeo Megazord blasted the other one.

"Now let's see you fly away," Silver Ranger taunted.

"Double Saber maneuver, now!" Red Ranger ordered.

"On it," Black Ranger responded. Two swords swung in unison, giving the Falconer no chance to escape. There was a brilliant flash, and then nothing.

"Now it's over," Peter declared, and promptly passed out on the floor of the Zord.

* * *

The youth center was a scene of utter chaos. Those who could not fight had been herded as far back in the building as possible, but the Quantrons were intent on carrying the fight to as many places as possible. Trevor Park, kicking and punching his way through the mass, continued to catch occasional glimpses of other parts of the action.

Ernie had apparently been telling the truth about his military background, because despite his girth, the juice bar's owner was carving quite a swathe through the monsters surrounding him. Watching his back was Teddy Oliver, armed with a bokken that one of the martial artists had left behind. The boy was causing some serious damage to his foes, causing Trevor to grin. Apparently it ran in the family.

Over in another corner, Marsha Sloan was beating a Quantron with a chair while her husband Gabe looked on in some astonishment. Lita Kino was a whirlwind of punches and kicks as usual, and the Quantrons were becoming rather reluctant to attack her. Beside her, Paul Hart was doing his best with the frying pan that somebody had tossed him.

A crashing noise caused Trevor to whirl, stancing. Behind him, he found a Quantron sprawled on the ground, and Hank Cranston standing over it, holding the remains of a potted plant. Their eyes met, and the blond man shrugged. Trevor threw himself back into the fight, grinning. Maybe Billy had inherited his backbone from his father after all.

George Kelman and Roy Carter were back to back, sending Quantrons in all directions. Behind them, Brian Taylor watched, slightly appalled, as his wife Louise threw a Quantron over her shoulder. Trevor chuckled. He thought he'd seen Louise in Tommy and Jason's Ladies Class on more than one occasion.

The Quantrons were Dark Specter's own personal army, programmed for battle and armed with some of the strongest weapons in the galaxy. They had the strength and reflexes of robots, something no human could ever hope to match in battle. Often the sight of them on the battlefield was enough to make a race give up. Most of the galaxy thought they were well nigh invincible.

They never stood a chance.

Most of the Quantrons, realizing they were outclassed, turned and fled. Those who remained were incapable of fleeing, or indeed, much of anything. Those were tossed out on the youth center's recycling heap. Trevor looked around and chuckled. The entire fight had resulted in nothing worse than a few cuts and bruises for the humans in the youth center.

"Power Rangers, eat your hearts out," he grinned, going back inside to start cleaning up.

* * *

"Andros! We're losing power to the shields! This thing's turning them into Swiss cheese!" Blue Astro yelped, as yet another strike from Scorpitron struck home.

Black Astro growled. "This thing's got three appendages it can hit us with, and we can only block two! We need another tactic!"

The cockpit rocked again, prompting a wince from Red Astro. "I'm open to suggestions!" he hollered back, fighting to keep the Zord on its feet.

"Tactical nuke?" Pink Astro offered sarcastically.

Yellow Astro chuckled humorlessly. "We must be desperate. That's beginning to sound like a good idea."

Beside them, sparks flew once again, as Hornitor took yet another swipe at the Turbo Megazord. "Fred, we can't take much more of this," Yellow Turbo warned. "At the risk of sounding like Scotty, I'm not sure I can hold her."

"We've got to figure out these guy's weak spots!" Green Turbo cried. Red Turbo cocked his head.

"I have an idea. Justin, get Andros on the horn. Tell him to get back to back and be ready to hit his jump jets when I say go."

"Ready," Red Astro responded.

"NOW!" Red Turbo cried. The two Zords flew into the air, and Hornitor's punch struck home- right in Scorpitron's face. The scorpion-machine reeled back, whining.

"Astro Lasers!" Red Astro ordered. "Now!"

Laser beams shot from the Zord, striking both Hornitor and Scorpitron, who cried out in unison.

"I am Ivan Ooze! You will never defeat me!"

"Yeah, we've heard that before," Blue Turbo chuckled.

"Turbo Megazord Saber, now!"

"Astro Megazord Saber, now!" Two swords sliced through the air, striking home in the metal bodies in unison. Hornitor and Scorpitron exploded, taking every speck of Ooze with them. For a long moment, silence reigned in the two cockpits. Then Pink Astro spoke for everyone.

"It's over. Let's go home."

* * *

In the Power Chamber, the two teams demorphed, sagging to the floor in exhaustion. They barely even mustered the strength to raise their heads when Zordon began to speak.

"Rangers, today you have faced a great enemy, one that most of the galaxy was afraid to face. You should be very proud of yourselves. I believe that Dark Specter, like those villains who came before him, has sorely underestimated you all once again."

"I know I did," Andros replied, sitting up gingerly. "I'm sorry I was such a pigheaded idiot. It's an honor to stand with you, and I'm available any time you need me."

"Same goes here," Fred replied warmly, raising up just enough to extend his hand. The two shook, then promptly collapsed back to the floor.

"And it is with great pleasure that I welcome the newest members of the Power Ranger team. Astro Rangers, it is good to have you with us. I will ask Alpha and Justin to fabricate communicators for you, and the Power Chamber is open to you any time you wish."

The Astro Rangers made appropriate noises of acceptance and gratitude, but still made no move to get off the floor. Terry, coming out of the back room, chuckled.

"Hard day at the office, kids? I've got some good news. First, the people at the youth center and throughout the city trashed the Quantrons attacking them with few injuries and no casualties." A ragged cheer went up, and she raised her hands for silence. "Plus, Kris is awake, with no memory of what happened to her or your true identities. Alpha told her that she'd been attacked by Oozemen, rescued by the Power Rangers, and then we teleported her to the youth center, which is where most of the north-eastern city's evacuees are right now."

"Oh man!" Fred cried. "Our parents! They're probably going nuts about us- well, Rosa's and mine, anyway."

"Yeah," Ashley realized. "Ours too. Can you teleport us to the youth center? We need to make up something to tell them."

"I think- I'll head back to the Megaship," Andros replied. "I need to get it back into orbit before someone notices that there's a fairly large section of the park they can't walk into."

Cassie cocked her head. "You will join us later though, right?"

He opened his mouth, then shut it again, smiling slightly. "Yes. I've been cooped up on that ship for way too long." He touched a button on his coat. "DECA, bring me back and prepare for take-off." In a flash of red light, he disappeared. The other four Astros looked at each other nervously.

"Well," Carlos sighed, "here goes nothing."

Franklin grinned. "Relax. They'll be so glad to have us back, they'll believe anything we tell them. Just say you found a safe place to hide and rode out the fight."

Before anyone could teleport out, though, seventeen flashes of light filled the Power Chamber as the Zeo Rangers and the Morphin Warriors appeared. The Ghostbusters had been left back in New York. They had been invited back to the Power Chamber, but had declined. Peter, still unconscious, had been taken back to the Firehouse, where Winston had predicted that he would sleep for a week.

Tyler, upon materializing, was quickly pounced upon by his wife, much to the amusement of the rest of the team. While the two were sharing a rather passionate "hello," the others were examining the four new arrivals in their midst.

"Who exactly are these people, Fred?" Tommy asked, removing his helmet.

Fred grinned. "That, Tommy, is a very long story."

* * *

"Now this is what I call a party!" Zack grinned. All twenty-six Rangers were gathered in Angel Grove Park, the only place big enough to support their gathering. The May sun was warm, and the college students were all home for the summer. People were laughing, playing volleyball, sparring, eating, and just generally having a good time. Also present were Tyler and Terry, back to their old unpowered state, and Doctor Lita Kino, who was currently arguing with Cassie over whether Tina Turner or Emmy Lou Harris was the better singer.

Currently, Zack was sitting under a tree with Carlos, the two of them just watching the action for the moment. "So, are you ready for your life to be completely turned upside down?" the Black Morphin Warrior asked his friend slyly. Carlos shrugged.

"If it brings me friends like this, you know it." His answer was slightly distracted, and Zack followed his gaze to where Ashley, Billy, and Justin were poking around the innards of some device. Zack chuckled.

"You like her, don't you?"

Carlos blushed. "It's that obvious?"

"Man, the last time I looked like that, I'd just fallen hard for Angela! Why don't you just go over and talk to her?"

Shaking his head, Carlos smiled slightly. "Maybe later. Right now, I'm just having a good time watching her."

"Hey, look over there!" Zack suddenly pointed in the direction of the food. Carlos turned to see Rocky, TJ, and Rosa apparently competing to see who could create the biggest sandwich- and then eat it. The Blue Astro Ranger seemed to be holding his own against the two De Santos children.

"That's incredible!" Carlos was amazed and slightly appalled at the amount of food that was about to go down his friend's throat. Zack chuckled.

"If he eats that much, Mrs. De Santos is gonna adopt him!" Both laughed.

* * *

"Oof!" Andros hit the ground again. Rolling onto his back, he looked up at Fred skeptically. "Are you sure you're not a black belt yet?"

The boy chuckled. "Well, Jason and Tommy have been kind of busy, so I haven't gotten to take the test yet. Come on." Reaching out, he helped the older boy to his feet.

"No more sparring. You beat me three out of five. Let's just take a rest." The two of them sank gratefully down under a tree, watching the action all around them.

"So, how do you like Earth?" Fred asked, leaning his head back against the tree.

"Well, all I've seen of it so far is someplace called 'the mall,' but it seems to be a nice place. I have a question, though."


Andros raised an eyebrow. "Shoot what?"

"No, I mean, go ahead and ask your question."

"Oh. Well, when Cassie, Ashley, and- Kimberly, I think her name is, wanted to take me to buy clothes, why did every male in the vicinity suddenly leave?"

Fred laughed. "Those three are shop-a-holics. Any male who's around when they decide to go shopping often gets dragged along to carry packages. Ask Trey about his experience with Kat, Tanya, and the mall."

"Hmm. Your planet and people are very different, but- I think I'm going to like being here. I certainly don't have anywhere else to go."

At the touch of darkness in Andros' voice, Fred laid a hand on the other's shoulder. "It doesn't matter. Earth is your home now, for as long as you want. You're always welcome here, with us."

Andros smiled. "Thank you."

Suddenly a shadow fell across them, and the two looked up to see Cassie standing above them, looking slightly nervous. "Is this a private conversation, or can anybody join in?"

Fred grinned. "Oh, look. I think Franklin wants to spar. I'll see you two later, okay?" The Red Turbo Ranger quickly made good his escape, leaving a slightly panic-stricken Andros behind.

"Look, if you don't want to talk," Cassie began, but he quickly cut her off.

"No! No, I'd- like that. I'm just- a little out of practice. For the last year or so, all I've had to talk to is DECA, and she's not exactly a great conversationalist. Please, sit down." She did so, and for a long moment, the two of them said nothing.

"Um," Cassie finally began, "I've been talking to some of the others, and they suggested we check out the Angel Grove Amusement Park. TJ, Carlos, Ashley, and I decided we wanted to go. You- want to come with us?"

"Well- what's an amusement park?"

"It's a place where they have thrill rides, like roller coasters, and- well, you get on these little trains, and they go really fast, and go up in the air- I'm not explaining this very well," she sighed. "It's a place where you go to have fun."

"That sounds- great, actually. It's been a long time since I've had any- fun."

"It must have been very hard for you," she said sympathetically. He could not answer, or even look at her.

"I survived," he said finally, his tone flat.

"Look, if you want to talk to somebody, I think you should go talk to Dr. Kino." His head snapped up. That wasn't how he had expected her to finish the sentence.

"Who's that?"

"The lady with the brown hair, in the green T-shirt," Cassie pointed. "The one who's in the middle of the water balloon fight with Jamie and Lillian."


"She's a psychiatrist, she's trained to help people. As to why she's in the water balloon fight, I think Jamie used her as a shield and Lillian soaked her. "

"Why would anyone want to throw a balloon full of water at another person?"

"Because it's fun! Come on, I'll show you." Grabbing his hand, she pulled him to his feet and out into the sunshine, towards the rapidly expanding water war. As they headed towards the soaking, Andros smiled slightly. Perhaps living on Earth wouldn't be so bad after all.
