Live the Fantasy!

Welcome to the Final Fantasy Resource, run by me, Rob. This is a page dedicated to the three Final Fantasy video games released on the Super NES and the one title released for the Sony PlayStation by the company known to us as Squaresoft.

Final Fantasy Anthology is Coming to the U.S.!
04/20/99: Happy 420, everybody!!! To celebrate, I've added a couple new links, as well as some wonderful new images. Among them are a picture of me (which most of you have never seen before), and... captured images from the FMV from the PlayStation re-release of Final Fantasy VI. That's right, folks. The release date of Final Fantasy Anthology draws closer every day, and I can't remember the last time I was so excited about a game. The ultimate in old-school Final Fantasy, it includes what I view to be the single best and single worst Final Fantasy games ever created, FF6 and FF5, respectively. Both are enhanced with beautifully-rendered FMV scenes scattered throughout the games. These are based on the original artwork by Yoshitaka Amano, so you automatically know how beautiful they will be. But don't take my word for it. See the FF6 imgaes for yourself on my Final Fantasy VI page. It comes in a zip file totalling at 743K in size.

I can't stress how wonderful it will be to allow a whole new generation of players to see what made Final Fantasy so great. The images from FF6 are so stunning, they literally brought tears to my eyes. Word has it that the original Ted Woolsey translation will be used. This is good, because it is bar none the best Final Fantasy translation ever. My only complaint is that the censorship will most likely be included, such as calling the "holy" spell by its tamer name of "pearl." I was always bothered by that. But anyway, there is also new hope for Final Fantasy V. You see, the main reason I hate this game so much is because the music is crappy, the graphics were sub-par for their time, and the plot is so uninspired it made me gag. However, a lot of this could have to do with the fact that I have only played the game on an emulator with a pirate translation (though it was free from grammatical problems which Square will probably add for us). There is a chance that an "official" translation will actually be much better, and will thus do wonders for the plot. I have high hopes for this. Also, the music on emulators always sounds kind of scratchy, so Uematsu's work may very well be able to shine on the PSX. Also, emulators seem to offer an inferior graphical resolution when compared to their console counterparts, so the graphics will most likely be better than what I'm used to. What does all this mean? Final Fantasy V may not suck so much after all! Let's hope we can stand the wait for the most important Final Fantasy release since 1994!

To see what I actually look like, just follow this link.

FF7 For Atari 2600!
04/04/99: They said it couldn't be done in a major motion picture... They were right! But they never said it couldn't be done on the original home gaming console, so they went out and tried it. At least that's what the folks at the Gaming Intelligence Agency would have us believe. As one of their funnier April Fool's jokes, they announced that Final Fantasy VII would be re-released on the Atari 2600. The cost was under a dollar, if I recall correctly, and is not available in stores, but only at garage sales. Its format will be some 780-odd cartridges, and should look pretty good. There's a downloadable movie of this upcoming bestseller available on my Final Fantasy VII page. Be warned, however—this movie is one of the biggest possible spoilers for the game, revealing a pivotal scene in the plot.

Where to Go???

Final Fantasy IV A.K.A. FF2 - The first Fantasy on the SNES
Final Fantasy V One of three Fantasies never released in the U.S.
Final Fantasy VI A.K.A. FF3 - My personal favorite.
Final Fantasy VII The most popular Fantasy, the first on PSX.

One other note...

Why a Final Fantasy page when there are so many out there? Well, a lot of them offer secrets, tricks, artwork, and all that crap, but mine offers you a more personal touch - mine will offer real opinions (as if anyone needed another opinion of mine!). Plus, we should face it - old habits die hard. The games I will be discussing here are all classics, with timeless stories that have made impressions upon all the fans. If you haven't played a Final Fantasy to completion, there is no way for you to understand what I mean - you're on the outside. I encourage you to remedy that as soon as possible.

Due to my fondness for console-style RPGs in general, you may one day find sections on non-Final Fantasy games, for, as they say, variety be the spice of life. You will NOT, however, find coverage of the original Final Fantasy (I hate that game with a passion) or Final Fantasy Tactics. FFT is not a Final Fantasy game at all - it's not even an RPG, it's a strategy game that uses Final Fantasy classes and animals (but it's a good game anyway, and I suggest you check it out).

Isn't there anything else here???

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