The heroine, a discerning look upon her face. Terra

Full Name: Terra Branford
Birthplace: Esperville
Approx. Age: 18 (that's what everyone says)
Ability: Morph
Occupation: Imperial soldier/slave
Class: Knight/Wizard (?)
Joined Returners: To learn of her own abilities and get even with the Empire.
A Brief History: The first of her kind in recorded history, Terra was born the daughter of an esper (Maduin) and a human (Madonna, named appropriately enough). She was abducted by Emperor Gestahl at the age of two during an Imperil raid on Esperville. Gestahl saw her potential and immediately enrolled her in the Imperial military academy so that her powers might be put to their full use. She eventually began to show proficiency at magic without the Magitek infusions given to other Imperial soldiers to learn spells, and was soon enslaved by Kefka to be used as a living weapon of mass destruction. While on a mission to recover the esper Tritoch in Narshe, she lost contact with the Empire and slowly began to realize (thanks to the help of Locke and the Returners) that she had been used all along. She joined the fight to get even, and to learn about her true nature, including her capacity for human emotion.
Strange little secrets: In Japan, her first name is Tina. Also, if you advance her level high enough, she will learn on her own several powerful spells such as Pearl, Fire 3, Break, Life, Life 2, Merton, Quarter, and even Ultima!
My favorite weapon for her: Atma Weapon. Seeing her in her "Morph" form wielding this huge blade of energy is incredibly cool.
Memorable Quote: "Finally... I understand that feeling... Even though I kept it buried for so long."