Thoughts    arrive    like    butterflies...

As I Sit Here...

TITANIC:    The    Lives,    The    Love,    The    Hype

I have had the pleasure of seeing Titanic and Good Will Hunting. Both honest, moving films...but one hyped and one only moderately advertised. When I turn on the TV to see the top 10 videos, I only need to stay and see the first 9. When I open Entertainment Weekly, I only need to scan 19 of the 20 movies. Why is this? Because of hype. Don't get me wrong, Titanic is great; I saw it twice and enjoyed it both times. But I am getting caught in this so-called "Titanic Backlash". Maybe I'm some sort of nonconformist, but I am frankly sick of hearing about it and would not be the least bit upset if it was pulled out of theaters tomorrow and never seen again. Well, I would feel bad for James Cameron and the people who gave their lives to this movie so it could become what it is today.

Good Will Hunting. I've seen it, have you? The emotions are raw and powerful, the storyline not cliché, and the characters are people we can almost relate to. Though I did not break down and cry at this movie, I was more affected by it and the struggles of Will Hunting and those around him than I was by Jack and Rose. I am a romantic at heart, so it's not that I felt that Titanic was "too gooshy" or "sappy", I just don't enjoy the hype.

Will I watch the Oscars this year? That remains to be seen. I already avoided the Grammys because I just wasn't interested (though I did watch a tape of them last night to see Fleetwood Mac's performance). I know what the outcomes will be and the excitement of days past are gone. I am rooting for the underdog, which happens to be all the nominees that don't include a sinking ship, but I am nhot counting on a big Oscar upset. Last year I was laughing in Jerry Maguire's face everytime The English Patient (great movie) won another Oscar. This year, I will probably be checking out what the other stations have to offer and working on my websites. So enjoy your victory, Titanic fans. I congratulate you on picking a winner.

Go ahead flame me if you must...I'm just expressing an opinion. To each his own...