
in memory of bradley james nowell
born: 2.22.68 died: 5.25.96

This is an email i recieved, I did not write the letter, I just thought it was important to pass on. I do not know the originator of it and the below-mentioned hyperlink was already gone by the time I got it. If you're interested, your support would be appreciated. If not, just hit your back button and don't worry about it :). ~Flann

Hey, I am a very loyal sublime fan. I was crushed like all fans of Sublime when i heard the news of his death. Recently i was pondering a way to remember Brad and his music. I thought that if we could place the video "What I Got" on the number one spot on MTV's Total Request Live on May 25th 1999. First of all for those of you who do not know.....Who was Brad?: "What can I possibly say about Brad, except that noone can replace him? Alot of people have been telling me that if Brad did not do drugs, he wouldn't have made the songs we love today. Maybe thats true, we'll never know, because hes dead. And the reason he's dead? Heroin. So you want to know why I'm against heroin? Because heroin kills. The fact of the matter is that if Brad hadn't done heroin, he would still be alive with us today. And I'm almost positive that his career would've taken off even if he hadn't done drugs, because Brad was exposed to music from the start, and music brings out the best in people."-(i could not find the author of this but i would jsut like them to have credit so here is a hyper link **********here was a hyper link to your site*********** On the morning of May 25th, 1996, Bradley Nowell woke up at 6:30 a.m. Staying at a San Francisco hotel, sublime was scheduled to play later that night. Brad had been free of his addiction to heroin for two months now, and he was heard talking to a friend about how his next hit would be his last. Brad took a walk on the beach with his dog, Lou, and tried unsucessfully to get Eric to go. Later that morning, Brad shot up with some heroin that was much stronger than the black mexican tar he was used to, and went into an overdose. Bud found him later that morning lying on his bed after a walk with Lou. PLEASE: All sublime fans and even if you just like one of Sublime's songs, vote for "What I Got" on May 25th 1999 please. This is too honor his life and his music.

~we miss you~
~2.22.68 - 5.25.96~

~troy and jakob, always in our thoughts.~

please donate to the
Jakob James Nowell Trust Fund
275 Redondo Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90803

//this page dedicated to troy, jakob, lou dog, eric (bass, standup, SH-101), and bud (drums, TD-7).//

special thanks to Nick's Unofficial Official Sublime Page