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"Morning Prayer"
Lord, in the quiet of this morning hour
I come to Thee for peace, wisdom and power.
To view the world today through love-filled eyes,
To be patient, understanding, gentle, and wise.
To see beyond what seems to be and know
Thy children as You know them, and so
Nothing but the good in anyone behold.
Make deaf my ears to slander that is told;
Silence my tongue to all that is unkind;
Let only thoughts that bless dwell in my mind.
Let me so kindly be, so full of cheer that all
I meet may feel Thy presence near.
Oh, clothe me in Thy beauty, this I pray.
Let me reveal Thee, Lord, through all the day.
written by: Ruth Munson

painting by: Bryan Adrian Elkins
LaPorte, Indiana

We do not know what we ought to pray for,
but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us
with groans that words cannot express.
[Romans 8:26]

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