I have wonderful friends, and they entirely deserve a little spot on my webpage.


We call Katie many nicknames, among them Katta, Katabatchi, KT and others. She and I have known each other since 3rd grade. Katie's birthday is August 26, 1986. She is an exceptional artist, a fabulous listener, and a great judge of character. Katta has been my accomplice on many a daring adventure and scheme! She is one of those people who, once you meet them, you just think "that is what a best friend should be!" To learn more about Katie, visit For Katie


I often call Nikki Nikifred because she, along with Katie and I, invented a really funny example of "theater of the absurd" in which she plays a quizical dead fish named Phred. I am Eliza, the peasant, and Katie is Kara, Phred's sidekick. Together we produce quite a comical sketch! Nikki is Backstreet Boys Crazy and was born on July 3, 1986. She, Katie, and I have been in the same class since 3rd, but I knew Nikki a little before that.:).


I was just recently blessed with meeting 9-year-old Amy about 2 years ago at one of Katie's parties. She and Katta are sisters. Amy is quite sincerely one of my best friends who shares with Katie and me a love of the Spice Girls and fun. Energetic and bubbly, Amy makes a perfect companion for whatever I happen to be getting myself into at the moment!

Visit Friends Are The Chocolate Chips In The Cookie of Life. A very inspiring page about a girl's Best Friend.

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