Franklin R. Jones AWS DF (4.4 Kbytes)   Franklin R. Jones

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Professional Art Instruction Video
Acrylic Painting

Beginners & pros alike will enjoy this film by Franklin R. Jones AWS D.F.

Franklin is a professional artist - a Gold Medal of Honor member/American Watercolor Society/Dolphin Fellowship. He was an instructor at the Famous Artists School, has run numerous seminars around the country, and has written several instructional books on painting.

Franklin's video follows the development of his winter landscape, Tobin Place, an acrylic painting awarded "Best In Show" last year at the Classic Arts of Connecticut show (pictured below). The video features Franklin getting started outdoors, on-site with the subject, and then follows the completion of the work back in the studio.

This video can be purchased for US $35, which includes free shipping anywhere in the United States (all other locations will pay an additional shipping cost).

Click here to purchase the video

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