Power of Prayer

Prayer can be defined as a cry of the soul to a power greater than itself for comfort and relief. It is an invocation to God; a supplication for divine aid.
There is nothing we can accomplish without the help and support of our Beloved Creator. God in his infinite wisdom knows what is best for each and every person. Our Lord grants us what we need at the proper time and place, no prayer is ever lost in vain.
True prayer is the essence of spirituality; it brings about an inner peace, a sense of completeness. The power of prayer is a panacea to comfort the tortured souls of those who feel the pangs of separation from the presence of the divine.
Our Beloved Creator, being infallibly perfect, has no need of our prayers; yet prayer allows us the opportunity to commune with the Source of All Joy, the Fountainhead of existence. Therefore prayer is essential for anyone striving toward God-realization.

Prayers for Enlightenment

Intent: Renewal of Life

Omnipotent God, thou who governs the immensity of worlds which have come forth from thee. Thou verily art the eternal new born child and yet the Ancient of Days! Thou has veiled thy glory in the garment of time and the cloak of space. Thou will transform all things so that they might return to thee and thine timeless essence. We dedicate our lives to thee and resolve to live so throughout this year, that thy glory might fill the earth as the waters cover the sea.           Amen.

Intent: Seeking the Light

Thou Heart of Silence, the Hidden Mystery, the Inner God we adore thee, seated within the shrine of our hearts. We greet thee God Almighty, Creator of All Beings, with praise and thanksgiving; we adore the souls that come forth from thee, that share in thy being. Thou Silent One who Speaks, the Unknown Hidden One, we worship thee in greeting each God-soul that lives among us.           Amen.

Intent: Divine Guidance

Holy Father of Light, Thou Shinning Star of Wisdom, we ask for guidance in the pursuit of truth. Thou Divine Light, we beseech thee, bestow upon your devotees the ever comforting blessing of your Holy Grace. We sing praises and adoration to your name now and forever more.           Amen.

Intent: Sincerity

Indwelling Lord, who art ever opposed to injustice and hypocrisy, we pray that we may be just and true of heart in all our dealings with our brethren; that we may recognize thy indwelling presence and Holy Light within. O Thou who art void of fault, Great Lord of Righteousness, we praise thy name forever and ever.           Amen.

Intent: Enlightenment

Father of Light, Holy and Ineffable, Thou who art the Font of All Compassion embodied in the Universe, yet who transcends all embodiment. I pray that my eyes be opened that I may recognize the bounty of blessings that have been bestowed upon me. Great Spirit of Life, save me from the Darkness and Chaos. I pray that my spirit may attain the true wealth of Gnosis. O Benevolent Spirit of Light and Love, restore the memory of my True Home above the shadows of this world. Guide my steps that I may return to the Ineffable Light and the Kingdom of Life Everlasting.           Amen.

