Frequently Asked Questions

When was the Society founded?   The Society of the Rose and Cross was officially founded on January 1, 1995 during a Sacred Liturgy of the Eucharist. The Society developed over a number of years from the Hermetic Research Society.

Is the Society a Rosicrucian Order?   No, we do not claim direct descent from traditional Rosicrucian sources. The Society does however work under the protective influence of an ancient egregore established by the original Brotherhood. The Society has adopted the spiritual principles followed by Brothers of the Rosy Cross.

What is an Egregore?   An egregore is the astral consciousness of a group. A psychic and astral entity is formed when individuals work together on common goals; as an astral enitity the egregore takes on a life of its own. A strong egregore can survive after the demise of its original founders.

What teachings does the Society offer?   We teach esoteric and mystical disciplines designed to awaken inner growth. Our practices include: Prayer, Meditation, Visualization Techniques and a Vegetarian diet.

How many locations does the Society have?   We currently have two locations from which we disseminate our teachings.