My   Personal   Wiccan   Altar

This is my altar. Whomever enters is completly welcome. Soon I will have planty of things to do here including: links, rituals, reminders, local get together post-ups, pictures, and animations for your web page and plenty of "downloadables". This is intented as a way for the outside world to be connected with this religion and I hope that you will find it an entertaining information source aswell as a mecca.

your soul has been revised times

"And it harm none, do what thee will"

peek a boo I love anime! THE CRAFT: this is a site I have found that covers just about everything having to do with pagans
Pentagram: It's the pagan superstore!
Freyja's spot: A place for you to come and worship her
*GlitterFaeries*: a page dedicated to my friends the fae, with links and pictures!
Kalaah's attic: a cute little site, direct, informative, a must for the curious
The Sabbats: Information on each of the sabbats as well as rituals
protect us mighty dragon

Hmmmm......what to pick?

My Home Page:
I'm ready for my close up now, mr. Devile