Brian Facts and Info

Full Name:  Brian Thomas Littrell

Nicknames:  Frick, Mr. Seaver, B-Rok, Mr. Joker

Birthdate:  February 20, 1975 at 1:37 am

Birthplace:  Lexington, KY

Now Lives:  Orlando, Fl

Weight:  145 lbs.

Height:  5'8"

Hair Color:  Dirty blonde, reddish-blonde

Eye Color:  Blue

Fear:  Heights

Bad habit:  Biting his nails

Hobbies:  Swimming, basketball, Nintendo

Favorite Color:  Blue

Favorite Food:  Mac and Cheese, Cinnomin Buns, Cheese pizza

Favorite Actress and Actors:  Tom Hands, Jim Carrey, Sandra Bullock, Pamela Anderson Lee

Favorite Ice Cream:  Vanilla w/ chocolate chips on top

Favorite Drinks:  Iced Tea, Ginger Ale

Parents:  Harold and Jackie Littrell

Siblings:  Harold III

Car:  Green Jeep

Getaway Place:  Home

Favorite TV Show:  Friends, and Fresh Prince of Bel Air

Favorite Singers:  Babyface and Luther Vandross

Favorite Group:  Boyz II Men, and Jodeci

What he looks for in a girl:  Long blonde or light brown hair, georgous eyes, long nails, nice legs, lots of energy, athletic, sense-of-humor, intelligent, goals for herself.

Astrological Sign:  Aquarius

Chinese Zodiac:  Rabbit

Brian had a serious heart defect when he was younger.  They didn't know about it until when he was five and his heart stopped for 30 seconds!  But a miracle occured and he survived.  Thank the Lord!

Brian and fellow BSB member Kevin are cousins.

Brian has a car named Missy.

Brian never goes anywhere without his basketball.

Brian and Nick call each other Frick and Frack (hence the name for our page).  Howie named them that b/c he says when they're together, they're a double act.

They also call Brian B-Rok, b/c he rocks on the b-ball court.

Brian loves gushy movies.  His faves are "Sleepless in Seattle" and "While You Were Sleeping".

Brian loves to watch ESPN

Brian's most likely to go to church on Sunday.

He can be shy when he first meets people.  He was voted shyest BSB by the rest of the group.

He hates shopping for pants with his mom.

When they're on the road Brian and Nick always steal all the chips and chocolate bars.

He thinks it's sexy when girls kiss his neck and wear his clothing.

He wants a girls that can treat him normal, and not live their life around him.

He says he's an old-fashioned guy.

Brian has never drank a beer in his life.  B/c he thinks it's unhealthy and there's no point to it.

Brian's best friend is fellow BSB member Nick Carter.

Brian's a bad loser if he loses to Nick on Nintendo.

Brian recently bought his mom a grand piano, and his brother a new car.

Brian hopes that one day he will have 2-4 children with his wife.

Brian had a full ride scholarship to a school in Ohio, majoring in music.

The songs he's most proud of are:  "Quit Playing Games With My Heart" and "I'll Never Break Your Heart"

He's Baptist

When he was younger he sand in his church of 3,000 people.

His family is very religious.

He collects tennis shoes

His first car was a yellow orange Nissan pickup, that his friends nicknamed "The Bleeding Banana".

His most prized possession is a king size waterbed he bought for $50.  "It was practically brand new." He says.

He lifts weights

He sings saprano and bass

He says that prettiest thing about a girl is her eyes.

He likes to read.

He likes to wear white jeans, t-shirts, and tennis shoes.

His worst habit is biting his nails.

He says that people would be surprised to find out that he's just a normal guy.

Brian's necklace cost him $2,000!!

He can't leave home without his bible.  He reads it everyday.

His favorite verse in the bible is Philippians 4:13

He likes girls w/ long hair.

He calls his niece "fart".

Brian sleeps in the front of their tour bus.

Brian likes their private chauffer because he stops at all the McDonald's that the guys tell him to.

He once knocked Howie off the stage.

He dies his hair reddish-blonde.

He wasn't popular in school.