
BSB have postponed their first two shows due to the hurricane that is scheduled to hit South Florida. They have been rescheduled for December 5th and 6th.

The BSB's new video "Larger Than Life" premiered on TRL today, I hope you all got a chance to check it out...it's awesome! Make it #1 vote for it at MTV.com.


BSB have announced their North American Tour Dates. Click here to find them in a city near you!. They have also left space open to possibly add more dates as the tour moves along. The ticket range in price from $28.50 to $38.50!


The BSB's Christmas album is due out in October. Read Nick's chat here.

7-24-99 BSB keyboardist, Tommy Smith, has announced that the BSB's next single will be "Larger Than Life". They're currently talking to video producers at the moment. No release date has been set, but he said they will most likely tape the video in late August.

7-7-99 The Backstreet Boys recently shot a commercial for department store giants Sears (US). The commercial first shows the BSB trying to film a music video. Then they are spotted by lots of screaming fans and they have to run for their lifes.... Trying to escape their fans the boys try on disguises, run through back alleys and kitchens...... And they end up in a Sears shop where the boys forget all about their screaming fans and take some time to go shopping. The commercial ends with a shot of the boys walking out of the shop with lots of bags! I can't wait to see it!!!

6-28-99 Nick has gotten a tattoo!! Go here to see some pics of it!

6-22-99 There have been a lot of rumors going around that Brian's heart is bad again. THESE ARE NOT TRUE!! Brian is perfectly healthy and still on tour with them. I heard one rumor that some of the BSB's concerts were postponed and Brian was sent back to Lexington, KY and St. Joseph's Hospital. The rumor may have been started by Florida radio station WYPO, that said it was unoffical that Brian would be having more surgery after their Eurpopean tour was over in August. But be assured, Brian is perfectly heathly!!

On a lighter note, BSB's Eurpoean tour is going great. They've added two more shows in Rotterdam July 26th and 27th. The show contains 18 songs, including all of the songs off of Millennium except "I Need You Tonight" and "Spanish Eyes". Plus old faves such as AIHTG, INBYH, ALAYLM, "We've Got It Goin' On", "Let's Have A Party", "Everybody", "That's the Way I Like it", and "Get Down".

5-27-99 YEAH!!! Go BSB, and their fans!! They got the record of most CDS sold in their debut week! They sold 1,133,505 (#-??) beating Garth Brooks' record for his Double Live CD that came out in November!

5-25-99 Sorry I haven't had that many news updates for awhile, but I've been sooo busy trying to finish school, Nicole and I both graduate on May 30th!!!

I hope you all went out and bought their new album on Tuesday. I went at lunchtime, out local Wal-Mart had it there on Monday, but I didn't know that until Tuesday!! The album sold 500,00 in one day in the US!!!! And it went Platinum on the first day in Canada!! Yes, go BSB fans!! They had a tenative US tour schedule out, check out my Schedule Page to find the show near you!

5-5-99 The Boys are on the cover of Rolling Stones Magaizne, go check it out. Or go read

the article and see the pics on Backstreet.Net webpage.

5-2-99 WOW, it's been FOREVER since I last updated, but my computer was messed up and it wouldn't let me on to TRIPOD to edit my page!!!

SO much has happened since then, I will try to think of it all!!

The Boys released their new single "I Want It That Way" on April 12th, since then it has soared on the charts.

The Boys will be making the many appearances to promote their new album "Millennim" in mid May check the Schedule page to see where they'll be.


The BSB performed with Shania Twain last night on Shania's Spring Break special. They sang their recent hit "All I Have To Give" and they also sang "From This Moment" with Shania.


Did ya'll see the Grammy's last night? The BSB didn't win, but that's ok, because we still love them, right guys? The presented the award for best country album, which the Dixie Chicks won by the way. Did you see Nick try and shake on of their hands as they walked by, and she didn't shake his back, so AJ and Nick did this weird little hand thing.


I read today that Brian will be in Lexington, KY recording the choir on March first with keyboardist Tommy Smith. And then in Detroit on the second, recording the orchestra for their upcoming Millennium Album.


The Backstreet Boys' Millennium Album, their second, is due out in stores on May 18th, I can't wait! There are hidden tracks on their "All I Have To Give Single" of "Show Me The Meaing Of Being Lonely and Nick's solo "Heaven" there is also one other one, which is not coming to my mind at this moment.

I read on the BSB Band webapge that they are going to be doing something special to promote their upcoming album!

The Backstreet Boys have put off their second world tour in order to promote their impending album. The tour which was originally scheduled to start on April 11th, will now start on June 2nd.