Marine Mammals Summer 1999
Welcome to the world of Marine mammals!!
your picture here
Summer mischief!
What went on you ask??
This past summer, I completed two courses at The Huntsman's Marine Science center in St. Andrew's, New Brunswick. These are just a few of the pics taken on the second course. It was three weeks of 'intense' work (can't you tell from all the pics of people sleeping??). No seriously, it was tough but we had a blast too. Especially at our 'meeting.' This is what Catherine (our prof) called our planned party. We saw a lot of marine life (mainly North Atlantic Right Whales *S*) including Fin, Minke, and Right whales, Harbour Porpoises, Grey/ Harbour Seals, various seabirds and LOTS OF PLANKTON!!! HAHAHAHA. Anyhoo, we soaked up lots of sun (mainly me cause almost everyone else was dressed like Eskimoes!). Sheesh, it's summer-- who wears layers in 27 degree weather?? We also caught up on our sleep during the 'down' time on the boat. Although those tires are not the best for using as pillows. Owie!! Can you believe it?? I miss going to the TIDAL POOL *shivers*! Man, what happened to the free pool on Sundays! Or going to the Market Square Grill on Thursdays to see Homemade Bread play! (It's a band people!-- mainly Newf's like me). If I get a chance I'll add a few more from this course. Until then.... Ciao!

Oh, go back to my main page and sign my guestbook!!! ;)

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