The Pond Chat

      Ribbit!! Welcome to The Pond Chat

      A couple things you need to know:
           1. You need a Java enabled browser to chat here.
           2. To send private messages, highlight the name of the person, 
              and continue chatting. The highlighted person will be the
              only one who can see your words (font color will change)
              To resume talking to everyone, highlight ALL PARTICIPANTS

      A few rules I ask you to follow:
           1. Be nice!!!  we are all here to have fun!
           2. HAVE FUN!!!  8)

      Let me know if you have any problems with this chat program
      or if you want the html for this chat... you could add a
      channel on your site very easily!!!  And we can room hop!!

       (scroll down until entire chat area is in your browser)

You need a java capable browser to chat.

Make sure to log out before you leave this page!!

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Goto Fast Chat