
Muster Rolls

Company C - The Walker Independents
(Originally Co. C, 4th GA Battalion)

Officers and NCOs at Organization

Wardlaw, James Clayton - Captain September 19, 1861.  Resigned October 7, 1862.  Union records
		show he took oath of allegiance to U.S. Government at Chattanooga, Tennessee
		March 15, 1864.  Pension records show he contrated rheumatism in 1862, was
		discharged and sent home.

Russell, Milton - 1st Lieutenant September 19, 1861.  Elected Captain October 17, 1862. Wounded
		in right arm, necessitation amputation, and captured at Winchester, 	
		Virginia September 19, 1864.  Released at Fort Delaware June 14, 1865.

Napier, E. - 2nd Lieutenant September 19, 1861. Elected 1st Lieutenant October 17, 1862.  	
		Wounded September 1864.  Roll dated Hdqrs. 60th Regt. Ga. Inf. March 29, 1865
		shows him present.

Myers, D. E. (or C.) - Jr. 2nd Lieutenant September 19, 1861.  Wounded at Sharpsburg, Maryland
		September 17, 1862.  Died of wounds October 19, 1862.

McWhorter, H. H. - 1st Sergeant September 19, 1861.  Killed at Sharpsburg, Maryland September,

Blackwell, A. J. - 2nd Sergeant September 19, 1861.  died December 31, 1861.

Hall, D. E. - 3rd Sergeant September 19, 1861.  Wounded at Manassas, Virginia August 28, 1862. 
		Died from wounds September 14, 1862.

Maddox, H. A. - 4th Sergeant September 19, 1861.  Wounded at 2nd Manassas, Virginia August 28,
		1862.  Appointed 3rd Sergeant October 1862; 2nd Sergeant in 1863.  Elected Jr.
		2nd Lieutenant June 1, 1863.  Wounded at Spotsylvania, Virginia May 12, 1864.
		Died from wounds May 25, 1864.

Foster, Willliam Alexander - 5th Sergeant September 19, 1861.  Wounded in right leg at 2nd
		Manassas, Virginia August 28, 1862.  Appointed 4th Sergeant October 1862. 
		Elected Jr 2nd Lieutenant December 5, 1862. Resigned, disability, June 1, 1863.

Carroll, G. B. - 1st Corporal September 19, 1861.  Wounded at 2nd Manassas, Virginia August 28,
		1862.  Killed at Spotsylvania, Virginia May 12, 1864.

Taylor, C. W., Jr. - 2nd Corporal September 19, 1861.  Appointed Color Bearer October 1861. 
		Wounded and captured at Fredericksburg, Virginia December 13, 1862.  Died at
		Washington, D.C. December 28, 1862.  Buried at Arlington, Virginia.

Jones, W. R. - 3rd Corporal September 19, 1861.  Died of disease in service.

Blackwell, James W. - 4th Corporal September 19, 1861.  Elected 2nd Lieutenant October 1862. 
		Reduced to 3rd Corporal January 1863. Appointed 5th Sergeant June 1863. Killed
		at Spotsylvania, Virginia May 12, 1864.

Taylor J. D. - Musician September 19, 1861.  Appointed Regimental Drum Major September 1861.

Privates at Organization (individual details coming soon)
Alexander, Henry N. 
Alexander, J. A.
Alexander, J. F. 
Alexander, W. N.
Allen, C. P.
Arnold, Jacob
Arnold, James
Atkins, J. C. - appointed Sergeant
Atkins, J. E.
Atkins, W. J.
Atwood, John
Bailey, W. B.
Bird, Jacob Henning
Bird, James (or Jacob) Newton
Bird, P. J.
Bird, William B.
Brewer, G. W.
Brookout, J. C.
Butler, William
Butts, William
Calhoun, R. G.
Carroll, H. H.
Carson (or Cason), Andres - Elected 2nd Lieutenant December 5, 1862
Caudell, M.
Caudell, S.
Chastain, Jefferson N.
Collins, G. B.
Collins, W. P.
Cooper, J. M.
Cooper, Robert
Cooper, T. A.
Cordell (or Caudell), Ezekiel C. 
Crutchfield, James Henry
Day, James
Day, J. B.
Day, T. M.
Dedmond, J. T.
Denton, J. A.
Dunn, William Franklin
Edge, Johm
Edge, R. D.
Edwards, Cephus M.
Ellis, Cyrus H. - appointed courier on General Evans’ Staff; Chaplain
Ellis, G. W. - appointed 3rd Corporal
Ellis, R. A. - appointed Chaplain of the 13th Georgia Regiment June 8, 1863
Fainsworth - see Farnsworth
Farnsworth, G. W. 
Farnsworth, J. W.
Farnsworth, L. R. (or R. L.)
Fletcher, L. R.
Gaunt ( or Gant), J. S.
Gilliam, James M.
Gilliam, J. H.
Gilliam, M. A.
Gillian - see Gilliam
Gray, William R.
Haish, M.
Hall, David Samuel
Hall, G. H.
Hall, G. W.
Hall, J. A.
Hall, James E.
Hall Joseph M. - appointed 5th Sergeant Janurary 1863; 4th Sergeant June 1, 1863
Hall, S. M.
Hall, W. A.
Hall, W. S.
Harris, M. C.
Hendon, J. A.
Hendon, L. M.
Hendon, T. B. - appointed 2nd Corporal June 1863
Howell, Thomas G.
Ireland, William
Jackson, D. C.
Jackson, Edward
Jackson, Thomas N.
Jay James
Jay, John C.
Jay, William
Jones, H. H.
Keown, N. A.
Kirkes ( or Kircus), J. W. 
Lambert, Daniel
Lambert, John
Lanier, R. M.
Lansford, J. E.
Lively, Augustus
Lowry, V. S.
Mack, John W.
Maddox, W. P.
McClure, S. D.
McClure, W. C.
McClure, W. J.
McCurdy, William
McCutchen, A. R.
McCutchen, J. W.
McDaniel, T. C.
McDonald, J. C. - appointed 4th Corporal August 1863
McKinney, A. E. - appointed 4th Sergeant January 1863; 3rd Sergeant June 1863
McWhorter, I. M.
McWhorter, L. R. - appointed 2nd Sergeant February 1862
McWhorter, W. D.
McWhorter, W. F.
Moore, N. W.
Murray, Abner D. - appointed assistant commissary Sergeant October 6, 1862
Myers, E. J.
Myers, G. B.
Partain ( or Porter), John
Payne, W. R.
Pendley, A. F.
Pendley, A. P.
Pendley, B. F.
Pendley, B. M.
Pendley, S. S.
Poe, T. C.
Rutherford, John
Rutledge, J. ( or I.) H.
Rutledge, T. J. 
Rutledge, W. H.
Self, J. A.
Smith, J. H.
Spraggins, William
Strickland, W. C.
Surratt, H. A.
Swift, J. A.
Taylor, C. W., Sr.
Taylor, John
Terrell, Edward
Thomas, Daniel
Thurman, B. F.
Tipton, C. C.
Tipton, G. W. - appointed 1st Sergeant
Tucker, William H.
Wall, William F. (or T.)
Ward, Eliza Alonzo
Wardlaw, John F. - appointed 3rd Corporal August 1862
Welden, W. M.
Williams, John A. F.
Williams, H. H. - appointed 3rd Corporal August 1862; 3rd Sergeant November 1, 1862; 1st
		Sergeant June 4, 1863 
Williams J. N.
Williams, William R.
Wilson, George R.
Wilson, H. H.
Wilson, J. L.
Wilson, W. W.