Subtle Ways by Mary Knasinski ( A sequel to "Distant Deeps" DS9 alternate universe, G/B [R] DISCLAIMER: Star Trek, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and the characters created within are property of Paramount. However the story and those parts not used by Paramount are COPYRIGHT 1996 by Mary Knasinski. SUMMARY: In the mirror universe, First Officer Elim Garak has become a prisoner of the Terran rebels; Captain Julian Bashir takes it upon himself to try to win Garak over to their cause. NOTE: This is a continuation of my alternate resolution to the fourth season DS9 episode "Shattered Mirror," called "Distant Deeps." This story is rated R, but be warned that it contains profanity and several m/m sexual situations. NOTE: Thank you, Andrea Evans, for suggesting the ending to this story. "If the red slayer think he slays, Or if the slain think he is slain, They know not well the subtle ways I keep, and pass, and turn again." Ralph Waldo Emerson, 'Brahma,' 1857 Captain Julian Bashir approached the bunk in First Officer Garak's cell on Terok Nor; as he did so, Garak stood up and advanced on him till both men were standing almost eye to eye. "What do you want with me, 'Captain'? Why am I here?" I want YOU, Bashir thought miserably. But I can't have you, not like this, not like a Klingon. You have to want me too. He answered, almost inaudibly, "I wanted to help you. I couldn't let them keep you there. And besides... I thought that you might agree to join us someday." "Join you? In what?" Garak smiled, but his voice held more than a trace of annoyance. "In the Rebellion," Bashir faltered, and licked his own dry lips. Garak stared at him, dumbfounded. "Do you mean to say that I, a Cardassian, am supposed to join you in a Terran rebellion against Cardassia?" He began to laugh. "You may want to return me to the Regent's ship, Captain." "Not against Cardassia - against the Alliance. Against oppression. Against slavery." Please listen to me, Garak, he pleaded silently. Don't cut me off like this. We have a link. I was willing to sacrifice myself for you - give me some way to get through to you. Garak stood motionless. His lips had begun to form a cruel reply, but in his eyes Bashir thought he detected a different answer, buried far inside his soul. He gasped. Was he only imagining it? Why had he never seen it? Why had he refused to see it? 'He could be ours - and now we've got him. Now I'VE got him.' He stepped closer to Garak, reached up, and wrapped both arms around his neck. ----- Garak instinctively brought his hands up, throwing Bashir off balance. "Just - what - do you think you're doing, Captain?" he hissed. "I was... ah..." Bashir faltered, a flush creeping up into his face. "Oh yes, I see." Garak inclined his head slightly and glared at Bashir, a small smile playing around his lips. "You wanted your turn with me too now, is that it? Now that YOU'VE become my guard, that is. You wanted to see what your Cardassian prisoner has to offer you." "Garak, I-" "No need to explain, really, Captain," he spat. "This game is played the same way all over the galaxy. Now - shall we retire to the bed, or shall I bend over for you right here?" Bashir fumed. "You are without a doubt the most arrogant, unreasonable, pigheaded son of a bitch I have ever had the misfortune to deal with." "And I suppose you're going to teach me to behave?" He smiled maliciously. "The great Captain Bashir - how did you put it that day? - able to bend even the revered First Officer Garak to his wishes. Tell me, am I still a 'Cardassian whore'? Is that why you're here? If so - I'm rather expensive, Captain." Bashir blinked. "Garak, I said those things before-" "Before what?" "BEFORE I knew you. Before I changed my mind about you." "I am truly grateful for your good opinion of me, Captain. However, if there's nothing further, perhaps you'll allow me to enjoy my breakfast in peace." Bashir stared at him helplessly, nearly trembling with suppressed anger and frustration. He had tried - he felt he had practically opened his heart to the Cardassian, in the hope of receiving - what? An embrace? A word or two of kindness? A kiss, even? Well, it appeared that he had tragically misjudged the situation, wasted his time, and made a fool of himself in front of Garak. He swallowed hard. Garak's physical presence this close to him wasn't making things any easier; Bashir had always been unnerved by it, and lately his own body was even beginning to react to it in a somewhat embarrassing fashion. He cleared his throat. Garak had already turned away and was pulling a chair up to the small table on which rested his breakfast tray. Bashir watched him pick gingerly at the Terran food with his spoon, then hesitantly raise a small mound of oatmeal to his lips. Gul Elim Garak, eating oatmeal - Bashir watched for a moment more, then stalked over to the table and leaned down, resting his hands on the edge. "Damn you, Garak-" he snarled, "I didn't come here for this." He grabbed Garak hard around the back of the neck, drew himself closer, and kissed him. Garak, whether from shock or surprise, remained unresponsive but didn't attempt to pull away. Bashir unsuccessfully tried to part Garak's lips, then gave up and contented himself with licking the traces of milk and oatmeal off of Garak's mouth as he stared back at him, wide-eyed. The moment didn't last long, however; Garak angrily pushed him away and began to wipe his lips with the back of his hand. Bashir reached the door and had already let himself out through the force field before Garak was able to climb out from behind the table. He screamed after him, but Bashir was already at the entrance of the brig, running almost headlong into Jadzia Dax. "How is he?" "How is who?" he asked breathlessly. "Garak, of course!" she laughed, amused. "I thought you were delivering his breakfast." "Oh - oh yes, that. He's fine - I left him eating oatmeal." He gave a small laugh and stalked off down the corridor, Dax looking merrily after him. Well, she didn't see anything - she COULDN'T have seen anything, the cell entrance itself was not visible from the brig entrance... was it? Bashir felt too unsettled to care. All that day, he helped with what could euphemistically be termed "administrative assistant" duties, handing Miles O'Brien whatever tools he needed while he worked to disable as many of the station's Alliance security codes as possible. His duties took him all around the station, including the promenade and the area near the security offices, but he took care to stay as far away from the brig as he could manage. Captain Miles O'Brien was now the new leader of the Terran rebellion since Ben Sisko's death, and Bashir found him intelligent and generally very pleasant to work for; today, however, O'Brien was getting on his nerves. The feeling worsened as the day continued. "Look at me," he thought, "a captain in the rebellion, an example to all the other fighters, and what the hell am I doing? I'm handing out tools, bringing water, and generally tidying up the place. I ought to put on an apron. Smiley's probably thrilled to have me as his goddamned servant." "Bashir, would you mind getting me a -" "As the saying goes, what's the matter - do you have two broken arms?" "You know, this work would go a lot faster with your full cooperation. I can't do it all myself. I thought you were willing to help me." His Irish brogue became a little thicker as his temper flared. "I'm tired of being your errand boy, Captain. Get someone else to do it. There must be a FEW people here who aren't 'captains.'" "Not many," O'Brien said, ruefully. "Unfortunately. So that means that all of us 'captains' have to do whatever work needs to be done, all right? ALL RIGHT?" He gestured toward the toolbox. "No, sorry, it's NOT all right. I told you, get someone else to do it." "Gladly. You're relieved, Bashir." "What - just like that?" he sneered. "Just like that. I suggest you go cool off in your quarters. Or better yet, go visit your Cardassian friend - you wanted him so badly, well, here he is. Dax could use the help. You demanded we take him with us, then you leave him in her care for almost a week." Bashir was already walking away. Yes, he WOULD pay a little visit to his Cardassian "friend." In his present mood, not even Garak could intimidate him - at least, he didn't think so. Maybe he could work off a little of his frustration, screaming insults at his helpless prisoner. Better yet, maybe he could begin to work on turning Gul Garak into the new errand boy of Terok Nor. Maybe Garak would be glad of the chance to get out of that cell, at least. And it would certainly be worth a laugh. He stopped by the worker cafeteria and chose a particularly unappetizing dinner for Garak, consisting mostly of vegetables and fruit that the meat-loving Cardassian would most certainly not appreciate. Then he stalked angrily down the hall to the brig. Dax was gone, but two other Terrans were there, deep in conversation. Bashir didn't even nod to them as he carried his tray past them and entered the cell. Garak was lying on the bed with his knees drawn up and his eyes closed, although he didn't appear to be sleeping. He slowly opened his eyes and glanced over at Bashir, who had unceremoniously slammed the food down onto the table. "Would you please be a little more quiet? I'm resting." "Sorry, Garak," Bashir spat, then proceeded to pull him up by one arm, Garak pulling back. "It's supper time - I brought you your meal." "I've already eaten, thank you," he said, irritated. "I was 'fed' an hour ago. You really ought to check with my guards, Captain. And would you mind taking your hands off me?" "I thought you said I was your guard." Bashir released his hold on the arm. "You know, YOU really ought to watch that tongue of yours. I don't think you really have much choice about whether or not I put my 'hands' on you." "I see - no, I don't suppose I do," Garak replied, slowly and deliberately. "So that IS what you want, after all... Well, Captain," he said brightly, "I think I WILL have some more supper. Would you care to join me? You could get yourself a plate, or would you rather just lick the food off of my face?" He tilted his face toward Bashir, who grabbed the plate and threw it at him; Garak caught it and sent it sailing into the force field. Food was spattered everywhere as the two men began to struggle, Bashir lunging at Garak in rage but Garak having the advantage of superior strength. The disturbance brought the two Terran guards running. They burst in, phaser rifles drawn. Garak, noting that both of the rifles were trained on him, sank down, panting, to the floor. Bashir stood over him, his hands balled into fists as the guards watched, expectantly. "It appears our guest, Mr. Garak, is unhappy with the food here. In fact, he's so unhappy that he's begun attacking the people who kindly deliver it to him. Let's see if we can't calm him down a bit." The unreasonableness of his statement seemed to defy logic and grow of its own accord; as Bashir listened to himself speaking, he was struck by the absolutely perfect injustice of his plan. 'I'm going to have you, you arrogant Cardassian bastard, and there's nothing you can do about it.' "Restrain him - stand him up. That should give him a comfortable sleep." The cell was equipped with two different means of restraint; a person's limbs could be bound to the edges of the bed, or to the wall next to the bed. The guards stared, puzzled, at Bashir, then began to hoist Garak up and move him toward the wall. As he started to struggle, one of the guards stepped back and stunned him with the phaser rifle - the setting was only enough to just barely affect him, but it was enough to enable him to be pinned to the wall and securely attached to it. Bashir stood to the side, watching the entire procedure with a smirk on his face. Would O'Brien protest this? Probably not - it wasn't as if Garak was actually being hurt, he just needed Bashir to teach him a lesson. Oh, and what lesson is that? he heard O'Brien asking. Good question... Bashir instructed the guards to withdraw, then observed Garak as he slowly shook off the effects of the phaser blast. He was wearing civilian Cardassian clothing now, a rich gold - very attractive, Bashir reflected despite himself, although it makes him seem a little less menacing than he really is. Bashir could not recall, until now, seeing the First Officer in anything other than his black and gray gul's uniform, with the heavier boots and usually even the chest armor. He'd have to see what he could do about finding another uniform for him. Garak suddenly began to struggle against the bonds. "Release me!" he panted. Bashir sidled up to him and brought his face closer. "No - sorry. You need to be taught the proper way to treat your guards." Garak fumed, blinking rapidly as he continued to struggle, "May I remind you, my dear captain, that you attacked ME?" Bashir placed a hand on Garak's shoulder and stared into his face. "I attacked YOU, a Cardassian gul? I don't think so - I don't think I could last one minute with you. In fact, I'm so frightened that I had to have help in restraining you." He then took hold of the other shoulder and pulled himself up to Garak's chest. "It's just as you said," he breathed. "This is how the game is played." He brought his lips close to Garak's, already anticipating the shower of saliva that sprayed his face and neck. Oh well, Garak owed him that. "That, Mr. Garak, will not make your guards any happier, believe me." He wiped his face on his sleeve. "In fact, that little - surprise - of yours will buy you a little more discomfort than you probably anticipated." "Why don't you go fuck yourself, captain?" he sneered; Bashir was surprised at the Cardassian's use of the Terran expression, but he preserved his composure. "Ah - I'm perfectly willing to perform the activity, but not on myself. Still, I'll have to decide that, or any further punishment, in the morning. Sweet dreams." He trailed his fingers down the front of Garak's tunic, laughing softly as Garak tried to twist away; he let his fingers linger just long enough over Garak's groin to, he calculated, begin the process of natural lubrication. He was already familiar with it from his involuntary contacts with other Cardassian overseers, and grinned happily. Yes, there it was - he could almost feel the warmth through the fabric. The lubrication was the first signal that arousal was beginning, and for a Cardassian, the lack of opportunity to act on it would be - unpleasant. He savored the enraged look on Garak's face, as he swiftly crossed the room and left him alone. What a cure for irritability, captain, Bashir smiled to himself - YOUR irritability, anyway, not his. This type of treatment could go on forever - and the real beauty of it was, Garak didn't actually have to do anything, Bashir could invent any number of infractions on his own, which his cohorts would be only too willing to believe. The arrangement was perfect - he smiled gleefully all the way to his quarters. He was awakened the next morning by the insistent beeping of the communications unit near the bed. "What?" he croaked, blinking sleep out of his eyes. "Julian." It was Dax. "Julian, could you please let me know when you plan to put our prisoner in restraints? We had to stun him again so we could get close enough to release him." "RELEASE him?!" Bashir shouted. "_I_ was supposed to release him!" "Well, you might have TOLD me that. And besides, I don't think O'Brien would approve of it." "FUCK O'Brien." He heard Dax giggle. "I'LL decide what's to be done with my prisoner - just let me handle him, all right?" He flinched inwardly at his poor choice of words. "I won't argue with you. Just what is it he's supposed to have done, anyway? I haven't had any problems with him until you came along. What did you do to set him off?" "I didn't 'set him off,' as you put it," Bashir snarled. "He attacked me when I was bringing him food. Probably thought he could pull something because we were prisoners together." "Well, whatever. I just wish you'd check with me next time. O'Brien put me in charge of station security, remember." "I'll keep that in mind." Bashir angrily switched off the unit. Great - his morning ruined, his beautiful scheme to subdue Garak completely undone. Stupid guards - they should have said something to Dax. Maybe Garak had intimidated them. He sighed loudly and got to his feet. Oh well, best thing to do now would probably be to avoid Garak entirely for a day or two. He stumbled into the bathroom, rubbing his eyes. The incident with Garak began to take on more of an aura of unreality for Bashir as the day wore on. What was I thinking, he mused - just where exactly did I want that little scenario to lead? Bashir could never be accused of being overly gentle or considerate, but at the same time, he had never thought of himself as particularly intimidating, either. So just how did he intend to "master" Garak - why would he even want to? The Klingon guards had undoubtedly already attempted that very thing as well - wasn't the First Officer brought back to Terok Nor to get AWAY from that? Bashir tried desperately to justify his actions to himself; what the Klingons did was abuse, after all, while what HE planned could be categorized as... discipline? Well, whatever it was, Garak himself could surely appreciate the distinction. He needed to be subdued, brought into line with the rebels' cause and made into less of a threat to them. He needed, in short, to be made to respect them - Bashir's heart leaped at the thought of taking on that role. He no longer even speculated about his feelings of attraction for the First Officer - he didn't care whether they sprang from his attempts to protect him, from his previous glimpses of Garak on Terok Nor, or from some deep-seated need to submit to a more powerful male; all he knew was that Garak was his now and he was not going to let opportunity pass him by. His heart pounded at the thought of actually enjoying physical contact with Garak; he guiltily realized that the Klingons had undoubtedly "enjoyed" the same thing. Well, so what if they had? It's not as if Garak OR his Cardassian overseers had been models of restraint, as Bashir himself knew. Still, that brand of physical contact had usually been brief, painful, and anonymous. Bashir wondered what it would be like to feel that tough, scaly skin, GARAK'S skin, and slowly run his hands along the eye and neck ridges and then down to the chest and stomach; he wasn't exactly sure where the scales stopped, IF they stopped. He felt a pleasurable kind of shyness at the thought of exploring Garak's unwilling body, perhaps charitably enticing it into willingness, perhaps just concentrating on his own pleasure and damn what the Cardassian felt. His thoughts finally led him back to the brig, his mind in a tumult, his plans unknown even to himself. Dax was there, and greeted him, "What - no tray? I thought you were the official food bringer." "I assumed he'd already eaten. Last time, my offering was a little - unwelcome." "You could have helped me clean it up. There I am, scrubbing on my hands and knees the next morning while Garak is glaring down at me from those stupid cuffs." "You should have made HIM clean it up." He tried to imagine washing a floor with Gul Garak chained just a meter or two away - how could Dax stand it? How in the world could she stand it? "Ah - should I go get something for him, then?" "Please do - it'll save me a trip. I'm sick of this feeding routine, anyway; I feel as if I'm running a zoo. Maybe we ought to get him a replicator." "Are you serious? O'Brien would never allow anything like that in the brig. He'd find some way to make himself a weapon - you and I both know it. And anyway, I'LL 'feed' him from now on. Don't worry about it. I'll consider it one of my jobs." He strode back down the corridor to the cafeteria and filled a plate for Garak, then carried it back to the cell. He was shocked to find that his hands were trembling - was Garak really starting to affect him that badly? Stupid Cardassians, thinking they could manipulate Terrans like that, just by their physical PRESENCE - Entering the cell, he found Garak lounging on the bed, reading a padd Dax must have procured for him. "They brought you something to read, I see." "No, captain, they brought me something to bathe in. Of COURSE they brought me something to read, you ignorant Terran." He threw the padd down onto the bed and climbed to his feet. "Why are you here, anyway? Do I get to wear my meal again, or will you save time and chain me to the wall immediately?" "That depends entirely on you, Mr. Garak." Bashir slid the tray onto the table. "Sorry about the food - I know you're not really much of a VEGETABLE eater..." "You know damned well, Terran, that I can't survive on all that plant food." "You ate it willingly enough in the Klingon cell. In fact, you positively relished it. What's the matter - why isn't it good enough for you any more?" He felt a flash of inspiration. "Can it be that your guards were able to control you a little better over there? Made you show your gratitude properly? Maybe you'll have to do the same thing for me, Gul - I COULD just let you starve, you know." Garak didn't answer, but turned his back toward Bashir and picked up the tray, then whirled around and flung its contents directly into his face. Bashir was ecstatic. "Dax!" he bellowed. "We have a problem with Mr. Garak's food again. It seems to be continually landing on the floor." Dax rushed in and looked disgustedly around the room. "Okay, Garak, let's go, new cell -" she said, pointing a phaser at him. "And, Julian - get out of here." "_I_ will take Mr. Garak to his cell," Bashir snarled. "Just let me have the rifle and we'll be out of your way." Dax handed him the phaser. "Okay, Garak, let's go." He nudged him toward the doorway, where a second guard was also waiting, rifle in hand. They escorted Garak to another room in the semicircular suite of holding cells; this one was at even more of an angle from the main entrance, and Bashir realized delightedly that it would thus provide even more privacy. "Leave us," he said to the guard, who immediately obliged. Then he turned toward his captive. "Well, Garak, it appears you're in need of another little behavior lesson." "One that you're waiting eagerly to teach, I'm sure." "I don't WANT this, you know - it's just that you NEED this." Garak laughed halfheartedly. "If you say so. I really seem to have very little choice in the matter, do I?" Bashir gestured toward the bed with the rifle. "There - lie down." Garak moved as if to comply, then launched himself toward Bashir with a shout. Anticipating the move, however, Bashir easily stunned him with the phaser, watching as he slowly crumpled to the floor, half-conscious. He hoisted him up onto the bed with difficulty and began fastening the restraints to his wrists and ankles, muttering as he did so, "You've got to be a little more careful, Garak. You keep forcing us to stun you and you're going to end up with a headache that never goes away." Buckling the straps around Garak's limbs was a new and somewhat unnerving experience for him; taking the heavy arms into his hands and tightening the straps around the wrists proved to be more difficult than it appeared, and he wondered if he had even fastened the cuffs correctly. He had never done this before, put restraints on another person's body - just how much tension was appropriate? He didn't want to do more than immobilize Garak, not hurt him. Garak began to stir and glared groggily at Bashir. "If you... if you do that to me..." "Do what? Stun you? I'll be glad to stop - just give me a reason to." He knelt down next to the bunk. "I'm sorry about that, by the way, even though I don't expect you to believe me." Garak continued to watch him. "You and I aren't doing too well here, are we? Not that we got along any better before..." He remembered Garak's illness, in the Klingon cell; he remembered clasping the shivering Cardassian body against him, no pretense between the two of them any more, no posturing. It was back to the pretense, Bashir thought sadly; 'If he only knew how close I am to freeing him and taking his place on that bed... damned Cardassian. I will NOT hurt him, at least; I'll let him see that I won't hurt him.' "I just want you to know," he began, placing his hand on Garak's chest, "that I'm not really as bad as you think I am. In fact, a lot of people here like me." What a lie, he thought ruefully. "I had hoped you could learn to like me too." Well, at least THAT was the truth. Garak smiled faintly, obviously amused. Bashir ran his hand down the Cardassian's muscular chest; oh, it felt good to do that, it was wonderful. Garak began to tense under him, but was unable to move more than a centimeter or two away from him. Bashir reached out and began to massage the chest with his other hand as well, eventually working his way down to the Cardassian's groin. Garak gritted his teeth and began to repeat something in Kardasi. "What are you saying?" Bashir smiled. "Is it something like - don't stop, please?" "No, Terran," he gasped, "I'm reciting all the ways I'm going to kill you." Bashir felt the bulge under the thick trousers with his hand. Yes, Garak was definitely well lubricated already - the warmth and moisture were apparent even through the fabric. He had certainly managed to recover quickly from his run-in with the phaser - Bashir was impressed. He was impressed still more at the state of arousal into which he had evidently managed to manipulate his prisoner; Garak felt deliciously large and firm underneath his fingers. He longed to know the feeling of touching the First Officer, just once, without the barrier of fabric in between - but Cardassian clothing was a mystery to him - how did one go about - ah, there it was, some type of fastening. He slid his hand underneath it and the trousers opened up - but, no, there was an undergarment of some kind in the way now. Difficult job, divesting one's prisoners of their clothing, made still more difficult by the way Garak was alternately raising himself up and flopping back down onto the mattress, all the movement his restraints would allow. He continued to mutter quietly in Kardasi, as Bashir pulled the trousers partway down his hips, then reached over and did the same thing with the slightly damp briefs underneath them. His hands seemed to be working independently of his rational thought, as his mind kept reminding him that Dax and the other guard were only meters away, and would be sure to tell O'Brien about the abuse of their prisoner. O'Brien would disapprove, even if Dax wouldn't. Bashir didn't care. To his shocked and stunned surprise, he had taken hold of the First Officer's naked penis, slick with clear lubricant, and was gently probing it with his fingers as if it were an exhibit of some kind; his intention was not to stimulate Garak, but to satisfy his own curiosity, but stimulation seemed to be a byproduct nevertheless as Garak's breathing began to grow more rapid and the Kardasi ceased. "See - I told you," Bashir cooed softly, "I knew I could get you to like me." Garak's enraged look didn't mask the arousal in his eyes this time; Bashir began to slide his fingers, shiny and slippery from the lubricant, slowly up and down the penis. He knew he was doing it much too gently for a Cardassian; hell, it was too gentle even for HIM, but the object of this little - exercise - was to satisfy HIM, not help Garak attain release in the shortest amount of time. He decided, to his horror, that he suddenly needed to know what it tasted like as well as felt like, that mysterious fluid - but, no, that would be too kind to his prisoner as well as too humiliating for himself, should anyone look into the cell. Damn these force fields. Still, if he turned a little bit more THIS way, with his back completely toward the door, Garak shielded from it... ah, but Garak shouldn't be given something like that for free, he should be forced to work for it. Bashir smiled, and slowly removed his hand. Garak almost screamed his frustration. "See, you DO like it - whore. And little do you know how willing I am to give you even more, Garak. But you have to tell me you want it. No, you have to beg me for it." "Go to hell." Bashir began to stroke the wonderful dark gray head of the penis with his thumb. He was becoming mesmerized by the sight of Garak's wide, slightly upturned blue eyes, somewhat cloudy now with passion - oh, he wouldn't have long to wait - 'I won't make you suffer...' "Just tell me... just tell me..." he began; he had to save face somehow - "that you need me." 'Not too humiliating after all, captain,' he told himself, 'then again, I don't want to wait much longer either.' "Fuck you," Garak panted. "Wrong, Garak." Bashir again removed his hand. Garak closed his eyes, his breathing becoming even more rapid. "All right, I need you, you fucking Terran." Good enough - Bashir, already kneeling beside Garak, lowered his head and began to lap timidly at the head of the penis with the tip of his tongue; now that release was this close, he was afraid after all of the alien taste and sensation. It had never occurred to him before to enjoy it, those times he had been penetrated in the mouth by one of the overseers - he hadn't been SUPPOSED to enjoy it, that wasn't the purpose. Oh, but now... his mouth opened wider and he took more of the textured penis into it. Just a few centimeters, but it was enough to enable him to feel the texture all around his lips and tongue. It was strange, and yet enticing, the feel of each overlapping scale as he traced them with his tongue; the motion seemed to produce even more lubrication, which had a spicy taste like... he couldn't remember the food. His hands were resting on Garak now, one on his thigh, one on his chest, and he brought his body even closer to the bed and tried to rub against it, but in his kneeling position he found he couldn't quite get close enough. Well, he could take care of that afterward... "You're doing it all wrong!" Dax shouted. Bashir's head flew upward in surprise and shock; he stared at the doorway in horror. There was no one there. "You don't clean food off the carpet by smashing it down like that. Slob. I'm SICK OF THIS, JULIAN!!" She was evidently still cleaning up the mess in the cell next door. Bashir was so mortified at being discovered that he could no longer continue his assault on the now willing First Officer. He knew Garak was very close to release this time, though, and sudden compassion overtook him. "Here - let yourself out of these," he hurriedly mumbled, unfastening one of the arm restraints and then running for the entrance. He looked back to see Garak lying still, on the bed. Next time, Bashir thought, I will be alone here. I'm going to arrange things so I'm alone, or so help me, I'll stun all the guards first, including Dax. "Interesting punishment, Julian," Dax laughed, sitting with Bashir in the cafeteria later that evening, "very unique. Yes, there's nothing like stunning the prisoners, tying them up, and then letting them free themselves. What the hell is your problem with Garak lately, anyway?" "Well, the bastard needed to be taught a lesson - I taught it to him. End of story." "What exactly did you TEACH him?" she smiled. "How to manipulate you?" Bashir's face reddened. "I told him to watch his manners." "Did you? Was that all?" 'Yes, that was all,' you fucking bitch, Bashir thought angrily. What do you want me to do, act it out for you? "What else WOULD it be? Excuse me, Dax - I've got to go look for O'Brien; I need to ask him - something." He jumped to his feet and stalked away, Dax looking after him amusedly. Once inside his quarters, he threw himself face down onto the bed. 'Stupid bitch,' he thought again, 'I had him - I HAD him. And now I'll never get THAT opportunity for quite a long time - I will NOT keep stunning him.' His thoughts drifted to visions of Garak, tied helpless underneath him - suddenly, HE was the one helpless - oh, that was very nice as well. He recalled angrily that tomorrow would be the twenty-first of November on Earth, his birthday - what a way to spend it, pining in his quarters over a strong, aggressive Cardassian male who would probably kill him if given half a chance. "I've got to try something else on him - I've got to try to intimidate him just a little more. I'm like a pathetic, slobbering little baby around him, and he knows it. What can I do to humiliate him?" He found the answer. Bashir reached under the bundle of clothing to cancel the force field around the cell, then quickly crossed the doorway as the field automatically sprang to life behind him. Garak was lying on the bed, watching him, slight confusion on his otherwise pale features. He sat up slowly. "Mr.Garak, today is my birthday!" Bashir heartily called over to him. "And among Terrans, birthdays are considered truly special occasions." Well, not lately, he thought, and not here, but he continued, "With that in mind, I hoped you'd be willing to - dress up a bit - for dinner this evening." "'Dress up a bit?' What are you talking about?" Garak eyed him suspiciously. "You used to be - ARE," he corrected himself, "a gul, in the Cardassian military, am I right?" Garak didn't answer. "Well, since you once held, and still HOLD," he hastened to add, "such a prestigious position, I'm sure you don't like the symbolism that goes along with having to wear all that 'civilian' clothing every day." "What's your point, Captain?" "Here - a gul's uniform from the station's supply." Bashir nodded toward his burden, heaped up in an unceremonious pile in his arms. "It looks to be about your size, I would say." He gave Garak an appreciative leer. "I want you to wear it." "No, I refuse." "You refuse?" Bashir hadn't expected such an immediate response. "I don't need to humiliate myself in front of you, parading around in some memento of my past glory." "I simply want you to feel comfortable." "I'm comfortable just as I am, thank you." Bashir thought for a moment. "All right, Garak, have it your way. You don't have to wear the uniform. When I deliver your food tonight, have your clothing removed and folded up for me. I'll collect it then." "You'll collect it THEN?" Slight confusion crossed Garak's usually confident features. "Yes - either you wear the uniform, or - you wear nothing. It's your choice." His lips curved upward. "Both alternatives are perfectly acceptable to me." Garak's eyes blazed. He lunged toward Bashir and ripped the uniform out of his arms, letting the armor and the heavy boots fall to the floor. Then he stepped back and regarded him with barely suppressed fury. "Captain, if you think -" "Shh." Bashir placed a finger against Garak's lips, infuriating him even further. "As I said, you'll wear this, or you'll wear nothing. But, unfortunately, the station's power needs to be conserved, all because of some damage your damned Alliance did to our fusion reactor. We're thinking of lowering the temperature in some of the little-used areas here, such as the brig. Cardassians don't like the cold, now do they?" He leaned closer to Garak and grinned. "While the thought of keeping you naked as my prisoner excites me, I'm afraid YOU wouldn't find it particularly comfortable." He moved toward the door, then turned. "Remember - be wearing this when I return, or I'll have to stun you again and remove everything, clothing, blankets, everything." "You goddamned little bastard - goddamned little Terran dictator -" "Garak," Bashir calmly reminded him, "would the Klingons have let you talk that way? I ought to stay and punish you NOW, but don't worry, I'm better than that." He waited at the doorway. "Well, you'd better hope I am, anyway. See you tonight." He departed, leaving Garak spluttering in rage behind him. This was too, too perfect, Bashir rejoiced - he could feel his temperature begin to rise at the thought of the mighty Cardassian gul writhing under him, bound and possibly gagged, his gorgeous uniform soaked with sweat, his body helplessly allowing any liberty Bashir chose to take with it. Just a few hours more, he told himself - just a few hours until you, Julian Bashir, give yourself the most magnificent birthday present of your miserable life. He felt perspiration begin to bead on his forehead as he rode the turbolift to Ops. There was a fluttering in his stomach that he couldn't suppress - "You're a little over-eager, Julian, my boy. Damn it, just relax... he's not going anywhere." He sincerely hoped not, anyway; where Garak or even the annoying Jadzia Dax was concerned, anything was possible. But four hours later, tremendous anticipation and equally tremendous fear both threatened to weaken his resolve. Still, someone was going to have to take the First Officer his evening meal, and Bashir didn't want to suddenly delegate that task to someone else, on this of all nights. It had become his exclusive right, one he wasn't going to abandon just after winning it. All right - he could do this. He entered the cell, carrying the tray with two plates set upon it this time. Garak was sitting on the edge of the bed, reading; to Bashir's intense relief, he was wearing his uniform, all but the chest armor, which after all was a little too "formal" anyway. "What - no birthday cake?" he sneered. Very clever, Bashir thought; you certainly know a lot about Terrans. You were probably also waiting to smash my face into that cake, bastard. "No, Garak, no cake. Just dinner, that's all. I'm - glad - to see you dressed properly." Garak bowed his head slightly. "I just want you to be comfortable." "You just want me to look like a complete fool." "Is that what you think?" Bashir smiled. You look like anything BUT a fool - you look so positively edible that I could let you take me right now in front of Dax, O'Brien, and every other Terran rebel who cares to watch - "I think you look extremely distinguished. I always liked Cardassian uniforms very much." "Why didn't YOU wear it, then?" "I just couldn't - carry it off - the way you do, Gul." Garak looked up at Bashir's obviously lascivious tone. "What is it you want from me?" "Don't you know?" He paused, his heart pounding. "Lie down again and I'll show you." "I have no desire to 'lie down' for you. You obviously like a powerful male -" he had risen and crept close to Bashir, "and I'll be glad to play that role for you. But I want YOU on the bed." Bashir gulped. The situation was rapidly spinning out of his control. Anything you say, master, he wanted to answer; instead, he laughed. "No, I'm afraid not." He clenched his hand a little more tightly around the phaser he was holding. "You misunderstand me completely, so completely in fact that dinner will have to wait while I teach you another lesson. Lie down." Garak stared at him, incredulous. "I said lie down. Or I'll stun you - I know you don't want that." Garak, amazingly, went to the bed and slowly lowered himself down onto it, on his back, staring at Bashir all the while. "On your stomach, please." That was too much - Garak lunged for Bashir, who again lightly stunned him with the phaser. "PLEASE stop making me do this to you!" he wailed. "Please - I don't like this! I don't!" While he spoke, he worked at fastening Garak again into the restraints; he was a little more practiced with them this time, a little more confident. He had him now - the mighty First Officer, helpless, not a guard anywhere near, nothing to interfere this time. He lowered himself onto Garak's back and lay draped over it while the Cardassian again recovered his senses and began to shift under him. He began the familiar refrain of Kardasi curses as Bashir reached under him and pulled his black shirt up, over his neck and head to the cuffs binding his arms. The Cardassian back was exposed in all its glory as he straddled Garak; he reached down and gently probed the area around the scales that ran from the neck downward. So intricate and beautiful, he thought, begging for someone to touch them, to caress them... instead, on a sudden impulse, he unfastened his belt and pulled it through the loops around his waist, and struck Garak once, then twice with it. "THAT is for making me stun you again," he growled, into Garak's ear. "Don't make me do that anymore. Understand? UNDERSTAND?" He sat up again and cracked him once more across the back. There was hardly a mark in the thick gray skin, but Bashir's arm already hurt from the force he had exerted. Amazingly, Garak nodded his head, face down on the mattress. "Good," Bashir panted. "Now, Mr. Garak, I want you to lie perfectly still. PERFECTLY STILL, or you know what I'll do to you again." He slid his hands down to the waistband of the thick black trousers and slowly eased them downward, exposing a tantalizing expanse of smooth gray skin. He hurriedly unfastened his own trousers and lay down once more across Garak's back, enjoying the feel of the firm Cardassian body underneath him, the access to that body his for the taking. It was difficult to believe that Garak was allowing this - yes, he was trapped, but even his cursing had ceased as he lay quietly underneath Bashir. Bashir began to feel a little pity for him; God alone knew the last time the Cardassian had been able to enjoy that activity, without being beaten and tortured for it. He guiltily remembered the belt, now cast off in a corner of the cell. Damn. "Garak," he began, resting his chin on the strong Cardassian back, "Garak - I don't want to hurt you. I want you to know that." Garak remained motionless. "It's just that it's important now for you to see who's in control here." "It's certainly not you, Terran," Garak snorted in disgust, his face turned to the side. "If anything, you're making it painfully obvious that you could never truly 'control' ANYTHING. You're arrogant and childish, though, and that gives you some degree of power, I'll admit." "What do you mean by that?" Damn him, Bashir thought - he's right, I can do nothing to him that he doesn't want me to do, and now I'm even begging HIM to explain that to me. "You're not very well liked here, are you?" "That is none of your fucking business, Cardassian pig." "Let me ask it in a different way - you're not very well RESPECTED here; am I correct?" Bashir's incipient erection was rapidly subsiding as he listened to Garak's questions. Growling impatiently, he reached around and clamped one hand against the Cardassian's mouth; with the other, he pushed the phaser into the small of his back. "Shut up. I told you to lie perfectly still, remember? That didn't include letting you talk." He waited a moment, till he was sure Garak was properly subdued, and then began to rub gently against him; he felt himself growing deliciously hard again and longed for a way to remove his hand from Garak's mouth without having to listen to more insults. Instead, he maneuvered the phaser back into his side pocket and began again to massage Garak's scales. They ran all across the back of the neck and shoulders, gradually tapering into a column that trailed enticingly down his spine, ending at the curve of his smooth buttocks. Bashir's fingers followed that curve, as he raised himself slightly above Garak's back; he then let his fingers gently probe the warm area between the buttocks, a delightful contrast to the normally cool Cardassian skin. He felt Garak stiffen, whether in protest or from arousal he wasn't sure. It was most likely the former, he decided, as the image again flashed into his mind of Garak being dragged out of the cell by the Klingon guards to undergo who knew how many bouts of this very activity. Damn it all. He was just about to slide off of his captive's back when he felt a warm, wet sensation on the fingers he was holding against Garak's mouth. He gasped in surprise. Garak was licking his fingers with his tongue, his surprisingly gentle tongue. The sensation was completely new to Bashir, and completely intoxicating. He continued to rest his hand against Garak's mouth, no longer exerting any pressure; then, as Garak began to open his mouth wider, Bashir slipped two fingers inside it. It was incredibly arousing; Bashir didn't quite know how to reconcile his fear of the First Officer with the wonderful, warm feeling of being so gently enveloped inside his soft mouth. He slowly withdrew his fingers and traced them, wet with saliva, against Garak's full lower lip, then suddenly realized what Garak had been preparing him to do. Never having attempted such a thing before, he almost gave up when his wet fingers encountered the strong muscles tightly encircling Garak's anus. He felt scarring there, too, undoubtedly from the abuse Garak had endured on the Klingon ship, which further weakened his resolve. But Garak wants this, he told himself - for some strange reason, he actually wants this now. He slowly let one finger penetrate him, then another. Garak stiffened again but made no sound, so Bashir withdrew his fingers and slowly, very slowly, began to replace them with his own penis. He was still almost completely clothed, out of the fear of someone happening to gaze into the cell, but he knew his position atop Garak's back, his flushed face, and his rapid breathing wouldn't leave room for too many doubts about how he had been treating the prisoner. The prisoner, however, had become surprisingly acquiescent. Bashir hadn't enjoyed struggling to subdue him, but his masculine pride also didn't enjoy the thought that Garak was allowing him to do this, uncaring and unmoved, as a sort of "favor" to him. He rested his chin on Garak's shoulder and murmured into his ear, "You don't know how long I've dreamed of doing this to you, Garak." "I'm happy for you." Good - his breathing was a little ragged too, his voice a little unsteady. He was evidently more aroused by the physical contact than it seemed. Bashir slid his hand underneath the Cardassian's firm body and felt, as he hoped he would, the well-lubricated penis, firm, textured with soft, overlapping scales and slightly more well-defined ridges. He traced his fingers along one ridge as he slowly continued to penetrate. Garak, restrained at both his hands and his feet, was nevertheless attempting to press backward against Bashir, who responded by grasping him a little more firmly. "I knew you'd like this - I knew all you needed, all this time, was the right Terran to master you." Garak remained silent. "And," he panted, "I always knew I was the right Terran." He heard Garak chuckle, low in his throat. "Does that amuse you?" "Certainly not. I was merely agreeing with you." Bashir regarded him suspiciously, but his passion overcame his irritation and he began to rhythmically thrust deeper into Garak, reveling in the delicious contrast of his cool skin and the warm, almost hot muscles tightly surrounding him. I could lose myself in this, he thought, I could forget who I am and who he is and just EXPERIENCE this - at that moment, he saw Garak, again in full uniform, unceremoniously dumping a Terran prisoner onto the floor. Bashir and six of his companions in ore processing watched, horrified, as the First Officer looked up at them and sneered, "End of demonstration. I trust the Intendant has your full cooperation from now on." Damn him - God damn the bastard who had managed to singlehandedly terrorize them for so long, who had ENJOYED it all so damned much - he began to pound into Garak, his hand reaching up to grasp his shirt, his other hand reflexively squeezing Garak's penis in almost a death grip. He came finally, in a burst of rage and passion, and felt something wet and sticky on his fingers; Garak had evidently managed to do the same thing, against the mattress. Bashir slumped against him, exhausted, and crossed both arms in front of him, on the back of Garak's neck. He closed his eyes and tried to focus again on his anger but it was no use; his natural instinct was to equate sex with, if not love, at least mutual affection. Was he sharing 'mutual affection,' then, with Garak? After all he had gone through because of him? Just how unbalanced WAS he? But he saw Garak being hoisted to his feet by the Klingon guards, after vomiting his pitiful meal onto the floor of his cell. What had they done to him then, when he was sick and in pain? Had they - "Garak - I didn't hurt you, did I?" Garak had been facing forward, his chin on the mattress; he turned his face and looked sideways up at Bashir. A barely perceptible but definite flush suffused his gray features. "Hurt me?" "I... I just didn't want to hurt you, that's all." "I thought, Captain, that hurting me was the object of this entire - activity." Bashir gulped. "No, the object was - was to -" It was no use. He was still resting partially inside Garak, who suddenly began shifting restlessly, as much as the bonds would allow. "What are you doing?" "If you're finished, captain, I'd appreciate it if you'd get off of me." "Don't call me 'captain' any more," Bashir said, on a sudden impulse. "What do you WANT me to call you?" Bashir slid off Garak's back and knelt next to him on the floor. "Julian. It's my name." "Ah. Well then, JULIAN," he said, deliberately exaggerating the Terran pronunciation, "I hope you enjoyed your birthday dinner. You can run and tell all your friends now about the thrill of fucking First Officer Garak. Believe me, not many others have had that pleasure. I congratulate you on your conquest." He knows me, Bashir thought; that Cardassian son of a bitch knows me completely. He's saying and doing exactly the right things to control me, manipulate me. He knows I feel attraction for him, he KNOWS I don't want to play Klingon guard - I guess I'll just have to surprise him. He stalked over to the corner and picked up the belt he had discarded earlier; Garak was facing the opposite direction, and so wasn't prepared for the sudden sharp blow across his naked back. He stifled a cry of surprise as Bashir grinned savagely over him. "I've let you do enough talking, Garak. Even you will admit that I've been more than tolerant. THIS," he shouted, reaching back and bringing the belt crashing down onto Garak's skin, "is for what you did to the Terrans in ore processing. THIS is for what you did to Quark, who was one of the only friends I ever had there." He continued to rain blows down onto Garak, but he found himself becoming more affected by his actions than Garak seemed to be. His arm hurt from the exertion, and it was nearly impossible for him to continue harming that beautiful gray skin; were the scales more sensitive than the rest of the back, he wondered, or did they shield the skin from pain, like a callous? He stopped suddenly, and pulled Garak's trousers back up to his waist; he owed him that much dignity, at least, since he HAD managed to use him for his own pleasure after all. Then he moved over to the force field at the cell entrance, preparing to let himself out. Garak was lying quietly on the bed, his face turned toward the wall, his back glowing a light pinkish-gray from the beating, with darker red stripes where the belt had landed particularly hard. Good - it'll probably sting, if nothing else, Bashir smiled to himself. He began to turn away when a movement caught his eye. Garak's shoulders trembled slightly, as if he were shivering. "Garak?" Bashir hesitantly approached him again. "Garak? Are you all right?" "Not again," he said. "How many times are you going to ask me that before you finally leave me alone? Get out of here, Terran - JULIAN." "Gladly." But he remained standing near the bunk, watching Garak. Cardassians were quite sensitive to the cold - he certainly remembered that, from his earlier experiences. The cell was NOT cold, but it was certainly not warm either, by Cardassian standards - one of the first things the rebels had done when they re-took Terok Nor was to make its environment a little more Terran-friendly. There Garak lay, unable to move, probably overheated from the earlier sexual activity and then the whipping. "I'll never get this right, will I?" Bashir thought, leaning over and unfastening the cuffs binding his prisoner. "I've got to make up my mind; do I want to be his lover or his jailor? I obviously don't have it in me to be both." He prepared to run for the exit, as soon as he had unshackled the fourth limb, but Garak simply pulled his shirt back down over his neck and chest and sat silently gazing at Bashir. "I'll be back tomorrow, Garak," Bashir said, turning again to leave. "Wait." Wait? He paused, not looking back. "We haven't eaten yet." Is he kidding, Bashir thought? Or does he think all that was just a Cardassian-style prelude to some enjoyable dinner conversation? "I'm really not... very hungry now. And besides, the food's cold - I'll get you some more, if you'd like." "No, Terran food is all the same to me, hot or cold." "I'll get you some Cardassian food then, or - or whatever you want," he suggested, quietly and eagerly, still not turning around. "You know what I want." "I can't give you that." "You'd LIKE to, though." "No. No I wouldn't." He desperately tried to assume an authoritative tone. "I'm not available to be used like that - I'm not a slave any more, Garak, not yours or anyone else's. And I won't risk being seen acting like one." "I didn't say I wanted you for my slave," Garak purred, gracefully rising and approaching Bashir. "I simply want to give back to you what you gave me. I know you, Ter- Julian. I know exactly what you want." "Not here." "In your quarters, then." Bashir's knees began to buckle. You need to be shown who the master is, indeed - in exactly one minute, he was going to be on his knees in front of Garak begging for him, if he didn't act immediately. "My quarters?" he laughed. "No thank you; I'm afraid I'll have to decline the invitation." "A pity. It doesn't seem like the proper way for a Terran to spend his birthday, all alone in his room, entertaining himself." Bashir, with relief, felt a little anger rise to the surface. "That is not my intention, Garak. Not that it's any of your business. I have friends I'll be - entertaining tonight." Garak laughed as well, low and seductively; the hair on the back of Bashir's neck stood on end as he leaned close against his back. "I see. I'll be imagining you with your - friends, while I'm lying here alone." He pressed himself against Bashir, nestling the hard bulge in his uniform trousers very slightly between Bashir's legs. "Oh God," Bashir moaned under his breath; his knees turned to jelly and he fell back limply against Garak's chest. Gul Elim Garak, First Officer of Terok Nor - this isn't possible, Bashir thought, mortified - I can't win, I'll never be able to win against him. I want him, I want that strong Cardassian body, I want him inside me so badly that I can't even think straight. I'm his slave and he knows it; the bastard knows it. This has all been one big farce right from the beginning. Garak had placed one arm around Bashir's waist and had begun to pull him backward against him. "No, no," Bashir finally managed to protest. "My quarters." He withdrew the phaser and pointed it unconvincingly at Garak, his hand trembling uncontrollably. "Let's go. If anyone sees us, do NOT say anything to them - let me think of something." Please. He canceled the force field and led Garak down the corridor toward his room. What does one do with one's overnight guest the next morning, when that guest is supposed to be one's prisoner as well? Bashir awoke to the sensation of slight movement in the bed next to him, as if someone were sitting up - he opened his eyes to find Gul Garak leaning on one elbow, watching him intently. He had never realized just how blue Garak's eyes were, and just how penetrating. He averted his eyes, embarrassed, leaning back against the pillow and stretching. "Ohhh," he groaned despite himself. Garak grinned. "Not quite as pleasant when you're the victim, is it?" "I never hit you that hard." "No, you're right, you didn't have the strength. I'm glad, then, to have been able to give you a proper demonstration." Bashir winced at the memory of Garak's "end of demonstration" speech to the workers in ore processing; this was proving to be an almost surreal experience, "possessing" the First Officer in this way and yet NOT possessing him. He rolled to the edge of the bed and sat up. Garak reached over for his arm, pulling him back down. "Garak - please - I have to get you back to your cell. You realize I can't let anyone know you're here." "True." He sighed. "It will be, as you Terrans say, our secret." He pulled Bashir against his chest. "Thank you, Captain - Julian - for an enjoyable evening." He kissed Bashir on the lips with surprising gentleness at first, then with increasing passion as Bashir collapsed back down onto the mattress next to him, smiling inwardly at his "Captain Julian" designation. "Please - Garak - it's late; we have to go." It was no use; he LOVED being wrapped in Garak's arms, he LOVED the thrill of illicit pleasure he received when he imagined the other fighters observing this. They didn't understand him at all, and they certainly didn't understand Garak. He opened his mouth wider and luxuriated in the sensation of Garak totally possessing him, his mouth, then his neck and chest. What a skillful lover he was - not for the first time, Bashir felt a stabbing pang of jealousy. Who on Terok Nor, not so long ago, had been the recipient of Garak's attentions? Was it another Cardassian? Or the Intendant? Or - another Terran? Garak seemed too experienced with Terrans for this to be merely coincidence. Bashir groaned in irritation; Garak evidently thought it was from passion, and he redoubled his efforts to stimulate Bashir's already sensitive nipples with his tongue. "Garak - please - I have to put you back -" "In my cell. Yes, I know, Julian. Let's go." He licked a trail down Bashir's stomach to his already hardening penis, continuing to murmur as he did so, "You'll visit me often, won't you?" "Well... well, of course. I think - I think -" He gasped in surprise as Garak's tongue flicked at the very tip of his penis; then his lips gently closed around it, just the tip, and slowly began to slide downward. Bashir moaned in frustration. "Stop it, please - stop it, Garak, we have to go now -" He tried to sit up but Garak placed both hands on his stomach and effortlessly pinned him down. Bashir was in a daze. This whole "birthday" inspiration was really too much - no one else, not a single person, had even remembered the occasion despite the fact that he had mentioned it more than once. So it was left to Garak to do what no Terran seemed willing to do in any fashion - make him feel special and important. Damn the manipulative Cardassian anyway. Bashir knew he had asked for it, but still... He had never been very vocal during activities like this - the overseers didn't like it, not when they were "administering" the treatment and not if they chanced to suspect its occurrence between two Terrans. So when he cried out involuntarily after Garak had nipped him with unexpected roughness, he braced himself for the Cardassian's disapproval. Instead, Garak merely smiled up at him and resumed his attention to Bashir's groin, evidently enjoying the sensation of Bashir's soft skin as compared to his own, rougher scales. Bashir, more confident now, began a chorus of soft moans and phrases with which he encouraged Garak even as he pleaded with him to stop. "They're - going - to discover that - to discover that - oh please... oh please don't do that - you're not - in your cell. We have to go - NOW, Garak. NOW! Please don't do this to me - please Garak - please don't get me in trouble. PLEASE STOP, GARAK!" He arched his back and even lifted his hips off the bed with the force of his climax, noting with amazement that Garak hadn't even attempted to pull back once. Could it actually be that he liked that? Or was he still the natural manipulator, in reality finding the taste of Bashir's Terran body disgusting? Bashir lay back, panting hard, but eager for the next logical step to commence; Garak was lying at his side, against his leg, and Bashir took hold of his shoulders and slowly began attempting to ease him up alongside of him. "I believe I told you to stop, Garak." "Yes you did," Garak answered, amused. "Your disobedience can not go unpunished." "Ah. I quite agree. But shouldn't I be getting back to -" "That can wait," Bashir growled savagely, and bit down on the ridge at the side of Garak's neck. The texture amazed him. Garak gripped Bashir's arms and pulled him tightly against his body, then bit Bashir's lower lip, drawing blood. The feel of Garak's lips against his, his breath mingling with his own, sent another spurt of arousal through Bashir's body - he didn't know how he would ever be able to let go of his captive, his tormentor. He slammed Garak back against the mattress, with all the force of which he was capable, and dove in for another taste of the alien Cardassian neck. The bedside communicator chirped. "Dax to Bashir. Why the hell is Garak in your quarters?" Bashir froze, poised motionless above Garak, who was again smiling at him in the smug manner he had begun to affect. "In - in my quarters?" he stammered. "Yes, in your quarters. God damn it, Julian, what did you do to him THIS time?" Garak's grin widened, infuriating Bashir. He fought for concentration. "He was trying to disable the force field of his cell. When I saw THAT, I couldn't very well just leave him there, could I? You've been assuming you don't need to assign guards to him any more, remember. It's not MY fault." He realized he had begun to babble, and abruptly stopped. Garak, in the meantime, had taken hold of one of his hands and was gently tracing his tongue along his fingertips, sending involuntary shivers all through Bashir's body. He again tried to clear his mind and concentrate. "Why did you think to scan MY quarters, anyway?" "I didn't. I saw the prisoner was gone and ran a general scan. To my absolute amazement, he was with YOU. Listen, Julian." Her tone became more severe. "I know you have a lot of grudges against him. We all do. I know he can't have been too pleasant to you on that Alliance ship. But please stop persecuting him. He's our prisoner, not our victim. I'm tired of listening to O'Brien rant and rave. You should have heard HIM when we located Garak." Bashir lay back against the mattress, stunned. So they were thinking, all this time, that he was PERSECUTING Garak? Garak was now licking a trail up Bashir's arm to his neck, giving extra attention to the bend of the elbow where he found Bashir was most ticklish. Dax continued, "I don't even want to know what you've been doing to him. For your sake, he had better be all right. And bring him back to the brig, please." She abruptly ended the communication. Garak had now reached Bashir's shoulder and was gently biting it, his lips curved into his usual smile. Bashir couldn't help but smile too. "So - ARE you all right?" he asked. "I will be, captain, when I recover from your violent and unprovoked attacks on me." "Please don't tell them anything like that, Garak." "Of course not - I was only joking. It appears I have to return to my cell, though, captain. Are you planning to escort me, or should I simply stroll back there on my own?" Bashir grunted absently and sat up. His back still ached from the beating he had allowed Garak to administer the night before. It assuaged his guilt, true, but now made going back to work, helping O'Brien, that much less appealing. What he really needed was a warm bath, soothing and peaceful, with perhaps someone there to massage some oil onto his tender skin... someone with large, strong hands who would know exactly what to do to make a Terran comfortable... "Garak? I just realized - we're going to have to put on a little show for them when I take you back." "Of course, captain." "Julian." "Of course, Julian." They had begun to dress, companionably sitting side by side on the bed, pulling their trousers up. "This is very, very strange," Bashir reflected, as Garak reached over to the pile of clothing on the floor and handed him his shirt. He accepted it awkwardly. "All right then. I just wanted to make sure you understand what I'm doing." They left the room, Bashir almost forgetting to bring the phaser along. He pointed it unconvincingly at his prisoner, as Garak walked ahead of him down the corridor; when they came nearer to the brig, he raised his voice and began to berate Garak disgustedly. "If you EVER try that again, you fucking Cardassian scum, I'll make you sorry you ever left that Klingon ship. We are NOT a bunch of ignorant Alliance soldiers - you will NOT be able to pull that crap on us." They had reached the area in front of the cells; Dax was sitting on a chair near the entrance, watching O'Brien, who had been crouched down at a control panel. Both looked up as Bashir and Garak came into view. Bashir grabbed Garak's arm and roughly propelled him into a cell, then slammed his hand down on the force field activator. "There. That should hold the fucking bastard for awhile. He didn't get too much sleep last night - I was trying to beat some gratitude into his thick Cardassian skull. I say we've been a little too gentle with him. Now the Klingons - THEY knew how to control him." O'Brien watched his performance, a puzzled expression on his stoic face. "Bashir - these power conduits have not been touched. You say he was trying to disable the force field?" Bashir nodded. "And just how was he intending to do that, may I ask?" "How should I know? You're the expert. All I know is that I came here and saw the field power flickering at the same time he was hurrying away from the panel. He's got knowledge of this station that we DON'T have, you know." O'Brien nodded, unconvinced. "I was going to suggest - moving him to regular quarters. It would be easier to manually lock the door, and then we'd never have to worry about him disabling the field, or - or -" "And he'd NEVER be able to figure out a way to open the door, right?" Dax replied. Bashir fumbled for an answer to that. "Well, it would be much easier to contain him; you could post guards outside the door -" "Who wouldn't be able to see what he, or YOU, were doing inside," Dax chimed in. "Julian, your solution is amazingly transparent. You just want to think of more ways you can isolate him with you." Bashir flinched, and glanced into the cell at Garak, who was sitting on the bunk, his head down. Probably grinning from ear to ear, Bashir thought irritably. O'Brien stood up. "Bashir, you've already been warned about carrying on your own personal vendettas against helpless prisoners. Now I don't know what it is you're doing to him, or WANT to do to him, but I want it understood that we do not treat him the way he treated us. We show him compassion and dignity. We do not terrorize and threaten him." He moved closer toward Bashir. "You are a vindictive little bastard; do you know that? I guess the only time you were able to show anything remotely LIKE compassion was when he was almost dead. Well, I have a suggestion for you - if you don't want to join him in there, you'll get rid of this damned chip on your shoulder and stop letting him get to you. Understood?" Bashir nodded. "Oh, and Dax, just in case our guest DID try something with the force field, I want a guard here at all times till we can figure out somewhere else to keep him." "I'll stay here," Bashir quickly offered. "Didn't I just get through telling you to leave him the hell alone?" O'Brien snorted. "Yes, but - I think he's afraid of me now. I think we finally understand each other. I assure you, captain, I can handle this. And him." O'Brien regarded him for a long moment, then sighed. "All right, Bashir. Against my better judgement, I leave the prisoner at your mercy. We're too shorthanded for this as it is - I TOLD you we should have left him behind. Dax, you're with me. That - situation - I mentioned has been confirmed." "Situation? What situation?" Bashir asked; O'Brien glanced meaningfully at him, then into the cell. Oh - the Alliance. "I'll take care of Garak - I still have something else I need to say to him." O'Brien began to protest. "I will be gentle with him, Captain! I promise - nothing but soothing hugs and caresses from now on. Will that satisfy you?" He smiled; if they only knew how accurate that was. He entered the cell. Garak had been listening to the conversation and was watching the entrance, annoyed. "Do they seriously think I'm afraid of a Terran like you?" he said, under his breath. "Seems so," Bashir smiled, pleased. "They seem to believe I've really got you scared. Wonder what they think I DID to you last night?" "I can not even imagine." He sighed. "They're watching us, by the way. You'd better entertain them." "I don't want to hear orders from you, Garak," Bashir bellowed, for the benefit of O'Brien and Dax. "You'll do what I tell you, when I tell you, or I'm afraid those gentle caresses I promised you won't be so gentle after all. On your feet." Garak groaned loudly. "On your feet, I said." He grasped Garak's wrist and shoved it into one of the cuffs mounted on the wall, then stood in front of him while fastening the other one. Garak leaned down and kissed Bashir's neck, then opened his mouth and bit into it; Bashir yelped. Dax, startled, began to move toward the cell. Bashir smiled sheepishly. "It's all right, everything is under control here. I'm afraid Mr. Garak's lessons haven't quite sunk in yet. I want to give him a little more time to think things over." "Bashir -" O'Brien began threateningly. "Wasn't I JUST telling you -" "Do you want me to beat him again? Because I promise you, I'll do it, if that's the only way I can keep him in line. You should have seen him crawling at my feet, begging for mercy. It's amazing what a few well-aimed phaser stuns can do. He was practically offering to become my slave." Careful, Julian, he thought, you're laying it on a bit TOO thick - you've already learned that Garak holds a grudge. "Well, he forgot my kindness to him, and I just need to remind him again." "Be careful, Bashir. I don't want to have to remind YOU." The two departed for Ops, leaving Bashir in the cell with Garak; Bashir immediately began unfastening the cuffs. Garak grasped one of his wrists hard and twisted it behind his back, as Bashir fought to keep from crying out. "Garak - please -" he gasped. "I had to give them a show - weren't you the one who told me that?" "I found your little 'show' annoying, Terran. Let me give YOU a show." He twisted harder, bringing Bashir down to his knees in front of him. "Do you like this? Is your Cardassian prisoner behaving properly now? You'd better stun me again. You're getting so good at it." One more savage pull, and Bashir nearly saw stars. "I'm sorry, all right? I'm sorry about all of this! Listen to me, Garak - I brought you back with me because I didn't want them to hurt you! I felt SORRY for you! I -" He stopped. Garak was regarding him with barely concealed disgust. "I know why you brought me back, captain, and it wasn't from any sense of pity or compassion. Recall your own words, if you can. You were going to let me freeze down here." "No, I wasn't, Garak! I swear it! That was just a threat; I would never have done that to you. Did you think I LIKED seeing you that way, on the ship? I thought I would die." "I don't believe you." Garak dropped the wrist, causing Bashir again to stifle a shriek. "You may not believe THIS, captain, but I appreciated what you did for me when we were prisoners together. I appreciated it when you tried to protect me. I have never in my life been as vulnerable as I was then, and you came to my assistance." Bashir's head swam from the complimentary words contrasting with the pain in his wrist; Garak had undoubtedly managed to sprain it, if nothing else. He moistened his lips and tried to answer. "Th- thank you, Garak." "And now, Julian, I need some further assistance from you. I need your security code. If, as I suspect, the Alliance is returning to the station to mount another attack, I don't want to be caught helpless in this cell." "But you can't escape from here - there'd be nowhere to go," Bashir answered, alarmed. Oh God, he thought, two days ago I could hardly even communicate with him, and now I'm actually planning to give him my security codes? "Are you sure you need to escape, if the Alliance attacked? Maybe that would make you even MORE of a target for them..." His voice trailed off. "Don't be ridiculous, captain. The Regent had begun to consider me his own personal trophy, before my attempt on his life. And I don't think I need to remind YOU of all people that his guards don't exactly hold me in esteem. I will not be retaken. I'll kill myself first." Bashir gulped. What he said was only too true, and yet... trust Garak with security codes? Yes, he had been a cooperative prisoner for Dax, and yes, he had never expressed anything but hatred and fear of the Regent, but still... His personal security code? "Garak, I, ah, I don't think I can do that." Garak's eyes took on a menacing gleam. "It's not that I don't see your point, it's just that I, ah -" Garak had dropped down onto his knees in front of Bashir. "Please, Julian. Please help me. You're the only one who will, the only one who ever did." He reached for Bashir's uninjured hand. "You have no idea how grateful I'd be to you. You cannot even begin to guess." Bashir felt the familiar weakness in his knees and fluttering in his stomach as the First Officer looked up at him, clear blue eyes penetrating him, lips curved into a secret smile for him. Garak threw both arms around his hips then and pressed his face into Bashir's groin, his lips gently beginning to kiss him through the fabric, his mouth opening against him. Bashir shuddered involuntarily. All this could be his; this incredible, powerful Cardassian could be his alone, just as he'd always dreamed, just as he'd almost not dared to imagine, if he'd just give up a stupid number. Garak was right - in the tumult surrounding an Alliance attack, he'd be a very low priority and would be at the mercy of anyone who happened to locate him. "And I will NOT allow that to happen," he thought; Garak had already unfastened his trousers and Bashir felt himself growing faint. "That's First Officer Garak doing this," he told himself, "GARAK. You've got him now, you fool - he's yours." "You enter Bashir 308, Garak," he whispered, "then you wait for confirmation and enter 217. That should get you out of here." "Thank you, Julian." He grasped Bashir's hips firmly and pulled himself against him; Bashir cried out at the sensation as Garak's teeth closed around him. He slowly sank to the floor, weak with passion, Garak leaning over him. Preparations for the probable return of the Alliance were continuing. Bashir found, to his irritation, that his visits to the brig had to be less and less frequent, as work on upgrading the fleet of raiders absorbed more of his energies. Then too, the Defiant, the principle rebel "battleship," managed to steal any other time he could spare. Yet he still found opportunities to see Garak at least once a day, and in fact, now that the Cardassian was installed in regular crew quarters down the hall from Bashir, he frequently paid his visits to him at night and remained until morning, after which he was exhausted for the rest of the day. But it was worth it - Garak had become, while not exactly "sympathetic" to the Rebellion, at least not diametrically opposed to it. He had begun to see the need for some type of counter force to the Alliance's grip on the sector; his own future depended on it, in fact, as no Alliance communication ever mentioned a possible pardon for him. "And even if they did decide to offer one," Garak told Bashir, "I'd never trust the Regent, or the Intendant, to make good on it." So it appeared that the rebels had gained a valuable ally after all. Bashir was overjoyed. His naturally suspicious and somewhat abrasive nature was softening under the attention he received from the First Officer. He felt stronger, more intelligent, braver when he was with Garak; he was no longer a Terran slave but a colleague, even a friend. He discussed his pre-Rebellion life with Garak, and sensed a grudging compassion in return - perhaps Garak's eyes were finally being opened to the reality of life from a Terran's viewpoint. He hoped so, anyway, as he couldn't imagine a return to the old life and the old hostilities. He began to need Garak too much to ever be able to regard him as his 'enemy' again. But he was also afraid to let the other rebels learn of his true feelings toward their former First Officer. "He's only using you, taking advantage of you," he was sure O'Brien would say. "Surely you can do better for yourself than a Cardassian overseer," Dax would agree. "Julian, be reasonable for once - where is this friendship supposed to lead? Are you going to go back to Earth with him and settle down on a farm together?" He smiled - what a pleasant prospect. He burrowed down into the covers and imagined himself walking in a field, among shining leaves of delicious fresh vegetables, with Garak at his side. First Officer Garak, his beautiful gray skin glowing in the Terran sun, his eyes reflecting the blue of the Terran sky - how he missed that sky, that sun, here on a dark and cold Alliance space station. How he missed a life where he didn't have to be perpetually worried and afraid. The glory and adventure of life as a Terran rebel didn't make up for the years of hardship as a slave. And it was all because of the Cardassians - he was taken from his home, his mother, his friends, by the damned fucking CARDASSIANS - He jumped. Someone had entered his room. "Garak! What are you doing here?" His heart pounded. Garak had never before, to his knowledge, actually used the security code to free himself. "I missed you, captain. You didn't pay me your usual visit." "I was just too tired - I'm sorry. There's so much work to do before we're really prepared for an Alliance attack." "Perhaps I should finally be allowed to help with the preparation. Don't forget, it's also in MY best interest that you succeed." "Yes, I know, but no one else will agree. For that matter, you shouldn't be HERE now - I'm supposed to come to you." "True. But I found the waiting intolerable." He sat down on the edge of the bed; Bashir felt the familiar thrill of anticipation. He brushed the hair back from Bashir's forehead and looked into his eyes. "So beautiful - I never thought a Terran could be this beautiful. You, my dear Julian, are a prize I would never have surrendered to the mines, if I had only known about you." "Garak - I don't think I'd want to be your slave, either in the mines or outside of them. I want us to be free, as we are now." "Yes, of course." Garak stretched out beside Bashir and languidly placed a hand on his chest. "You're free. You're so tired and worried you can barely function, but you're free. Tell me, my love, about these difficult problems you're trying to solve." Bashir gulped. 'My love'? Garak had never called him that; his words of endearment had never gone beyond 'Julian,' no matter how tender his kisses had occasionally become. The feeling of being called Garak's 'love' was most pleasant, as was the concern he was being shown. No matter that Garak was now displaying a willingness to move about the station at will - "That's only because he wanted to get to ME," Bashir thought happily. He stretched, yawned contentedly, and held the blanket open for Garak to join him in the bed. To hell with the other fighters, with the whole damned Rebellion - he was too tired to worry about it tonight. He lay his head down on Garak's strong chest as if it were a pillow. "Well, you see, the problem is that we're really not as prepared for an Alliance attack as we'd like them to think. You wouldn't believe the problems we're having with the central computer - we can't even access all the weapons systems yet..." Garak stroked Bashir's long brown hair, smiling gently to himself. "All right, Bashir, I want an explanation." Bashir stood in front of O'Brien, his eyes cast down, a guilty smile on his face. "What are you doing to him?" "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. He's bored, sitting alone all day, so I've been letting him read to me. He's learning Terran history. He tells me about what he's learning, and then we discuss it together." "YOU? An expert on Terran history?" O'Brien laughed mirthlessly. "Tell me the truth, Bashir - the only Terran history he's learning is your life story, explaining the reason you're such an impossible son of a bitch nowadays." Bashir smiled at that. "I don't want him in your quarters any more - understand me? He doesn't need to subject himself to your vengeful tirades - you've got more than enough to keep you busy." Bashir nodded. "And besides, no matter how meek and humble you say he's become, I'm sure there's some way he could access the computer, or the comm system. They're not disabled in YOUR quarters, after all." "All right, all right, I agree with you. Stop lecturing me - that's what GARAK has to put up with. I don't need to." He grinned. "My student wasn't too attentive last night, though - but he will be in the future. I saw to that." "Oh, you did, did you, you fucking little bastard?" "Listen, I don't need -" "No, and neither do I. And neither does Garak. You know, I've been thinking we ought to see if the Alliance will take him back." "WHAT?!" "You heard me. We brought him here out of compassion, YOUR compassion. But I don't think letting him become your whipping boy is showing him much compassion, do you?" "No, no, please, O'Brien, I'm not hurting him - you can't be serious about giving him back to them. They'll kill him - they'll torture him to death -" O'Brien watched, puzzled, as Bashir began to plead with him. "You don't know what those guards were like - YOU saw him after they got through with him! Do you want to send him back to that?" O'Brien had opened his mouth to answer when the red alert sirens began to wail. "Dax! What's going on?!" he shouted into the communicator. "We're going to be under attack - it's the Alliance - the Regent's fleet is back!" "Bloody hell!" O'Brien shouted. "There is no way they could have decided to stage another attack this soon!" "Well, they're DOING it!" Bashir panted, running alongside O'Brien and trying to keep up with him. "I can't believe it either, after what we put them through last time, but they're doing it!" "I've got to get to the Defiant. Dax thinks they're still several light years away, although our sensor readings are garbled. You - take a raider and see if you can pick up any more detailed information. I'll leave Dax in charge here -" He began to bellow orders into a comm unit mounted in the corridor; Bashir sprinted off in the opposite direction, toward the docking bay that held the rebels' pitiful collection of raiders. It would be good to at least DO something, to get away from the station and try to confront the Regent again on his own turf, as he had done before. Only THIS time, he wasn't going to let himself be captured. THIS time, he was going to make sure they paid in full for their previous treatment of him and of Garak. Garak. Bashir stopped dead. Garak was even now trapped inside his room, unaware of what was happening, unable to escape the Regent's troops if they managed to invade the station and find him. He had to get to him - he had to warn him. He ran down the corridor, stopping in front of the quarters that had been assigned to Garak as a cell. His security code quickly opened the door, and he rushed inside to find Garak sprawled across the bed, evidently asleep. "Julian!" he said, as he opened his eyes and saw Bashir. "What are you doing here at this hour? Shouldn't you be preparing for that dreaded Alliance attack?" "Don't joke about this, Garak - the Regent is less than an hour away and rapidly closing in on us. Dax picked up his fleet on long-range sensors." Garak looked panic-stricken. "So you see, all our preparations may not do us any good - we're in no condition to fight him yet." Garak blinked. "What do you mean, in no condition yet?" "We had estimated, based on the damage we inflicted on their fleet, that the Alliance wouldn't attack for another three weeks or more. That would have given us ample time to complete repairs and put our own defenses in order. But for some reason, they must have accelerated their plans. It's as if they knew we were still vulnerable." "Perhaps you have a spy here, a saboteur," Garak said, fear creeping into his voice. "I don't know. Probably. I hope not," Bashir replied. "Because I'll tell you, if we DO, there's no way I'll ever be able to figure out who it is. I have absolutely no clue." He grabbed hold of Garak's arm. "I'm taking a raider to try to gather some additional information, maybe even distract the Regent and hold him off. I just want you to know, Garak, that I'm going to do all I can to protect you here. You will NOT be returned to the Regent's hands - I give you my word." "Thank you, Julian," Garak said sincerely, as he bowed his head. "I trust you. I knew I could, ever since that day you started defending me against the guards." He drew Bashir into a close embrace and kissed him; Bashir felt warm and excited from the firm, confident touch. "Don't worry," Bashir managed at last to repeat. "I'll be back." He reluctantly parted from Garak and moved toward the door. "Wait." He looked back expectantly. "I want to come with you." "No, that would be a terrible mistake. I was captured ONCE already, remember? I just told you I plan to protect you from the Regent, not deliver you into his waiting hands. Besides, I've given you the security codes - if things become too dangerous here, you can always evade the soldiers." "I can't evade them very effectively, though, trapped here on the station. I'll be - what do you Terrans call it? - a sitting duck. At least with you, I have a chance of escape, should the Alliance re-take Terok Nor." "But you don't understand, Garak - the Regent could just scan the raider, see that you're on board, and beam you out of it. That's how _I_ was captured, remember? I clearly explained all that to you. Now, please, I've got to go - O'Brien told me to leave immediately." "Julian." Garak took hold of his arm. "Julian, I beg you, let me come with you. I don't want to be trapped here. I want to be able to fight for myself, at least. I'm a soldier; can't you see that? Give me a chance to help you." "What about the Cardassian life form readings you'll be giving them?" "We can easily reconfigure the sensors to mask those; perhaps I, too, can be a Terran, at least to the Alliance computers." He smiled. "Let's go - and this time, captain, your mission will succeed." He and Bashir raced down the corridor toward the raider docking bay. As Bashir had expected, there was no one guarding access to the raiders; all available fighters were occupied with other, more pressing, duties. He climbed into the cramped ship, Garak following behind him, and began launch preparations. Dax's voice crackled over the comm system. "Julian, who the HELL do you have on that ship with you?" "Shall I answer?" Garak smiled, glancing over at him. "No, I'll handle it." Bashir thumbed a control. "I'm taking the prisoner with me, Dax. He's going to be my bargaining chip with the Regent, should I need one." "The Regent, asshole, won't give a FUCK that you've got Garak with you - he was going to let him die, remember?" "Watch your language, Miss," Bashir snarled. "Captain Bashir out." "Julian!" she screamed. "He's going to sabotage the controls - he's going to lead you right back to them -" Bashir cut the connection. "Let's go," he smiled at Garak. "And - success this time." "Success, Captain Bashir." The raider shot out from the docking bay and veered off toward the Alliance base and the source of the recent subspace emissions. Bashir's mood had rarely been as elevated. He was at the helm of a fast, powerful ship, he was going to take the Regent by surprise and seriously damage him again, and - his assistant and his lover had formerly been one of the Regent's most loyal subjects. There was no chance that this plan could fail - he was invincible. Garak seemed unfamiliar with the raider's control systems at first, and rapidly worked to familiarize himself with the new configurations, leaning close to Bashir and patiently listening to his instructions. Bashir was elated. The two of them were going to make fantastic partners - the Regent didn't stand a chance. And when the battle was all over, and he and Garak were once more safely ensconced on Terok Nor, accepting the gratitude and adulation of the other fighters, he would at last be able to convince them of Garak's loyalty and dedication to their cause. What an asset he would be to the Rebellion - what a terrific fighter he would make. He was a rare specimen even among Cardassians, Bashir happily mused, in more ways than one. What a relief not to have to keep up the pretense of hating him, battling with him. "We're nearing a source of unusual subspace emissions," he said, slightly puzzled. Garak glanced over at him. "These can't be the ones Dax had picked up - they're in another direction entirely. I think we should investigate." "No, captain," Garak proclaimed adamantly. "You said yourself that the Regent is less than one hour away - we don't have time for survey missions to explore subspace anomalies. I don't believe we should veer from our charted course." "Garak, the last time this happened, I think I recall hearing about some unusual ship that seemed to appear out of nowhere -" "NO, captain!" Garak shouted. "You are not following the orders you were given - we're to try and intercept the Alliance fleet. Wasn't that clear enough for you?" Bashir thought for a moment. "Yes, you're right, Garak. We'll keep to our original course. And, Garak," he said, sliding closer to him and staring menacingly into his eyes, "_I_ give the orders here, not you. You are still our prisoner, or have you forgotten that?" "No, I couldn't forget that, captain. Not when I'm at the mercy of such a frightening, intimidating Terran like you." Bashir had turned away, but glanced back at him, irritated. "I brought you along so you could fight the Alliance, Garak, not me." "I'm sorry." Garak smiled then, and Bashir's stern resolve melted away. What a beautiful smile he had, in that otherwise forbidding Cardassian face. It was really quite spectacular. Bashir reached over and grasped Garak's hand. "No, I'M sorry. I know you're feeling the pressure too. But don't worry - I'm quite an expert at flying this ship - you'll see. The Regent will never even know what hit him." He turned back to the control panel. "There - dead ahead. We'll be able to observe him for at least five minutes before he even sees us. Start scanning for weapons, please. I'm going to hold our position here." "Don't you think we should move in a little closer?" "It's unnecessary right now, Garak. We're just here to gather information first and relay it back to O'Brien, on the Defiant. We're not a battleship, you know. But I promise you, we WILL do a little damage of our own, when the time comes." "Can we be transported from here, would you say?" "No, we're much too far away for that. You have nothing to worry about; your signal is scrambled beyond recognition anyway." "Then I think we ought to move in closer." Garak had risen and was standing behind Bashir, both hands on his shoulders. Bashir leaned into the gentle touch and fought to keep from closing his eyes. "No, absolutely not, Garak. It's unnecessary right now - this is nothing more than a survey mission at this point." "I see." Garak began to knead Bashir's shoulders, rubbing them absently as he stared down at the readouts on the screen. "You're right, of course - why subject ourselves to unnecessary danger?" "Precisely." Bashir let a small moan of pleasure escape him. "Um - this is not really the place for this, I'm sorry to say. In fact, I can't imagine a LESS appropriate place. But later, if you still want to..." Garak smiled indulgently down at him. "Yes, there will be ample time later for me to enjoy you to my heart's content, dear Julian." Something in his tone puzzled Bashir; he swiveled around and stared into Garak's face. Garak had already resumed his seat and was intently studying the tactical display. "The flagship is evidently still badly damaged; it should present few problems for us." His hands almost imperceptibly moved toward the communications controls; Bashir watched, suspicious, then dismissed the thought and likewise consulted the tactical display. "Well, the Defiant is ALSO badly damaged, don't forget. Not to mention the fact that Terok Nor itself is quite defenseless if our own fleet should be dispersed." He paused. Garak's fingers had begun entering unfamiliar commands into the helm control system, but Bashir hadn't remembered providing the Cardassian with access to it. "Garak - what are you doing?" "I told you I thought we should move in closer, and we will." "For God's sake - WHY?" He fought to keep the panic out of his voice. "Because, Terran, I have an appointment to keep with the Regent. Surely even you, in your sex-blinded ignorance, can see that my future lies with the Alliance, not some pathetic band of Terran slaves." Bashir's mouth hung open in shock. "Don't worry - you will be very hospitably treated. At least - as hospitably as you treated ME. Ah - I think I see a shadow of guilt behind those pretty Terran eyes. Exploring it further will indeed be a pleasure." Bashir leaped from his chair and lunged toward Garak, who effortlessly pinned both arms behind his back, wrenching them upward. Perspiration began to bead on his forehead as he struggled against the Cardassian, but each move only increased his agony. The raider, he noted with horror, was rapidly closing the distance to the Alliance fleet; Garak had evidently been able to finish re-programming the controls. "I don't understand you, Garak," he panted, nearly doubled over in his effort to reduce the pressure on his arms. "The Regent almost killed you - he was going to let you die - don't you REMEMBER?" He couldn't see the Cardassian's face, but assumed he was wearing his usual supercilious smile. "Why do you want to go back to him? Answer me, Garak!" "Please refrain from barking orders at me, Terran. You're addressing the new Intendant of Terok Nor - I should think even YOU know the proper forms of respect." He twisted Bashir's arms once more, causing the young man to drop to his knees against him, his face contorted with pain. "I'll say one thing for you, though - you were extraordinarily easy to manipulate, once I realized how to use that Terran smugness and pride to my advantage. Tell me honestly - did you ever for a moment believe that I could actually be won over by a TERRAN?" He laughed, flinging Bashir to the floor of the raider and resting a foot on his back. "Go to hell," Bashir gasped, his face pressed against the floor, tears of pain still stinging his eyes. "I trusted you, you fucking Cardassian. I believed you." "It certainly didn't take much to accomplish that, did it? A few more sessions in your bed, and I believe you would have found a way to give me command of the entire station." Bashir felt himself redden with humiliation. Garak reached down and hoisted him to his feet, then tied his arms behind his back with a piece of cable and removed the phaser from his pocket. "Please be seated, captain. The more cooperative you are, the easier it will go with you when I present you to the Regent." Bashir sank down into his chair, defeated. He was sure that this time, Garak HAD broken an arm. O'Brien's voice boomed over the speakers, demanding information from them; Garak switched to another frequency and addressed the Alliance flagship, as the raider continued its journey to meet it. "I'm returning with one of the Terran rebels, 'Captain' Julian Bashir," he mockingly announced. "Please prepare another 'stateroom' for him, Regent." The Regent's gruff voice filled the tiny cabin. "Well done, Intendant Garak. We'll be sure to make your guest most comfortable." "Thank you. I'll be approaching the flagship within two minutes. Garak out." He leaned back and smiled, pleased. Bashir noted that the comm link to the flagship had not been severed, but he was too infuriated, and too disgusted with himself, to care. "You know what, Garak?" he grimaced painfully. "I think the Regent may be using you just the way you used ME. Think about it - you send him the information he needs, AND he gets you back as his prisoner... he can't lose in this little arrangement." "Shut up, Terran. Not everyone is as ignorant as you seem to be. And, I might add, not everyone is as blinded by their passions." He looked into Bashir's face and smiled. "Still - I won't deny that you were a very pleasant diversion, once I divested you of your childish need to dominate me, that is." "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." Bashir closed his eyes and tried to concentrate. Garak was evidently still struggling with the helm controls; he had never piloted a raider before. Good. That left more time to think, and possibly to arrive at an alternate solution. But the throbbing in both his arms made it almost impossible to do so - he couldn't very well manipulate the raider's controls without the use of his hands, either, so distracting Garak seemed to serve no purpose. He opened his eyes once more and saw the Cardassian leaning intently over the console, his brow furrowed in concentration, his breathing rapid. "What's wrong?" "Nothing is 'wrong,' we're simply nearing the flagship and I'm unfamiliar with the proper docking procedures." "Would you like me to help you?" "Surely you're not serious." Garak again leaned over the control pad and began entering commands into the raider's computer. Bashir watched him impatiently. "If you'd let me take the controls again..." Garak shook his head. "What the hell can I do to you, anyway? You've nearly broken my arms, besides the fact that you're holding the weapon now." "I'm not giving you access to the ship, captain. Just sit back and be quiet - I'm sure the Regent will have many questions for you later, if you wish to talk then." He smiled triumphantly. "See? He's awaiting us - allow me to say, captain, that your service to the Alliance will not go unrewarded." The flagship loomed in front of the tiny raider; Bashir felt his throat constrict. "This very day," Garak continued, "you will receive the gratitude of the Regent himself." Bashir flinched. "After we re-take Terok Nor and immobilize your pathetic little fleet, you can assist us in the re-education process." As he spoke, his hands flew over the controls. Bashir was puzzled; a simple docking should not be so complicated, even for someone as unfamiliar with the ship as Garak seemed to be. He tried to lean over to see exactly what Garak was doing when the Regent's voice again distracted him. "Welcome back, Garak. Prepare for docking." "Yes, Regent - may I say that it has been an honor to assist you." "You've proven your worth to the Alliance, Garak, and to me." "That is most - gratifying - to hear, Regent. I had thought our relationship could not be salvaged." "Your debt to me has been paid. See that you continue to serve the Alliance as you have done, and your future is assured." "I thank you again, Regent." Garak closed the connection; Bashir saw his smile fade, almost as if it had been wiped from his face. It must have been a trick of the cabin's lighting. The control panel flashed the information that the enormous flagship's shields had been lowered; seconds later, a door opened to a small docking bay near the underside of the ship. The raider was poised just outside it, Garak frantically studying the controls and re-checking information provided by the computer. "This is not all that difficult," Bashir said resignedly. "Trust me - if you can't manage to dock properly, I'm sure the flagship can tractor you in." "How little you understand me after all, Terran," Garak spat, perspiration trickling down his forehead. "I had very little time to make these modifications - if I had thought of a way to get your security codes just a day or two sooner - well, we'll simply have to hope for the best." He entered a sequence of commands into the computer. "If this should somehow fail, however..." He let the sentence trail off. "If WHAT should somehow fail?" Bashir was suddenly flung backward against his chair; the Regent's ship seemed to rock with the force of the explosion, as smaller explosions soundlessly shook the enormous structure, flinging sections of the ship into space and directly toward the raider. "Garak!" he screamed, but Garak was frantically piloting the ship away from the path of the debris. Bashir slid out of the chair and landed on the floor, gritting his teeth against the pain in his bound arms. "Garak! Please, answer me! What happened?!" "A direct hit, my dear captain. A direct hit to their engineering section." "A direct hit with WHAT?" "A quantum torpedo." Bashir struggled to raise himself to a sitting position. "That's impossible! Raiders don't HAVE quantum torpedoes!" "This one does." Garak's face held a look of triumph that Bashir had rarely seen, even when the Alliance still controlled Terok Nor. He crawled forward on his knees toward him, crouching down at his feet. The raider still vibrated wildly as it careened away from the explosion. Several of the smaller ships that had been escorting the Regent were likewise madly dodging sections of debris as they pursued the raider; Bashir craned his neck upward so he could see the tactical display, then closed his eyes involuntarily at the hopelessness of the situation. He leaned against Garak, who to his amazement did not try to dislodge him. "Why did you do it?" "Why do you THINK, captain? I had no wish to become the Regent's plaything again," he answered absently, his attention focused on the readouts. "I thought you were going to become the new Intendant." "Do you really believe the Regent would install, as Intendant, someone who had made a nearly successful attempt on his life?" "Well, YOU seemed to," Bashir remarked. "Nonsense. Now, if you please - I need to concentrate if I'm to prevent us from falling into the Alliance's hands after all." "Garak -" Garak looked down, impatiently. "Garak - thank you." "For what?" "For not... for not being what I thought you were." Garak frowned, puzzled, as a blast shook the tiny ship. Bashir struggled to climb to his feet. "Garak, please, for God's sake! I'm a pilot! Let me help you!" He tried to brace himself against the console as another explosion rocked the ship and reflected blindingly in the viewscreen. Garak remained hunched over the controls, frantically attempting to evade their pursuers, as Bashir likewise frantically tried to wriggle free of the knot binding his arms. The pain was intense, however, and he flopped back down into the seat and looked over at Garak, his betrayer who had proven after all to be the best friend the Rebellion had ever had. He sighed. If he had to die, at least his death had served to defeat the Regent and throw the entire Alliance into disarray. The comm system crackled to life. "Defiant to Bashir - what in the name of God did you take with you on that ship?" Bashir smiled, then laughed, then almost screamed with joy as the Defiant burst into view directly in front of them. Remnants of the explosion seemed to bounce off its shields as it raced after one of the Alliance ships, its phasers neatly slicing an opening through its side, its own companion fleet of raiders dodging in and out of the debris, chasing other targets. "Hold on," O'Brien shouted again, "we're reading that your propulsion system is disabled. We'll be back to pick you up. You've done enough for one day, captain." "I didn't do it," Bashir managed to reply. "It was Garak." Silence. Oh well - there'd be time enough to make the true story known, back on Terok Nor. Bashir closed his eyes again and listened to the communications rapidly being exchanged between the rebel ships. He heard Garak stand and approach him, then felt him gently untying the cable binding his wrists. They were swollen with pain, yet when Garak took them into his own hands and began to massage them, Bashir had never felt any sensation as wonderful. "So you see, Garak - they trust you now. All of them. DESPITE the fact that you lied to us and nearly left us wide open for an Alliance attack, that is. They trust you. You're one of us now." "Thank you, Julian." Garak lay next to Bashir in bed, in their quarters, again massaging Bashir's bandaged arms. Bashir felt himself slowly beginning to drift off to sleep as the painkillers took effect; he struggled to stay awake just a little longer. There was still so much he wanted to ask Garak, still so much he needed to know. The fact that Garak had been able to install a torpedo on the raider was not terribly mysterious, given the First Officer's familiarity with the station - "But, Garak, how did you know which raider I'd end up taking out?" "I decided you'd head for the first one in the docking bay. I knew you'd be the first person to go after the Regent." Bashir smiled and settled closer against him. "You know something, Garak - you could have TOLD us what you were planning to do. You could have warned us." "Would that have made a very convincing show for the Regent, you and I asking him to let us escort him back to Terok Nor?" "No, I suppose not." He yawned. "Forgive me - I'm really so... tired. I can't wait to see them all working with you now, Garak, accepting you. It's going to be... wonderful..." "Shh, Julian - sleep." He cradled Bashir's head against his chest. "Just sleep." Bashir slept. Garak stared at the ceiling, absently stroking Bashir's hair and listening to the gentle breathing of his Terran companion. Finally determining that Bashir was indeed fast asleep, he slid out of his embrace and crept to the comm system near the door. The codes to reach Cardassia Prime were easily entered and scrambled. "This is Garak," he whispered into the computer. "I need to speak to Dukat." He smiled. The End