The Truth Hurts Rated PG-13 just for the hell of it A brief scene by JA Chapman Disclaimer: Fuckit. If you don't know who these people are then what do you care anyway. Judygran issued a challenge and I decided, "What the hell! I never do these things so I'll give it a go." Enjoy--Jen "Don't give me any of that 'bonding' crap!" Garak's eyeridge raised slightly with surprise, "Really, my dear doctor--language please!" "I want to know exactly what you and Captain Sisko have been discussing, and I want to know now!" Julian said stubbornly, his eyes flashing with almost a Cardassian arrogance which made for quite an impressive sight...especially as he was completely naked and lying on Garak's rumpled sheets. So impressive, that the tailor paused in his dressing to admire his companion's roguish appearance, marred only by his voice which had become quite shrill over the course of a few minutes. Sighing, Garak sat at the edge of the bed and pulled on a pair of socks, "It's a....*private* matter and I'm sure you can fully appreciate my position in not disclosing it to anyone," he gave an apologetic smile, "Tailor-client privilige, that sort of thing." Julian's dark eyes narrowed as his tan complexion ruddied with annoyance, "Bull-shit." Garak's own mouth down in distaste and he clucked with disapproval, "Really Julian. You know, before we began this side of our relationship you always treated me with courtesy," he pulled on his trousers in annoyance, "I blame Chief O'Brien--your language has become atrocious." Julian jumped out of the bed and began to pace nakedly in front of his companion with and agitated gait, "Tell me something--do I look stupid to you?!? Have I suddenly sprouted a tatoo across my forehead that spells out 'NIAVE' in kardasi!?!" Garak almost smiled at the sight of the now thoroughly enraged officer pacing his quarters, "No...however I do think you'd look rather nice with a small tatoo--perhaps in the shape of a heart emblazoned with the initials 'EG Forever'?" Julian paused to give the other man murderous glare, "Do I look amused Garak?" he tilted his head in inquiry, "No? I thought not. Now do me the courtesy of answering my question or I shall became rather PISSED OFF!" he nearly shouted, "Civilized enough for you?" Garak shrugged on his tunic thoughtfully, "I'm sorry--what was the question again?" Placing his hand on either side of the tailor he leaned in closely, his features livid, "What-do-you-and-Sisko-dis-cuss?" "No need to be dramatic, my dear," Garak lisped ineffectually, "We merely talk of inocuous things--the weather, baseball, fashion, intrigue--that sort of thing." his voice dipped low and confidential, "We even traded a few recipes. Did you know that he puts bay leaf in..." Julian gritted his teeth in frustration, "For once--just ONCE--would you PLEASE tell the goddamn truth!" "You know, if you continue with this I'm going to be late..." Garak chattered as he stood up. Julian blocked the door, "Talk." Garak rolled his eyes in exasperation, "Is it so incredible that Captain Sisko and I could become friends?" "Yes." Bashir said leaning against the door frame. "Fine." Garak said with a clipped accent, "We've been sleeping together for months--sometimes twice a week! Why I'm suprised that you haven't noticed how well his uniform's been fitting him--along with sexual favors I do his alterations for free!" Julian appeared none too impressed, "The truth." Garak scowled, "Fine. We're setting up a scenario which will bring the Romulans into the war effort, alright?" "Thank you," Julian said stepping out of his way, "Now was that so hard?" "You are no fun!" Garak grumbled on his way out the door. He paused then turned, "And what makes you think that I was lying about having an affair anyway? What? You don't think someone else could find me attractive???" Julian leaned in close, almost kissing him and said softly, "I knew you were lying the minute you mentioned the Captain's uniform." "Oh?" Garak prodded with an arrogant huff. "There's no way you'd ever consent to altering a 'vile starfleet rag' for free." Julian gave him a quick kiss before heading for the bath, "I wish you better luck with the Romulan senator--you seem to be losing you touch." he spoke the the door as the sonics splashed in the background, "Comes from hanging around humans for so long most likely!" "*THAT* was a despicable thing to say!" Garak sulked as he slammed out of the room as Julian chuckled maddeningly through the door. The End