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What the hell do all those letters at the top mean? On the ASC and ASCEM newsgroups, all posts come with a set of codes; these codes help the reader to decide if he/she wants to read a particular story. For the uninitiated, this can be really confusing, so I've decided to provide a beginner's list of commonly used codes... All stories in the archive, and on "Strange Fits of Passion", are rated according to this set of guidelines, and most of them use the characters codes as well. Some of the newer stories may also have the acronym 'NASAL' which stands for 'not all sweetness and light', and it means that the story in question may be upsetting, or have an odd twist. If a story has a kink, features BDSM, or has non-consensual sexual activity, I've added an additional disclaimer in the story summary. Hopefully this will help; as with all things, read the disclaimers and summaries before you start to read any story...enjoy your journey! If you have any questions, just ask! This list of codes was taken from the ASC/ASCEM Formatting FAQ; many thanks to Stephen Ratliff and Ruth Gifford for publishing it on the newsgroups. Still curious? Need to know the whys and wherefors of slash? I found a wonderful letter/FAQ response concerning slash. It's from a "Blake's Seven" list, but I think that the answers are relevant for all slash writers and readers/non-readers. Go read it here. |
C: Chekov
K: Kirk Mc: McCoy S: Spock Su: Sulu U: Uhura |
C: Bev Crusher
D: Data L: Lore La: LaForge P: Picard Q: Q (original) R: Riker T: Troi W: Worf Wes: Wesley Crusher Y: Yar |
B: Bashir
D: Dax Du: Dukat G: Garak K: Kira KO'B: Keiko O'Brien L: Leeta O: Odo O'B: O'Brien Q: Q (same as TNG Q) Qu: Quark R: Rom S: Sisko |
7: 7 of 9
C: Chakotay D: Doctor J: Janeway K: Kim Kes: duh? N: Neelix P: Paris Q: Q (same as TNG Q) T: Torres Tu: Tuvok |
general audiences | not for young children | not for pre-teens | restricted to adults (18+) | of Adult Nature (18+) | not rated |
m/m: male with male m/f: male with female A/U: Alternate universe (example: the TOS episode "Mirror, Mirror") non-cons: non-consensual activities, usually rape d/s: dominance and submission b/d: bondage and discipline s/m: sadomasochism bdsm: combination of the previous two h/c: hurt and comfort (a character is hurt, another comforts them; if the hurt is graphic, most authors will say so in their intro) |
no language, violence or adult themes | language and mild violence | heavier violence; mild sexual situations | "vanilla sex"; excessive violence; won't offend most adults | no minors, may
offend some adults; BDSM and
all others on the kinky list; graphic sex; extreme amounts of violence |
used for unusual
situations, i.e. death of a character;
when the author doesn't want to give away a plot point -- be prepared for anything! * all TSU stories & most parodies on this site are not rated -- read with caution. |