The question asked most often of women who are in an abusive relationship is “Why do you stay?”

There are a number of reasons why women stay:

  • economic hardship
  • isolated from friends or support system; has no way to check reality of what abuser is saying
  • difficulty finding work that pays enough to be self-sufficient and/or difficulty with Child care
  • abuser has threatened to take the children/custody issues
  • victim fears abuser will kill her, children, himself, family, etc. if she leaves
  • belief that the abuser will reform or change
  • shame - does not want anyone to know what is going on
  • there may be more good times than bad; particularly in the beginning
  • belief that she is the cause and therefore can make the abuse stop is she does or says the right things
  • the children need their father’s presence and/or economic support
  • doubts she can make it on her own
  • slow and or ineffective legal response which can not or will not protect her
  • belief that divorce or leaving the relationship is wrong; this is often directly reinforced by clergy, family, friends, and society

(Source: Largo Police Dept., Largo FL)

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