To My Poetry Page

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there - I do not sleep
I am a thousand winds that blow
I am the diamond glint on snow
I am the sunlight on ripened grain
I am the gentle autumn rain
When you wake in the morning, hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight
I am the soft starlight of night
Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there - I do not sleep

Author Unknown

He Loves Me

As I cruise through town in my old black and white
I think about victims from a domestic fight
The kicking, the biting, the pounding, they say
But the memory's erased come the big court day.

He loves me she says, as she started to cry
I know he didn't mean it, when he blackened my eye
It's all my fault, I deserve it, I do
Don't look at my back, for it's all black and blue.

Tomorrow we will wake, and sober he'll be
And the love that we share will flow soft and free
For our children we'll make it, never falling apart
The love that we share, it comes from the heart.

If it happens again I will leave him you'll see
But again came and went, now look at me
First crutches then stitches, a cast here and there
Now please don't arrest him, for that's truly unfair.

Then suddenly it happens, the fight if you will
He's punching and stabbing, for him it's a thrill
The warmth that I'm feeling, what is it I ask
Don't talk they tell me, just breathe through this mask.

When finally I realize, It's my legs I can't feel
At the hospital he gives me that "I love you spiel"
The doctor now sighs with a grim look in his eye
Don't take me my Lord, for I'm to young to die.

If this sounds too familiar, and really hits home
Come forward I ask, for you're not alone.

Deputy Mike Coon
Central Michigan

Loving a Police Officer

Watching my love put on his uniform,
I catch the glint off the badge which adorns.
Checking his gun, adjusting his belt,
Anguish begins to build like the other nights I've felt.

I know his job is to protect and to serve,
And my mind knows good men are what the force deserves.
But selfishness enters with matters of the heart and so why him?
To put his life on the line for so many unappreciative women and men.

But that one difference is all he wants to make,
From easing some abuse to giving a lucky motorist a break.
So when his hand reaches for the door to begin his night,
Only God knows what will be his plight.

I can only hope he knows of all my love,
And in another breath say a prayer to God above.
Keep him safe as well as his other fellow brothers,
May they all return to their wives, husbands, and mothers.

But in the night I know a siren will wail,
For the call of duty will always prevail.
Injustice seems to need no rest or sleep,
But instead constantly lurks in the shadows deep.

Nothing matches the feeling at the end of his work day,
When he reaches out to touch me in the bed where I lay.
Peace reaches my soul and I thank God again
For bringing my love safely back to me, our family, and friends.

Author: Shelby

The Waiting

A woman understands
home fires burning
lamps in windows
porch lights.

Her patience forgives
dinners spoiled
sleep interrupted
parties she goes to alone.

There will be other parties is a once-a-lifetime thing.
Food grows stale
but Love keeps.

She has faith in his idealism
when even he doubts it
---she champions his causes
when he himself is silent.

A woman understands
that fear
is only the wail of a siren in the night
and calm
is the sweep of his headlights
across the yard,
the turn of his key in the lock,
the touch of his hand on her pillow
once again.

Linda Syverson Dent


People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered
Forgive them anyway
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives
Be kind anyway
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and true enemies
Succeed anyway
What you spend years building, they may destroy overnight
Build anyway
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous and scorn
Be joyous anyway
The good you do today, they often will forget tomorrow
Do good anyway
Give the world the best you have, and it will never be enough
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God
It was never between you and them anyway


It's not the critic who counts, nor the man who points out how the strong
man stumbled - or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The
credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is
marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and
comes short again and again because there is no effort without error and
shortcomings, who knows the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy
cause, who at best knows in the end the high achievement of triumph and
who at worst, if he fails while daring greatly, knows his place shall
never be with those timid and cold souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

Theodore Roosevelt

A Policeman's Prayer

Oh Almighty God, Whose Great Power And Eternal
Wisdom Embraces The Universe, Watch Over All
Policemen and Law Enforcement Officers.
Protect Them From Harm In The Performance
Of Their Duty To Stop Crime, Robberies,
Riots And Violence.

We Pray, Help Them Keep Our Streets And Homes
Safe Day And Night. We Recommend Them To Your
Loving Care Because Their Duty Is Dangerous.
Grant Them Your Unending strength And Courage
In Their Daily Assignments. Dear God, Protect
These Brave Men & Women, Grant Them Your
Almighty Protection, Unite Them Safely With
Their Families After duty Has Ended.


Author Unknown

EMT's Prayer

GOD... Grant me the ability
To give emergency care.
With skillful hands, knowledgeable mind,
And tender loving care.
Help me deal with everything,
When lives are on the line.
To see the worst, administer aid,
And ease a worried mind.
So help me as I go today,
Accept what fate may be.
Touch these hands, use this mind,
Help this E.M.T.


Author Unknown


The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.
Attitude, to me, is more important than the facts.
It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than success, than what other people think or say or do.
It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill.
It will make or break a company... a church... a home.
We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.
We cannot change the inevitable.
The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.
I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.
And so it is with you...

Chuck Swindoll

Her Best Friend

She sits by him.. ever so quiet... watching him as his breathing lessens...
a tear in her eye... she thinks back to a time... before his fight....

They are walking along the shores... watching silently as each wave hits
their feet... reveling in the coolness of the water... on a hot day...
they come upon their blanket and sit down... and she looks to him and
smiles... caressing him... he looks to her... love and devotion in his
eyes... and she embraces him into her arms... her own feelings of love
flooding her heart... she thinks...

“My Best Friend”... they are inseparable... where she goes... he goes...
eternally at her side... ever so protective of her... he worships her...
for she shows him nothing but Love.... She looks out onto the Horizon as
he watches her... she admires the beauty of the colors of the sky as the
sun begins it's descent into night... she shifts her gaze to the already
risen Moon... and knows the stars will soon appear... she loves the
night... with all its lights in the sky... seemingly magical... she lays
back onto the blanket and looks up to the sky... awaiting for the show of
the Dancing Fairies... and he lays down next to her... watching her...
for he cannot take his eyes off of her... and he is happy... The night
finally arrives... with it the stars begin to dance... and the Moon shines
brightly above them... as if to be watching them... she inhales deeply...
taking in the scent of the seas... the crashing of the waves relax her
soul... as she listens to them hitting the shore... he continues to watch
her... not moving... save for a slight sigh of contentment... and she
smiles... turning her head to look at him... her eyes gazing at him as
she begins to lose herself in the magic of the night... the Night...
her favorite time... she seems to come alive when the Moon arrives...
and the stars dance brilliantly above her... she feels exhilarated...
and stands up... removing her clothes she walks gracefully to the water...
entering it... and he looks up... watching her ever so carefully...
ready to move to her at a moments notice... she swims out into the open
water... relishing the feel of the coldness of it... then heads back to
the shore... back to him....

She dries herself off and looks at him... he knows that look and stands...
and she gathers the blanket and they walk home... they walk into the
house and she puts on her favorite music.... "Dance Of The Sugar Plum
Fairies" and fixes a glass of wine... he sits down and watches her...
he always watches her... his love for her knows no boundaries... she sits
down beside him... holding him close... loving him unconditionally...
then she leans her head back and thinks....

Her present thoughts go to his fight... and her tears begin to flow...
she blinks them back... looking at him... as she remembers.... They are
on Patrol... working... both for the City... Honorable Police Officers...
they get a call and immediately respond... for it is their job to do
so... their desire... they arrive at the scene... many other Officers
are there... she steps out of her car... he waits there... and she talks
with another Officer... glances back to him... then to the other Officer...
and nods... she then walks to the car... opening the door she beckons
him to back her up... and he responds... they enter a large house...
she pulls her weapon... ready to fire if need be... he is at her side...
they carefully and stealthily walk from room to room... searching...
she opens each door... aiming her weapon... he stands ready as well...
she goes to the last door... and opens it... in a flash a gun is aimed at
her... He rushes into the room... and confronts the gunman... there is a
struggle... and the gun is fired... she fires her weapon... bringing the
man down... and she rushes to her partners side... holding him...
beckoning him to hang on... other Officers begin to flood the room...
and one of them takes her and her partner to the Hospital... but...
they are told it is too late... too much blood loss... she is left alone
with him... to say good bye... She looks down at him... he looks up at
her... love still in his eyes... ever devotional... in one last breath
he wags his tail slightly... she cries... and will always remember
Her Best Friend.... Max.

She received a plaque for Max... he died in the Line of Duty... she
looks at his things... his water bowl... his food bowl... his chew toy...
Yes, Max was very loved... he was her best friend... a police officer...
and her dog.

Cindy Rayburn

Death of an Innocent

I went to a party, Mom,
I remembered what you said.
You told me not to drink, Mom,
So I drank soda instead.
I really felt proud inside, Mom,
The way you said I would.
I didn't drink and drive, Mom,
Even though the others said I should.

I know I did the right thing, Mom,
I know you are always right.
Now the party is finally ending, Mom,
As everyone is driving out of sight.
As I got into my car, Mom,
I knew I'd get home in one piece.
Because of the way you raised me,
So responsible and sweet.

I started to drive away, Mom,
But as I pulled into the road,
The other car didn't see me, Mom,
And hit me like a load.
As I lay there on the pavement, Mom,
I hear the policeman say,
The other guy is drunk, Mom,
And now I'm the one who will pay.

I'm lying here dying, Mom.
I wish you'd get here soon.
How could this happen to me, Mom?
My life just burst like a balloon.
There is blood all around me, Mom,
And most of it is mine.
I hear the medic say, Mom,
I'll die in a short time.

I just wanted to tell you, Mom,
I swear I didn't drink.
It was the others, Mom.
The others didn't think.
He was probably at
The same party as I.
The only difference is,
He drank and I will die.

Why do people drink, Mom?
It can ruin your whole life.
I'm feeling sharp pains now.
Pains just like a knife.
The guy who hit me is walking,
Mom, And I don't think it's fair.
I'm lying here dying
And all he can do is stare.

Tell my brother not to cry, Mom.
Tell Daddy to be brave.
And when I go to heaven, Mom,
Put "Daddy's Girl" on my grave.
Someone should have told him, Mom,
Not to drink and drive.
If only they had told him, Mom,
I would still be alive.

My breath is getting shorter, Mom.
I'm becoming very scared.
Please don't cry for me, Mom.
When I needed you, you were always there.
I have one last question, Mom,
Before I say good bye.
I didn't drink and drive,
So why am I the one to die?

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