Physical Abuse:

punching - shoving - restraining to keep one from leaving - slapping - biting - kicking - choking - hitting - throwing objects - locking one out of the house - abandoning one in dangerous places - refusing to help when partner is sick, injured, or pregnant - subjecting another to reckless driving - forced one off the road or kept partner from driving - raping - threatening to hurt one with a weapon

Sexual Abuse:

told anti-women jokes - treated women as sex objects - filled with jealous anger; assuming partner would have sex with any available person - insisting that partner dress in a more sexual way than they wanted - minimized the importance of partner's feelings about sex - criticizes sexual performance - insists on unwanted and uncomfortable touching - withholds sex and affection - uses sexual names like "whore" or "frigid" - forces partner to strip even though they did not want to - shows sexual interest towards others in public - engages in affairs after agreeing to a monogamous relationship - forces sex - forces partner to have sex with others - forces partner to watch others having sex - forces particular unwanted sexual acts - forces sex after beatings - forces sex when partner is sick or it is in danger of partner's health - forces sex for the purpose of hurting partner with objects or weapons - commits sadistic sexual acts

Emotional Abuse:

ignores partner's feelings - ridicules or insults women as a group - ridicules or insults partner's most valued beliefs; such as religion, race, heritage, or class - withholds approval, appreciation, or affection as punishment - continually criticizes, calls names, shouts, insults, or drives away partner's family or friends - humiliates partner in private or public places - refuses to socialize with partner - keeps partner from working - controls the money - makes all the decisions - refuses to work or share money - takes car keys away - takes money away - regularly threatens to leave or tells partner to leave - threatens to hurt partner and partner's family - punishes or deprives children when angry at partner - threatens to kidnap the children if partner leaves - abuses or threatens to abuse pets - tells partner of affairs - accuses partner of having affairs - manipulates with lies and contradictions

Social Isolation:

doesn't allow contact with family - doesn't allow friendships - if there are friends; calls them names, questions/accuses, harasses till partner ends these friendships - suggests/demands a physical move away from a geographic location that is familiar or safe to the family - "mutual" friends are abusers/victims and/or alcoholic/drug dependent - keeps partner prisoner in own home - makes family live on abuser's time; everyone is where abuser wants them, when the abuser wants them there - refuses to socialize with the partner - denies access to the car

Financial Dependency:

keeps partner pregnant - keeps partner/family in debt - keeps partner from working - if partner employed; causes trouble at work site; tries to get partner fired - if allowed to work; keeps partner under-employed or at a job that is disliked - controls money/resources; everything is in abuser's name - refuses to work or share money - accustoms partner to a lifestyle that cannot be sustained without abuser

(Source: Largo Police Dept, Largo FL)

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