Reasons why individuals batter:

  • it works
  • to gain power and control of relationship
  • belief in dominate/subordinate sex roles
  • insecurity
  • lack of proper communication skills
  • poor boundaries
  • raised to be aggressive
  • unresolved resentment towards parent
  • prevalent in our culture (movies, television, literature)
  • fear of abandonment
  • may have grown up in an abusive household
  • believe it is okay to batter
  • religious beliefs
  • denies responsibility for own behavior
  • secret - no one will know
  • sexual foreplay
  • society does not send the message that it is a crime
  • peers who have similar beliefs may encourage or reinforce this behavior
  • few sanctions or consequences for the batterer
  • shame

(Source: Largo Police Dept., Largo FL)

For further information on this topic please contact:

Family and Children's Services
120 W Smith Street
Greensboro NC 27401
Phone: 336-279-8955
24 hour Crisis line: 336-274-7316

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