Paintings by Rhoda Ross

Rhoda started taking painting lessons in the fall of 1996 in Lancaster township from Winnie Williams. In early 1997 she started with Saskia King in Union Bay, BC, the following are the results. These photos were taken of her paintings, which were scanned and uploaded. The paintings average size, 12" by 14".
A. F.

These Painting Copyrighted by Rhoda Ross .


The following 9 Paintings were done/finished by Rhoda in 1999
All paintings on line

The Round Church, St. Andrews United Church, Dalhousie Mills, Ontario. Painted by Rhoda Dec. 1999. A Winter View.
[#22]Old The old Wharf, South Lancaster from an early post card circa 1900, Painted by Rhoda Nov. 99


The Harbour, Stornoway, Scotland

[#20] Curry

This painting of the Curry Hill church & the Curry House was done by Rhoda, from a copy of an old black & white photograph sent to her by a Curry Descendant in the US a few years ago.
This painting won a 1st for Rhoda at the 1999 Williastown Fair, as well as the Best of the Show Ribbon

[#19] old

This photo of the Old Lady is part of the following painting of the same old Lady in a rocking chair in from of an open door. Name of Lady is unknown, Time period early 1900's

[#18] old

old Lady in a rocking chair in front of an open door. Name of Lady is unknown, Time period early 1900's

[#17] Thompson

This is a painting by Rhoda of the Thompson Farm in Lancaster twp off highway 2

[#16] Mary

This painting, Feb. 99 is of Mary Graham Westlake, Rhoda's mother 1904 - 1984 in her Nurses Uniform ca. 1926
This painting won a 1st for Rhoda at the 1999 Williastown Fair


This painting Jan 1999 is from a photo taken of Alex W. Fraser, Rhoda Ross looking out onto the ocean from Long Beach, B. C., Nov.98

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Updated Oct. 2000