You must be intrigued!

Got questions?

I'll answer any question that you have (except who I really am... (just yet) and my exact location).


Just be sure to read the rest of my page!

(I hate having to repeat myself)


What would you like to know about me?

Well... often while I'm on the internet (yup... on AOL), I often have several guys check out my "Member's Profile"... and send IMs my way (IM = Instant Message... which pops up on your screen).

There is one question that 99% of guys ask ... which honestly ... I HATE!

"What do you look like?"

I'm dying to say: "I look like me"


I do realize that most members of the male species can't stand talking to any female when they don't know what they look like.

Unlike we females... who prefer to get to know you first (you know... intelligence... personality)

So... Here goes...

I am 30 years old... I guess that means that in dog years, I'm already dead. ;)

I'm fairly tall (~5'8") (or 1.73m for you metric folks!)

I've got blue eyes! (OK... If I have to have a favorite feature regarding myself... it's gotta be my eyes.) :)

I have long blondish hair.

My Dimensions?

That information is classified. if you can't talk to me without knowing that information... well... basically... get a life!

OK... I'll CREATE a set of dimensions for ya...




I promise that I can have a wonderful conversation with you without having to ask you about your "dimensions!" :)


Now, you know it's not nice to ask a girl what she weighs! I am "queensized" ... I won't hide that from you... Some of you like the phrase "BBW" (meaning Big Beautiful Woman) I think it's a very sweet acronym! I consider myself almost "proportional"

(I'm not ROUND!)

I do want to lose weight... Why?

The clothes, of course!!!

Many clothing manufacturers seem to think that "big girls" really want to look like "dumpy people wearing tents."

Save the "dad-burn" tents for camping...

I like to look GOOD!

I'm a very active person (except when I'm vegging behind the computer... or I'm at work).

In fact I am very hyper! :)

I am barely able to sit down and watch my sci-fi shows... so I do have to tape 'em!

Activities I enjoy...

I LOVE Winterguard! I have been performing with an independant "senior" group ! here in North Carolina for the past 13 years!

(By the way... you "age-out" at 22... so at 23, you are only eligible for senior groups. (we aren't THAT old!) ;)

I also enjoy anything dealing with water or roller coasters! (More details later!)

I also take t'ai chi. (for the past 2 years (give or take)). We've learned the Hao style... and now working on Chen style!

Basically... I like to have fun! I get wild "on occasion" ;) You never know what I might say or do...

(My friends would be GLAD to vouch for me there!)


I'll stop with that for now... I'll add more later!


Why did I tell you all that? (Because it gets old telling the same story over and over...)

Wanna know what kind of guys I like? I'm sort of dating someone now...
By reading this link, you'll find out what he's like... 'cause he pretty much fits the mold of my "preferences." :)

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