GPSAR's Uniform and Equipment lists
Hello and welcome to the Post's uniform and equipment lists. The following is a list of what is needed before any member can go into the field. This is for the safety of the member, team, and victim that these requirements must be met. Explorers who do not fullfill these requirements and show up to a search, will be sent home.

Hat (baseball style)
Hardhat or other protective head gear (if needed for any special team or CERT mission)
Black Pants (BDU preferred)
Orange Explorer T-shirt (one of the few things the post provides)
Safety or Traffic Vest (requested)
Boots (8+ inches preferred)

Water (2+ Gallons)
Food (enough to last at least 2 days)
50' of some type of rope (pursik and/or para cord preferred)
First Aid Kit(basic unless you have higher certification; latex gloves or equivalent are required)
Goggles (requested)
Work Gloves
Flashlight with spare batteries
Fire Starter (matches, lighters, whatever)
Pocket Knives (sheath knifes, have to be approved by Captain of Post)
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