Chapter    6

It was about eleven and I was laying on the couch watching T.V. when I heard a knock on the door and opened it to see the smiling faces of Issac,Taylor,and Zac.

"Hey!",they said smiling.

"Were you asleep?",Taylor asked.

"No. Just watching T.V.. Come in!",I said.

We all sat down and got comfortable.

"How did everything go?",I asked.

"We just planned and talked everything out",Issac said.

"Have fun?".

"It was cool!",Zac replied.

"Do you guys want anything to drink?".

"Nah! We just came to say hello.",Taylor said getting up."We'll let you go to sleep now.".

"Well. Ok!",I aid as I walked to the door and opened it for them.

Zac and Issac ran out the door chasing each other and acting goofy.

"Well.",Taylor said taking my hand."I missed you today.".

I smiled,"I missed you ,too!".

Taylor hugged me and whipered "I love you." in my ear.

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