As he said this,I started to cry."Oh! I love you,to!",I said happily. Then I gazed into his eyes and smiled. That was the first time we had ever said those word to each other. It was s great!
Taylor took me in his arms and kissed me with such passion! I kissed him back and let myself melt into his arms. It was such a great feeling. We broke apart when we hear laughing. We looked and seen Issac and Zac standing there laughing with goofy grins on there faces.
"I thought you guys went home!",Taylor said.
"Nope! Nope! Nope! We didn't wanna miss the all the action!",Zac said laughing.
Taylor rolled his eyes and squeezed my hand."See you tomorrow!",he said with a quick grin.
"See you! Bye Ike! Bye Zac!",I said goodnight then closed the door and fell against it and sighed.