My Paper on Druids

                            THE STORY 
                             OF THE 
                            OAK TREE
                      Written By: Peter Day

                      Date: June 2, 1999

		Chapter 1: Scroll of Understanding
		Chapter 2: Beginnings of the Groves
		Chapter 3: Founders of the Sacred Groves
		Chapter 4: Eyeing the Sacred Groves
		Chapter 5: Upon entering the Order
		Chapter 6: Those from the Otherworld
		Chapter 7: The Arts of Worshipping
			I. The Kabbalah
			II. Sacrificing
			III. Rituals
			IV. Meditation and divination
		Chapter 8: Those who disobey Us
		Chapter 9: The Gazing of the Seers
		Chapter 10: Those given from the Source
		Chapter 11: The Celebrations
		Chapter 12: On the Tables of Feasting

		Chapter 13: diverse Knowledge of The Wise
		The Quest: Seek out those with Knowledge
		Notes from the Author 

Chapter 1: The Scroll of Understanding
    First and foremost, we druids are respected leaders of the  
Celtic\Gaelic Tribes in Europe.   We have positions as judges, law-
makers, priests, diviners, doctors, mage, mystic, and clerical scholars.   
Most or all of us have a very specified education according to what 
ability each Druid has.  The druid religion is closely knit to nature 
and it has many gods who represent each property of nature.   We 
are the elders and fathers of each tribe.  Our words and commands 
are truth and are trusted by all. However, no one is ever allowed to 
watch our ceremonies and rituals in the sacred groves because if they 
get caught they face very harsh punishment.   Most that do not lis
ten think that we druids are evil people that sacrifice living humans 
and animals.   We actually are very wise in our beliefs and we are 
all to be trusted.  We do sacrifice criminals, but the idea was that if 
one is sacrificed with the least amount of pain, then his or her spirit 
would travel easily to the Otherworld and bless our tribe for not 
causing them much pain.  I will say more on this in Chapter 7.

Chapter 2: Beginnings of the Groves
	The truth of our beginnings was never documented and our 
seers have never actually been able to see back to our roots.  How
ever, to our dismay, they have seen our unfortunate downfall.   This 
coming has been seen by many.   This wrong will be done when the 
Leader of the Roman Army, Gauis Iulius Caesar continues his conquest 
through our tribes somewhere in the years between 400 and 500 An
no Domini.   He is an untruthful man and should not be trusted by 
any means.   Our last stand will be under our great leader 
Vercingetorix.   However if these words reach him, he shall not be 
kind to us again.   He is a wise leader and a man to be trusted.   
	Somewhere in the roots of time we may someday find our be
ginnings.  All we know is that the beginning came from The Source, 
from which all things come.

Chapter 3: Foundations of the Sacred Groves
There was no definite founder of our understanding of nature, for 
whoever or whatever was the first to feel in touch with nature was 
surely a tribe.   We know that this tribe originated in Wales before 
men knew how to write and record history.   Actually, our people 
were forbidden to write anything down about teachings or anything 
unfortunately.  due to these laws we now know nothing of our an
cestors except for notes taken by Iulius Caesar, other Romans, and 
Greek Writers.   In these notes are comments on how good our 
mathematics, physic, and astronomy use is and misleading notes on 
sacrificing.  They described some of the sacrifices we do today.  We 
also know that several thousand years before us, men and women 
took shelter under rocks and trees.  From these occurrences our reli
ance on OAK TREEs began for many OAK TREEs were used as shelter.  
Because druid means: ''Sage of the Oak'', and many OAK TREEs were 
used we can see that in this region of middle-Europe what we call 
druidism may have begun... 

Chapter 4: Eyeing the Sacred Groves
	Most druids are friendly to outsiders.  However, if a druid is 
angered, woe to he that angers him for his wrath is deadly.  Groves 
are rather easy to find because almost every tribe has one.  We will 
accept most people into our homes.  The next page shows the 
regions we are located in and it shows what our seers have predicted 
where we will be in the future.

Chapter 5: Upon Entering the Order
	In the Order of the Wise, the head leaders of the druids, one 
must believe what we believe and do what we do and know what we 
know.  We believe that everything comes from the Source, the ruler 
of us all from which everything comes. The OAK TREE is sacred 
because our ancestors used them as shelters and as homes.  Oak 
Groves have a spiritual calling and druids are attracted to them.  
We believe if anyone shows a threat to the groves, they should be 

Chapter 6: Those from the Otherworld
	We know many of those from the Otherworld. They are our 
gods.  The Otherworld is where we all go after we die.  You must 
know some of those from the Otherworld before you can join the 
    The healer god Lugh Lam Fada is the one who we derive the 
celebration Lughnasad. It is described in Chapter 11 in further detail. 
Lugh Lam Fada is the ''Son Of The Sun'', ''The God with the Large 
Hand'', and ''The Master of Crafts''.
	dagda the good can heal or kill with his club and he can sense 
as many people as He wants with his cauldron.  
	Brigid is the triple goddess of fire, poetry, and the forge. She 
also is the goddess of fertility and assists childbirth.  These are many 
others that you can find in Chapter 12.

Chapter 7: The Arts of Worshipping
The Kabbalah, Sacrificing, Rituals, 
Meditation and divination
	I. The Kabbalah
	The Kabbalah (also, Kaballah, Kabalah, Kabala, Qabalah, Ca
balah) is associated with us druids.  It focuses on the Tree of Life, or 
''The Sefirot''.  This tree, coming from a book in the Catholics book 
called Genesis, is a symbol saying that if anyone eats the fruit off it 
shall die.  In Hebrew Legends, the Tree of Life is associated with The 
10 Ancient days all of the time.  From this is formed the Kabbalah 
Tree of Life.  In this one day starts and days come from the first 
and then end with one day.  Each circle or day is called Sephirah. 
There are too many points on this Tree to speak about. Many 
sources show these points.
	II. Sacrificing
	Sacrificing is an important celebration in our society.  There 
must always be a lead sacrificer for the sacrifice to be made.  He or 
She must dress the body as necessary for the sacrifice.  One form of 
mass sacrificing is to put the sacrifices in baskets hanging over a 
fireplace.  There are many green leaves in the fire to suffocate the 
victims before the fire reaches them.  They are given myrrh to sedate 
them and make them unaware of the fire.  Then the fires are lit and 
most of the sacrifices do not feel much pain.  Some mass sacrifices 
allow civilians to watch.  The idea is to have the victims not feel 
pain as their souls pass to the Otherworld.  Once there, as the dru
ids chant, hopefully the souls will bless the tribe for allowing their 
passage to be without pain.  Some other sacrifices included burning 
one alive on a stick or one was stoned, drowned then stuck on a 
spear.  This may sound cruel to an unlearned person, but these sacri
fices have to take place in order that we live.
	III. Rituals
	Rituals are just a summary of sacrificing, divining, meditation, 
putting incense on a sacrifice, et cetera.  They are performed at all 
major celebrations and in the training of young druids.
	IV. Meditation and divination
	Mediation and divination are closely intertwined.  divination is 
mainly meditating on something for hours at a time, such as a quartz 
sphere or crystal ball.  during this procedure a seer concentrates on 
a clear quartz crystal ball until he starts to see clouds of different 
colors.  These clouds mean different things will come.  Below are a 
listing of what is seen by seers I have met and what they mean:
Cloud Colors
Blue:		your Career will be accomplished
Gold:		wealth, restored romance
Gray:		bad luck
Black:		something very bad will happen soon
Green:	you will be healthy and will have happiness
Orange:	you have a secret anger
Red:		Be wary of yourself. danger is coming!
Silver:		you'll go through hardship then have good times
White:	you will have very good luck
Yellow:	difficulty will come
These are not definately what will happen but these signs are the 
most common signs.  Also sometimes you will see a person or place 
or thing inside of a cloud.  Or, you might see a symbol

Chapter 8: Those Who disobey Us
	There are many in the world who do not acknowledge that 
druidism is true.  However we do thank some of them for guiding us 
although they never knew it.  From Catholocism we have much about 
good ways of living. We have used the Hebrew alphabet for Kabbalah 
and Ogham Runes.  However, none of these faiths have the closeness 
we have with nature and the trees.  They don't understand about all 
or any of our rituals.  They cannot comprehend what we do.  They 
have no connection with nature.  They rely on manmade ideas and 
not things that are already there.

Chapter 9: The Gazing of the Seers
	Our seers predict that in a millennium or so, after the downfall 
of true druidism, many of our ancestors will rise again and we shall 
be reincarnated once again!  Our great meeting place of Stonehenge 
will be used once again to celebrate the solstices.  The welcoming of 
our people will be debated and will be tried to end but our people 
shall live always!   A terrible thing will happen. Rulers will ban us 
from Stonehenge. However, soon thereafter we will have it back!  
druids will practice rituals on the celebration of Halloween during the 
night.  Most druids will keep drinking wine and eating vegetables but 
some will start eating meat.  They will wear normal clothes and 
blend in with all the untouched ones.  druids then will try to learn 
magick we already have known for centuries.  It will be a sad state. 
Not many people will become druid apprentices and druidism will 
slowly start to fade away as it already is.

Chapter 10: Those Given from the Source
	There were very few duids who are recognizable today or that 
have been seen in history.   We do know that there have been some 
and will be more to come.  One great person we have seen is Ali
ester Crowley.  He wrote many books on druidism.  He is a faithful 
druidThere are more such as these people with strange foreign names: 
Winston Churchhill, Rollo Maughfling, Cathbad, Bricriu of Poison 
Tongue, Kernnunos, and Iolo Morganwyg.  Of course Vercingetorix is 
a fine associate of the chief druids.  We have given him advice on 
leading the Helvetians against Caesar.

Chapter 11: The Celebrations
	Imbolc, Beltaine, Lughnasad, Samhain.   These 4 words are 
known by all the Druids.   These are the four celebrations that we 
druids celebrate.   They are at the end, or beginning, of each season.   
	Beltaine (pronounced: Bel- tain- yuh), the most looked-forward-to 
celebration of each year.   It is the celebration on May the 1 of 
each year for Birth, Life, and Fertility.   During this celebration newly 
weds dance around a tree to confirm that they are married.   
Women and animals will become pregnant and the rebirth of the 
growing season starts. For in the druids’ beliefs, something must die in 
order to make room for new life.   
	The next celebration is Lughnasad, named after the Son of the 
Sun, The Healer, Lugh Lam Fada.  On this day,  tribes all over Gaul 
give thanks for the harvest of crops and birth of children and young 
animals being born.  Many sacrifices are performed at this time.  
There are also many other rituals performed at this time.
	The new year has come, and it is time for Samhain.   The new 
year is celebrated on November 1 during our time period.  However 
seers have predicted that this will change soon to April 1 and then to 
December 1.   On the days during Samhain we celebrate the exact 
opposite of Beltaine.   We have feasts to celebrate death.  Torches 
were lit and many sacrifices were performed to ask the gods to bless 
them during the cold winter months to come.  We have seen that in 
much later years from now, our celebration shall be called Halloween.  
People will put on clothes of evil in order to try to scare away evil.   
It shall be one of the foolish games that will be performed.  However 
we have seen that we shall still be there!
	These are the four most important celebrations we should 
accept.  There are many other celebrations to participate in such as:  
the Summer Solstices and other astronomical events that are seen by 
the druids at Stonehenge, mass 
sacrifices, and a new chief druid being elected.   Be warned if thou 
are not initiated as a druid, if you EVER watch gatherings at groves 
and Cromlechs, there are severe punishments.  Control your will and 
do not try to see things you should not. 

Chapter 12: On the Tables of Feasting
	Most of us are not very wealthy.  Wine however is common 
amongst us, Roman wine that is. However we we do make Mead 
which is a wine with vegetables and fruit mixed together.  Most of 
us eat vegetables grown on farms in our tribe or fruit grown in or
chards.  We rarely eat meat unless we are starving.  Below are the 
ingredients in Mead.  Ingredients: Honey, Water, Yeast, Fruit, and

Chapter 13: diverse Knowledge of the Wise
	These are sources from which thou can receive additional in
formration. Some are far more advanced than us although our seers 
have seen that they will be sources.  Remember them for when you 
are reincarnated you may need them.
druids--by Morgan Llwellyn

The Quest: Seek Out Those with Knowledge
Credit goes to 
html for the picture telling where we are located today.

Notes from the Author
	I wrote this book from the perspective of a druid living in the 
first century before the faith died out. This is not from my own per
spective.  I am not a druid and don't plan to be one.  I just have a 
lot of druid friends online.  I will meet one July 10 or 11 hopefully at 
the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games for the first time.  Not 
all druids, if many, wear cloaks, capes, and trenchcoats all the time.  
Those people are mostly Gothics which I might consider myself to be 
wanting to be.  They like the Medieval Era, not the ''druid Era''.
Below are what each chapter is really about:
1.	Introduction to druidism
2.	History of the druids
3.	Origin of the druids
4.	The People as a whole
5.	Beliefs of the druids
6.	The gods
7.	Rituals
8.	Contrast of other Religions
9.	druidism currently
10.	Famous druids
11.	Celebrations
12.	Food
13.	Bibliography
Final:	Credits

