My Hedgehogs!

My two Hedgehog breeders names are: Snow 
(my male) and Flame (my female).  I have had
2 litters. The first had 3 babies and I have
4 babies now.  The picture to the right is my
first litter.  The namesare from left to right:
Flame, Prickles, Snow, Horseshoe, and Sonic.  
 If you are interested in purchasing one of my 
babiese-mail me at:

Hedgehogs are small (6 inches) rodents from Africa and Europe. There are many types of them: The Algerian Hedgehog, the African Pygmy Hedgehog, the South African Hedgehog and many more. They are covered with small, sharp quills but do not come out like a Porcupine.