Nutmeg and Pepper: My Sugar Gliders!

My 3 Sugar Gliders are some of the best Gliders out there! 
Sorry that I don't have any pictures of them BUT I will soon!
Nutmeg is a one year old Female Sugar Glider and Pepper is a 
12 week old Female and Squirt is my new male sugar glider.  
Squirt is my friendliest and glides as often as I'll let him.
Nutmeg has 2 babies in her pouch right now.
I will sell them at $100 each which is hundreds off a pet
store price!
  So what IS a Sugar Glider anyway? A Sugar Glider is NOT a
Rodent as some people might think. They are Marsupials from
the family: Petauridae.  They have a membrane stretching 
from their arms to their legs. This allows them to Glide
several hundred feet from the top of a tree to the base
of a tree!
  They have two pouches but theoretically could have up to 
4 babies.  There has been no record of this happening. The 
maximum on record is 3 babies.
  Sugar Gliders live in the trees in Australia, Papau New 
Guinea, Tasmania, Indonesia and surrounding islands. They 
eat tree sap and bugs in the wild.  
  Other species closely related are: the squirrel glider 
which is a larger form of a Sugar Glider, the yellow-belled 
glider, and the Leadbeaters possum.  The leadbeater's possum 
isn't actually related to the Petauridae Family but closely
resembles the Sugar Glider. However it doesn't have the 
membrane as of the Sugar Glider.

If you have any comments about them please sign
the guestbook on my homepage!

Some Sugar links!

Jessica & her Glider Roo's page: I thought this would be interesting for y'all Glider owners.
GliderNet: I BIG Glider site Very Unoriginal but nonetheless the BIGGEST glider site on the net!
AcmePet: somethin I found
Koko the Ferret's Page: Someone's page.....again

Some Sugar Glider sites I have surfed on to

Sugar An awesome Sugar Glider site.
Sugar Glider Books: If you are looking for books on Sugar Gliders, go to this site!