Jubilee's    TOP    TEN    REASONS    WHY    EMPLATE    IS    A    LOOSER!!!

10. Every day is a bad hair day.

9. Edward Scissorhands called and wants his hands back.

8. The calorie content of the shape-shifters he eats is impossible to calculate.

7. His social calender is always over-booked during snuffleupagus mating season.

6. Because his name makes about as much sense as Threnody's!

5. He's the only mutant never to be asked to join the Hellfire Club.

4. He thinks Blob should change his name to "All-You-Can-Eat Man". . .

3. He thinks "Alive!" is a date movie.

2. He eats with his hands.

And the number one reason why Emplate is a loser, is . . .

He kidnaps every member of Generation X . . . . . . plans to chow down on our mutant powers . . . . . . hangs yours truly upside down, yet somehow . . . . . . he's still not as obnoxious as his younger sister, M!