Chapter Fiteen

				   Chapter Fifteen
	I sat in bed thinking. I couldn't sleep and I kept rewinding the days
events in my mind. I was shocked at what had happened and utterly appauled
by Callie. I was also excited. Tomorrow night I was going on my first date
with Callie. We were going to go out to dinner and then to the philharmonic. I
would've preffered dinner and a movie, but Callie got the tickets and she
needed to take notes so she could write a paper for orchestra to make up for
missing school. Even though this excited me I also had regrets. It all
happened today when I was visiting her at the hospital. It was her last day
and we were walking around visiting fellow patients in the hospital.
	We talked to different people and then we had a long talk with a girl
who was only a couple of years older than us, about seventeen. She was in
the hospital because sometime in the next few days she was due to give birth
to a baby. She was obviously not happy with her situation, but was seeming
to make the best of it. She told us that she and her boyfriend hadn't taken the
proper precautions and well that was the shattering repercussion of the event.
We talked to her for a while and then left to go back to Callie's room.
	As we were walking out Callie whispered something to me. I couldn't
hear her so asked her what she had said when we were in the hall.
	"She should have had an abortion," Callie repeated,"That sort of thing
can mess up your life."
	"I can't believe you, that's killing an innocent life!!"	
	"But don't you think that both her and the child would have a better life
if the child wasn't there!'
	"No one, born or unborn, should be denyed life!'
	"Believe what you want!" she screamed at me as she slammed the door
to her hospital room in my face.
	I was stunned. I decided to give her some time to cool down and
walked to the nearby mall to check out clothes. I couldn't belive that she
wanted to take a human life, but yet she had so many other positive virtues.
	As I entered the mall I was overpowered by a feeling to purge myself
of this evil feeling. 	I wanted to rid myself of this feeling, like something had
been gnawing away at my insides. I decided to get Callie a gift. The question
was what.
	I wandered aimlessly from store to store until I finally found something
worth a damn to give her. Inside this music store, not compact discs but a
place to buy violins, guitars, and pianos, personaly I found it a wonderful
place to go and play on their pianos. If you make it seem like you're planning
to buy one you can go from piano to piano playing different things. It's a great
way to relax when you want to get away from your family. The problem is
that the last time I  played I attracted a crwod, mostly of teenagers screaming
my name. I had to run to the mens room and have the manager call my
parents because they wouldn't leave me alone, sometimes popularity isn't the
best thing in the world.
	This time though I saw a case where they had necklaces of different
musical instruments displayed. I saw the violin and knew Callie would love it.
So I was spending thirty dollars on a gift, but I hoped it would calm my
	I took my purchase and walked back over to a hospital. Callie was
asleep in her room so I left it in the bag and scribbled From Tay  on it. I
placed a kiss on her cheek and went to catch the bus back home.
	Now I still lay on my bed wondering what will become of Callie and
me and whether the violin still lay in the brown paper bag by her side.

Jump to Chapter Sixteen

Anne Vanderhorst