Chapter Two

				  Chapter Two
				     The Cave
	My stomach grumbled. I hadn't had anything to eat since dinner last
night and after looking at my watch I decided that I would try to find some
food. First, though, I was going to try to figure out where I was. I could see
the room I was in was big room with cement floors, sort of like a big
basement. I wasn't tied down so I stood up and stretched, being sore from
laying on the cement floor. I walked around this large room, inspecting what
was there.
	From what I could tell it looked like a very large basement. It was
fairly dark and reminded me of being below ground. I knew my brothers and I
had been kidnapped by some people with pantyhose on their head, personally
I would have used the ski mask approach. There was an old couch, the kind
your grandma would have with afgans draped over the backof it, and a nice
entertain ment system. It consisted of a medium tv, VCR, a Sega, Sony
Playstation, and Super Nintendo. Well it could have been better. Whoevers
stuff this was could have gotton a Nintendo64 and a Sega Saturn, but this will
do for now. I ambled over to the opposite end of the room and found two
twin beds, one of them in use by Ike. Under normal circumtances I would
have woken him up, but I wanted more time to explore. From here I could see
that the room was more L-shaped than rectangular because down here ther
was a thin room that was a basic kitchen. Finally I found food.
	As I inspected the refridgerator I noticed that these people were not
very skilled in the culinary field. Most of the food was stuff you could heat up
or make easily yourself. I mean they had a refrigerator sized freezer crammed
with microwave meals, frozen pizza, and leftovers. I picked up a box of
Totino's Pizza Rolls, opened them and put them on a plate, then started them
up in the microwave. I rooted through the fridge and managed to find some
Mountain Dew wedged between a sixpack of Bud Lite and a rotton container
of milk that had mold growing on the top. Whgen I turned I saw Ike standing
there yawning and looking abit upset.
	"Good morning," I cheerfully suplied.
	"How can it be good?" he asked looking pissed.
	"Well I found a great supply of microwave meals."
	"Great. Like foods matters at a moment like this!"
	"Calm man, let me get my pizza rolls out of the microwave and we can
go sit on the musty couch and talk."
	"You don't get it do you?! Don't you realize that we've been
	"No I didn't," I sarcastically replied. "Of course I did! I'm just trying to
be positive about this."
	"Fine, let's go talk, we have to get out of here!"
	I walked over to the couch being careful not drop my precious pizza
	"Well Ike, I have one question. Where is Tay?"
	"You mean you don't know?" he asked quietly.
	"Don't you think that if I knew I wouldn't be asking you! Nothing bad
happened to him, did it?" I asked thought racing through my mind, tears
brimming the lids of my eyes.
	"He's fine. He was the last person to get grabbed. Just as the one guy
was sticking that hankerchief with the stuff that made us pass out to my
mouth and nose I heard the other guy brawling with Taylor then hitting him.
Just before I passed out I heard  them cuss and hit him really hard. they said
they would leave him there because he was causing too much trouble. I think
you had already passed out by then."
	"You made it sound like he was dead or something!"
	"He should be fine, with the exception of alot of pain from where he
was hit."
	"Well what's your bright idea about getting out?"
	"I don't know, the door over there is locked and there are no windows.
	"I think it's someone's basement. It's almost like a cave."
	"Yeah me too."
	As I stuffed the last pizza roll in my mouth I heard steps approaching.
	"Now what?!?"
	"Take that to the kitchen and then I guess get back to where you woke
up at."
	I ran to the kitchen, practically dropping the stuff in the sink and
scurring bacl to the place I woke up at and didmy best job pretending I was
	The door was unlocked slowly and then two people walked in. The
next thing I knew I was getting a somewaht gentle nudge in the ribs with
someone's shoe. My eyes flew open and I beheld two men in their twenties.
They both had longidh blond hair, not as long as mine but between chin and
shoulder length. Ones hair was brown, the others was blond. The blond
looked very similar to me and it took me a sec to make sure it wasn'ta geezely
version of me! He told me to go sit on the couch while he woke up Ike. The
one with the darker hair walked back toward the beds and took his shoes off.
	The three of us sat on the couch and explained that he was named Jake
and the other man was named Sam.
	"I wasn't really the one who wanted to do this, but Sam insisted that
this was the best way."
	"So could you please tell me why we're here?" Ike demanded
	"We need you to help us write songs. Sam and I have always wanted to
be a professional band, but we just can't write songs. That's where you guys
come in."
	"Well it wouls help if we had Taylor too,"I said not realizing what I
was encouraging.
	"Well we can fix that," said Sam as he sat down as he sat down on the
Lay-Z-Boy chair and took a long sip of Molson Ice.
	Ike gave me a dirty look.
	"Really... I didn't mean, Ike and I will be fine without him."
	"Well now you've made up my mind. I will go get that little bastard
later tonight. Damn he kicks hard!" Sam whined pointing to his bruised shin.
	"Look what you've done now," Ikespat at me.
	"Sorry," I whimpered.
	I streched out on the couch and started playing Super Mario Brothers 3
losing all track of time as the game absorbed me.

Jump to Chapter Three

Anne Vanderhorst