The Wild Wild Wets

by Wet Satin
The sun had set, my horse was tired as was I. We rode into town slowly, the nightlife was as one expected in a dusty town 5 hours from nowhere, it sounded like a great orgy full of laughter and shouts, loud and drunken. How sad I thought that these men would spend an entire day of their lives making a paltry few dollars then spend but a few hours of the night to drink it away, awaking with a hangover and empty pockets, I stopped at the livery. The young man seemed nice enough, for two bits I got a place for my horse, hay for the night and a brushing, maybe this wasn't such a bad place afterall. Stepping into the saloon the smell of smoke and booze was actually a bit welcome after 2 days of sage and dirt I thought as I made my way to the bar. "What'll it be Sir?" barked the rough looking old man. "Sir," I thought to myself "maybe this isn't such a bad place after all." I imagined the look on his face when I ordered a nice snifter of brandy and of course one of his finest cigars "What do you have?" I asked "Beer or whiskey." he barked back. It was indeed quite loud, the sound of poker chips and cards being delt filled the room along with the laughs and an occasional challenge, Two men tumbled out the door into the street, pummeling each other. What I really wanted was a cool glass of milk, I surrendered, "I'll have a Beer." I turned and gazed around the room, yes this was truly the armpit of the west, exactly what I expected when I left North Carolina, then out of the corner of my eye I caught a vision, a flash of something a bit familiar but so very much out of place here. Amoungst the dirt and grime she stood, serving beer and shots to the filthy men. Each one of them touching and groping her as she made her rounds, I could see her flinch and whince at every contact. What truely made her stand out was her dress, or more appropriatly her gown. Maybe it was the only garmet she owned, handed down from a mother or grandmother that had long since passed, it was pale blue and satin. I sipped my beer and gagged a bit. She was a vision, the dress hung below her knees and was so very shiny, a bit of lace adorned the bodice and the blue satin straps ran over her shoulders at an inch wide. The skirt was so full,it cascaded and swirled as she walked, I imagined seeing her somewhere far different from here, she appeared in my mind at a grand social ball, gracefully decending down a long staircase, her gloves and scarf as shimmering as her dress. A loud crash brought me back, a man was now hollering at her, she appologized repeatedly but he continued to rage, a small wet spot on his shirt led me to believe she had spilled a drink on him, I imagined he only smelled better for it. She turned away from him, in an instant I saw a full pitcher of beer rise from the table, time stopped as he brought it above her head and began to pour it over her. I watched as the golden liquid drenched her brown hair, soaking her feathery hairpiece, it ran onto her shoulders and into her dress. The fabric now glistened, radiating the wetness that only satin could. The beer flowed down, her breasts now clung to the inside of her bodice and her nipples showed from the cold liquid. I watched intently as her entire dress now dripped with beer, it ran from her hem and drianed out onto the floor, she was shocked. As the room burst out in laughter she was then embarrassed, the man was cold as she turned to glare at him. No one came to her aid but I quickly found myself standing in front of him, I don't know what came over me, the room fell silent. I'm not one for heroics but I decked him, he fell to the floor in a heap. The lady in the glistening satin gown smiled at me as she wrung some liquid from her satin skirt, "Thanks" was all she offered as she turned and headed quickly up the stairs, I watched intently as she walked, her blue satin gown glimmering from the wetness. Suddenly the room came back to life and 2 guys pulled their buddy off to a corner to sleep it off. I finished my beer and asked for a room key, "One dollar." said the man. I dropped my coins on the counter and went up the stairs, following the scent of wet satin. I locked my door and lay on the bed, I was almost asleep when I heard the sound of water pouring. From my bed in the darkness i could see a circle of light through the wall, a hole maybe. I moved closer wondering about the sound. While I'm not prone to the perversion of peeping I simply felt compelled to gaze through that hole, I happened upon a beautiful sight. The lady in the beer soaked long blue satin gown was pouring a bath. The water steamed in kettles on the stove behind her, her dress now sticky, clinging and drying on her, I could see her hair matted down and she was crying softly. She dipped her hand in, she smiled now finding her bath to be suitable. I quietly told myself to turn away, not wanting to embarrass her further by invading her privacy as she undressed when I see her raise her high heeled foot and step into the bath! Her satin skirt kissed the water as she stood at the bottom of the deep tub. She brought in her other foot, now standing fully inside, her skirt sinking into the water, the bubbles from her bath rising high as she slowly kneels into the water, it spills over the sides! She then rises out of the wet warmth slowly, the water drenching her skirt makes it much darker than the bodice, I was amazed at what I was seeing, I shifted a bit, bumping my table loudly, she looked at the wall in my direction, I thought I saw her smile. Again she slid into the water, this time sinking fully into the tub, slowly and deliberaatly she disappeared, her waist, her breasts, her neck then her head, she remained under the water for many seconds....she emerged from the tub slowly, her hair shone so bright, now clean and fresh. As she stood her dress clung to her whole body, accenting her every curve. She ran her hands over her wet satin covered body, the water cascading through her fabric in rivers as she stood. The gown shone brightly like the sun on a calm water, the way she moved slow gave the dress such a life as the light danced through the dripping folds, she grabbed some soap and began to lather herself. The fabric looked glorious as she brought up the rich lather with caressing motions, the bubbles danced on her satin clad body as she rubbed them in, she was touching herself in such provocative ways. To say the least I was aroused. I watched the lady in the wet blue satin gown for an hour as she repeatedly rinsed and lathered herself in her splendid, shimmering satin. Finally she slipped the sleeves of her precious dress from her shoulders and let it slide slowly down her body, her breats shone from their wetness as I heard the dress slide into the water. She eased out of her gown, I saw her ankle strap heels glisten as she pulled them off before slipping her stockinged foot back into the tub. She stepped out and carefully pulled her pretty dress from the cooling water, gently fingering the shiny folds as she hung it over a line to drip dry, smoothing out the folds then moving off to another part of her room, her light went out. I lay back down and had such magnificent dreams that night.
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