Let me introduce myself. My name is Gayle,
and I have had my WebTV since August of 1997.
Sounds like the beginning of a 12 Step
Program, doesn't it?LOL.
I live in Texas, so the attitude comes naturally.
I have been married to the same man
for 20 years, so I guess it's working.

I'm in my 50's, my son is in his 30's,
and my grandson is in his teens.
My cat is named Little Bit (Click here for pet page)
and my dog is named Nipper.
He got that name honestly, believe me.

We live on a lake, so of course the boat
stays on the sling in the dock,
and we never go fishing.
I like to mess around with this thing,
do counted cross stitch,
and TRY to grow flowers.
Sometimes in Texas you have to get
real creative, cause they either
get flooded or burn up.

Some things have changed since this
was first written. Now I have a real computer
but since I can't figure out how
to use my files and stuff,
I'm still editing with the WebTV stuff!
Whatever works, I guess.

It is August of 2001, and I still haven't learned
how to do stuff with this 'puter,
so I guess you CAN'T teach an
old broad new tricks----LOL!!

Here is a picture of me and my husband, Lee.


Alot of the people I have met have
Home Pages. Read through them, have
lots of fun, and meet new people.

Some other people have been nice
enough to build pages that help people
like me that have NO idea what they
are doing, or how to do it.
They are in this next section.

Due to constant griping, complaining,
nagging, and outright begging, I was able
to get myself a few Awards. They are
on this next little banner.
(Works out well since it says
"Awards", don't ya' think??)

Anyone that saw my other page knows I
am crazy about gifs. I kept them under
control on this page, but I can
only control myself sooooo long.
I had to make a page for all the
ones I like the most, so here they are.
(Subject to change when I get a wild hair)

Please be real nice and sign my book

This page has been visited times.

If you would like my banner to put
on your links, here is the addy;

a href="https://members.tripod.com/
IMG SRC="https://members.tripod.com/