Some links I have found on Kate Chopin and on "The Awakening"
- The Great Plains Chautauqua Society- Kate Chopin
- The SAC LitWeb Kate Chopin Page
- Kate Chopin
- Kate (O'Flaherty) Chopin
- Biography of Kate Chopin
- includes a timeline!
- Symbols in "The Awakening"
- complete list of symbolism that is within "The Awakening"
- Perspectives in American Literature: Kate Chopin
- The Awakening by Kate Chopin
- CONNECT Postings on "The Awakening", ENG 384, Fall 1996
- Classroom Discussion on "The Awakening"
- Chopin, Kate
- Romanticism in "The Awakening"
- Annotated Bibliography on "The Awakening"
- My Main Page
- Basically a directory
- Nathaniel Hawthorne and "The Scarlett Letter"
- my page on my Nathaniel Hawthorne project
- GennyLee's Tarot Page
- my page of tarot spreads and links
- Michigan Youth In Government
- my YIG webpage
- Michigan Youth In Government
- my other YIG page
- Michigan Summer Institute at Alma College
- my page about the 1997 Summer Institute
- Michigan Summer Institute at Alma College 2
- pics and stuff
- The Escanaban
- The school newspaper, of which I'm an Editor
My Paper on Kate Chopin and "The Awakening"
- Author Background
- my paper on author background
- Setting
- Setting chart and paper on setting
- Author's style
- Symbolism
- symbolism chart and paper on symbolism
- Author Techniques
- outline of author techniques used in the novel
- Essential Characters
- character log on Edna and Robert, plus a paper "which identifies the influence one of the characters has on another character" (Green)
- Themes
- theme chart, plus a paper that traces "the development of one major theme and discusses its relevancy today" (Green)
- Criticism
- typed annotated bibliography
- Comparison of "Grand Isle" to "The Awakening"
- "paper that compares the novel and the movie, analyzing the movie for effectiveness" (Green)
Jennifer Robitaille
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