Four Hand Cribbage

I have found two main ways to play four hand cribbage, two teams (Doubles) or four singles. Let's begin with Doubles.


Doubles can be played on a 2-track cribbage board.

Again to keep things simple let's identify the players as Team AC and Team BD. Partners in Doubles Cribbage sit across from each other and play alternates between the teams. Assuming after the cut for deal, Player A (of Team AC) has the low card and will start as the dealer, then (ACC Style) Player D cuts the deck for the deal. Player A deals everyone five cards and everyone discards one card to the crib, and Player B cuts the deck for the Starter Card. Non-ACC rules generally have Player D cutting for the Starter Card and no cut before the deal.

Play will start with B leading to C, and then D, and so on . . . Players score as in two handed cribbage with points pegged for pairs, runs, 15's and 31's, and "GO's" and "Last Cards". If a player says "GO", there are no restrictions to prevent a player from pegging points off their Teammate's last card played. The players count their hands starting with Player B, then C, then D, then A, and then the crib. Player B then becomes the dealer for the next hand. The winner is the first team to score 121 points.

Four hand singles

This game requires two 2-track boards, a 2- and a 3-track board, or a 4-track board.

The Drueke company made a 4-track cribbage board that is perfect for playing this game. I have one of their 3-track boards and would really like to get a 4-track board. I will probably just breakdown and make a 4-track board myself before I manage to acquire a 4-tracker. Four hand singles is played like Doubles except that everyone has their own track to peg points in.

Playing with more than two players Con't
Please feel free to email me with any questions you might have. I do enjoy corresponding with all cribbage enthusiasts.

Rules of Cribbage page
Common Questions about Cribbage
Counting your Cribbage hand
Teaching Cribbage to Kids page
Rules at ACC Tournaments page
Pegging to Win page
Muggins explanation page
Odd Hands page
Germantown Peggers Home Page