February 4, 1999

So, Puck does it again. He has been arrested for Domestic Violence. Apparently, he will spend the next year in jail... Go Puck! (What's next I wonder!)

The new RR has started.. So far, it has started slow, but it's getting better! One of the cast members will get booted from the show for fighting with another cast member!

We still don't know who is getting married yet.. We'll see..

January 23, 1999

The new Road Rules has started.. Looks to be interesting.

The two who are getting married still won't tell us who they are.. I'll be sure to let you know.

Rachel Campos will be on The View this week to replace Debbie.. She's guest hosting, and possibly she will be the new co-host..

A Movie is coming out called "She's All That" and in it they mention The Real World. Matthew Lillard (Scream) is a Puck-like character who gets kicked out of the house.

January 15, 1999

Rumor has it that two former RR cast members are getting married.. We don't know who yet, but a lot of people seem to think it may be Oscar and Christina. I'll let you all know when I find out! (Expect an update on January 18 or 19!)

The new cast of RR-Latin America has been chosen... They are as follows...


Holly grew up in Colorado, and is currently enrolled in her thrid year at the University of Colorado in Boulder. After college she plans on going to law school. She's a vegetarian, and an athelete, she says that she runs at least seven miles every day. Holly is fluent in Spanish. Thank god!


Gladys is half African-American and half Puerto Rican. She comes from Roxbury, Massachusetts where she lived in the projects. Before the show Gladys and her family had money problems and lost their house, and for the past few years having been living with various relatives. Gladys is the only one of her family to graduate high school and plans to go to college. Word has is Gladys has to leave half way through the show due to a dispute with Abe, in which she was sent home.


Sarah was raised in England and in New Orleans. Two years into her college education at the University of New Orleans she went to teach school in the inner city. Since her parents divore she and her father haven't had the best relations. Sarah's father is from Mexico, but she doesn't know Spanish or even know about the culture. Abe

Abe and his family grew up on welfare along with him an his six other brothers and sisters. Abes' parents divorced at a young age, which then resulted in his mother 'coming out' and announcing she was a lesbian. Abe dropped out of high school at a young age and took a job at an Internet company. Abes abilties with computers is incredible, but it always hasn't been so incredible when his brother turned him in for computer related credit card fraud, Abe was 14. Josh

Josh is from Texas. He meditates, plays guitar and wants to go to Graceland. Josh hopes to pursue a career in photography. Josh has a girlfriend he's seriously involved with named, Tara, who has a child (not Josh's). The question here is how 'seriously involved,' will he stay on this trip?


Brian was found for 'Road Rules,' while he was waiting tables in a Chinese Restaurant. His parents, an ex-marine father and a Wall Street mom, put extreme pressure on him to succeed.

December 22, 1998

I know, I know. I don't update enough, right. Sorry! I've been completely busy lately.

Anyways, On with the gossip

David is attending Harvard at night...occasionally hooking up with Irene while in Boston

Irene is living in Boston right now. There have been some sightings going in and out of a buidling downtown.

Nate and Steph are NOT together anymore. They broke up, and their engagement is off

Nate and Kalle flirted while on RR/RW Challenge, but never hooked up

Janet and Jason DID hook up while on the RR/RW Challenge

The new cast of RW Hawaii has been cast. We should be seeing the new season in the next few months

October 13, 1998

Rebecca REALLY did record with Sir Mix A Lot. She does background vocals in French (!) for a song or two!

October 12, 1998

Nathan is supposedly seeing someone from a past RR show (a blonde) I wonder who it is...

The new RR-Mexico is having its share of problems. A cast member freaked out when Susie (RR Australia) was flirting with her crush. It apparently got violent (with the guy..not Susie) and the girl was sent home. We'll see if it's true in January.

Rebecca (Seattle) is doing voice overs for Volkswagon bugs... According to my sources. I heard it the other day, and it does sound like her. Hmmmm....

October 7, 1998

The REAL reason Lindsay didn't attend Bill's funeral is because, allegedly, the cameras were to accompany her, and she didn't feel that that was right.

The new RR All Stars starts in November!

September 30, 1998

Puck is NOT dead as was said on the Real World Sucks Board. It was just a lame attempt to get viewers to this person's site.

September 28, 1998

According to my sources, there is a little bit of controversy revolving around Joe Patane (RW Miami). He claims that he had to sign a contract stating that he had to act a certain way or else he'd have to leave the show. Allegedly, this is in his new book.

Also, I had mentioned last week about David (from California) being on Half Baked. I received another bit of gossip that he was in House Party as "Stinky" the DJ.

September 22, 1998

Word is that the next Road Rules will be on the "Semester at Sea" boat. The Rulers will actually study and all that fun stuff!

Janet (Seattle) is no longer seeing Jason (Boston) According to her, he is an "@#$hole"

Nathan and Steph FINALLY broke up! Apparently, she was none too happy about his sexcapades in Seattle!

All of the seasons of Real World seemed to have couples. From what I hear, the only ones that are still together is Judd and Pam.

Road Rules always had couples, and none of them are still together. (This includes Kalle/Jake, Tara/Dan, Susie/Shane the football guy) This doesn't include Rachel and Sean.. they are still together.

One more thing, I rented "Half Baked" the other night, and David(from Real World-California) was on there! Remember how he was a "comedian", well, he had a VERY small role as a drug addict...

September 15, 1998

Real World - Hawaii was originally supposed to be in Vegas! Until the last minute.. Just like this season!

Tami (Los Angeles) is rumored to be getting divorced from her husband... I wish her and her children the best.

September 3, 1998

It's been confirmed... Irene leaves because of her Lyme Disease. It came straight from her mouth.. See the interview for more details!

September 1, 1998

So, I heard through the grapevine that there will be TWO All Stars! One with Dan, Roni, Chris, Oscar, Belou, and Emily and the second with the two teams (one from each show)

Janet (from Seattle) has been rumored to have dated Jason (Boston) while doing Road Rules All Stars!

August 27, 1998

The scoop on Irene.. She DOES in fact leave the show early (doesn't every season seem to have one??) It's not due to her Lyme Disease, it's because she is not comfortable about having the cameras around anymore.

There is also a rumor that she is leaving because they asked her to.. this has not been confirmed yet.

August 26, 1998

The new Road Rules All Stars cast has been chosen. There will be two teams.. They consist of:

Real World Team Road Rules Team Beth S. Los Ageless (2) Kalle Islands (4) Jason Boston (6) Noah USA (5) Montana Boston (6) Dan USA (5) Neil London (4) Kefla Australia (6) Nathan Seattle (7) Mark USA (1) Janet Seattle (7) I don't know how accurate this is.. But I'll keep you posted!

August 24, 1998

The next Road Rules All Stars will have the following cast members: Belou, Chris, Emily, Ronnie, Dan (This is all I know as of today)

That awful rumor regarding Jake/Kalle getting into an accident is NOT TRUE! I confirmed it by asking someone at Bunim-Murray. It was a rumor "created by the internet" is what they said.

Did ya'll hear about the sex scandal with Michelle from RR? Ask me and I'll give you full details.

Jacinda Barrett from the Real World London has been cast in a "real" TV show. It's called Wind on Water, and it's on Sunday's on NBC.

August 19. 1998

Rumor has that Stephanie, Nathan's psycho girlfriend is going to be on the show next week (August 25).. Should be VERY interesting..

Nathan and Steph are now engaged!!

Irene leaves the show because of her Lyme Disease (or becuase she doesn't like the way everything is going)

Stephen is not handling his new fame very well. At a recent party he was asked for an interview, and told the interviewer to "f_ck off"

The next Real World location has been announced!!!! It's going to be in HAWAII! That should be interesting. (Sounds more like Road Rules huh)

The new cast of Road Rules has been formed (RR All Stars 2) Some of them include Chris, Belou, Devin, and Emily.

On the new RR All Stars 2, there will be two "teams" competing. One will be from RW and one from RR. (this is not confirmed yet)



email me with any gossip you know of!

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