
Eventually this will be a one-stop linking center for everything from building your own web page, to cooking, to parenting, to finding child-safe web pages.

If you find anything that you would like added, please let me know and I'll post it.

Now I'm doing what I've been looking for. I'm part of an Online Associate program that lets me work out of my home with an auotmated system.If you would also like that, click on Stay At Home Moms banner below. I tried so many promise-filled jobs and business opportunities that I started to worry my good sense was gone. LOL. But the good ones are out there, just hard to find until now.

I find that all the talk is about keeping our kids safe from the web. What about the television? I've found the commercials are practically R rated. When I was still able to be a nurse, I'd come home to find the kids watching stuff I didn't even know was on TV. Now there's a way to gain back parental controls, even when you're not there. But I like the fact that the Success TV channel is free. It has positive programming, twenty four hours per day. Self- esteem here we come !

July Wedding

Our daughter Chele is getting married to Tim this summer. We are sooooo looking forward to it. We decided to do a "countdown."


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