








If you have any Nicole news, please send it to me at

Nicole News
  • (4/25/01)  Nicole's planning on making a comeback in pairs skating. Here's an article from the Chicago Tribune:

    Nicole Bobek has begun skating pairs in Florida with a Spaniard who used to train for singles with world champions Evgeny Plushenko and Alexei Yagudin in Russia.Bobek, the 1995 U.S. women's singles champion who gave up Olympic eligibility in that discipline, hopes her partnership with Miguel Alegre develops well enough for her to compete again in Olympic-style skating. She would contend that she never lost eligibility in pairs.Alegre, 22, of Jaca, Spain, twice skated singles at the World Junior Championships with unremarkable results."It's something completely different," said Bobek, 23, a well-traveled Chicago native. "It looks effortless, but it isn't."Bobek tried pairs briefly at age 12. Noted pairs coach John Nicks counseled her against continuing because he thought she would become too tall.Bobek, 5 feet 5 inches, and Alegre, 6-3, started practicing in early January with Russian coach Valeri Spirdionov. Their training time has been curtailed by her commitments to the Champions on Ice tours."We can do all the lifts, some pairs spins, a throw axel, throw double salchow and throw double loop," Bobek said.

  • (4/21/01)  What's new in Nicole's life. For the past four months, Nicole has been and is currently touring with Champions on Ice. Recently, her enagement with Sergio was broken. They were planning on being married sometime this summer. Go check out some excellent pictures of Nicole at this web site:
  • (4/21/01)  I know that I don't have to give an explantation for not updating,but I'm going to anyway. I got very angry and discouraged when Disney company decided to take all it's Go! web pages off the internet. I have placed all of my Nicole pictures in the in Go! for the past two years, so I lost about 40 hours of work. Now, most of the pictures of Nicole are gone. I had to take galleries 20-43 off Bobek Maniacs. I'll try to re add what I still have in the summer, but I doubt I'll be willing to do much. Also, I've been really buisy with school and my life, and I've been too lazy to update. I still haven't given up, but updates won't be coming as often. Thanks for visiting and please continue to visit in support of Nicole.
  • (4/21/01)  I'm giving a seriously delayed desription of Nicole's performance at world pros. Nicole skated to music from Cabaret for her technical performace. She stared off great with a huge triple lutz, triple toe, but she didn't try her planned triple salchow. She later fell on another triple toe but landed a double axel. With the highest presentation marks of the night, she placed second behind Yuka Sato in this portion of the event. The next day, she skated to music from the movie Somewhere In Time. She fell on her triple lutz but landed a triple toe and a double axel. She ended up in second placed overall.
  • (12/06/00)  Yesterday at the Improv on Ice, Nicole picked pop music once again and skated to "It's Raining Men."  She landed a triple toe, single axel, and a triple salchow.  Nicole's jumps were also very strong in the warm ups.  Later during the group segments of the show, Nicole landed a double axel and another triple toe.  Nicole placed second behind Sasha Cohen for best Improv performance by a woman.
  • (11/11/00)Nicole recently competed in the popular pro competition, Ice Wars.  She was a late minute replacement for Tara Lipinski.  For the technical program, Nicole skated to Madona's curent hit, "Music."  She landed a triple flip and double axel but fell on a triple loop and triple toe loop.  Nicole tied for third in the technical portion with Katarina Witt with a score of 48.3. For the artistic program, Nicole skated to classical type music with french lyrics of Ave Maria.  She landed a doubel axel, triple toe, and a wild triple salchow.  Nicole tied in first for the artistic portion of the event with Surya Bonaly with a score of 98.2.  Overall, Nicole finished third with a total score of 146.5 ahead of Witt and behind Bonaly and Yamaguchi.  Nicole's team, USA, lost to the World team.
  • (10/9/00) Nicole's Scores from Round One of the Grand Slam:
                    9.5 9.6 9.7 9.5 9.6
                    9.7 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8
                    Nicole's Scores from Round Two of the Grand Slam:
                    9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8
                    9.8 9.8 9.9 9.9 9.9
  • (10/9/00)  Nicole pictures from the Grand Slam can be found here.
  • (10/7/00)  Nicole wowed the crowds last night once again.  For her final round in the competition, she used her Champions On Ice music of "I Need to Know" and "Let's Get Loud."  She landed a triple toe, a triple salchow, a double axel, and a double flip.  She had the best ladies scores of the night for her group.  For her exhibition, she skated to "Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini" and landed a double axel, a triple toe, and a double salchow.  I will be posting pictures as soon as the competition is aired on television.  I believe she placed second as a team and invidually in her group.  I'm not sure about overal standings.
  • (10/6/00)  Even though Nicole looked great in the warm ups, she couldn't pull it together in the competition.  This occurence is unusual for Nicole because the opposite normaly happens.  Nicole landed a double flip, a double toe loop, and a double axel.  The flip and toe loop were both meant to be triples.  Nicole attempted a triple salchow but fell. After the first round, she is in fourth place as a team.  Her individual placement is probably lower.
  • (10/5/00)  Nicole practiced well today for the Grand Slam.  Those who went to the practices say whe looked great and hardly ever fell on her jumps(double axel and triple toe).  Nicole will be teamed up with Phillipe Candaloro for the competition.  Once Nicole takes the ice for her short program, she will be officially professional.
  • Summer of 2000 News:  Nicole gave a press conference in August about her decision to turn professional.  This decision means that Nicole will no longer be eligible to compete in the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics.  I don't blame Nicole for ending her eligible career at all.  She just couldn't catch a break with all her injuries and illnesses.  She will be missed at the Olympics, but fans can now look forward to her successful career in the pro ranks.  Nicole has several events already in her schedule.  Those events include, Grand Slam, Canadian Open, World Pros, the Winter COI tour, and the Summer COI tour.
  • Nicole recently gave an interview on Skate Radio.  At the end of the interview, she announced that she is engaged to her Spanish boyfriend, Sergio Canavos. They've been dating for about a year now. Nicole still hasn't decided if she will go pro or not.
  • (4/28/00) Find another new Nicole article here.
  • (4/25/00) You can check out a new Nicole article here.
  • Check out some Nicole COI pictures  at Michael Bernadsky Figure Skating Photography and Nicole Bobek Ice Skating Photos by Traci Marks.
  • You can view a picture of Nicole singing at the Cub's game by cliking here.
  • I recieved this e-mail from another loyal Nicole fan on April 17th:
    "Hey, I'm one of Nicoles biggest fans and I was at the Cubs game today And Guess who Sang Take me out to the Ballgame in the 7th inning stretch. Thats right, It was Sooo awesome, wish I was at home to record it, Thought maybe you would want to post it on the webpage or something, and hopefully we can get pictures of it or if we're lucky someone has a video file of it."
    Nicole has been known to go to many cubs games in the past, but this is the first news of her singing that I have ever came across.
  • Nicole Champions On Ice reviews can be found here .
  • On Friday, April 7, Nicole skated with her ankle injury during the Champions On Ice tour in Washington DC. This stop for the tour was taped for the broadcast, so Nicole should be on the airing of the show.
  • Nicole suffered from an ankle injury on Wednesday, April 5. She was unable to skate in the thursday COI show. There's a good chance she won't be on the television broadcast of the tour.
  • Nicole starts skating in Champions on Ice on Thursday, April 6. She's been healthy and skating for quite a while. She also skated in a benefit show on March 2. Nicole will also be giving an interview on the internet radio station Skate Radio on Sunday, April 23.
  • Nicole appeared on a modeling show on the E! Channel on 2/8/00. At the end of the show, the footage was said to be taken from 1999. She looked great and could seriously consider a modeling career. I only caught the last minute of it. Check out the pictures in the multimedia section of this site!
  • In a recently released article(probably written before Nicole was denied her bye to Nationals), information about Nicole's short and long programs is given.

    Bobek is eager to debut a new a Spanish-themed flamenco short program-with a choreographic assist from former World Ice Dance Champions Isabelle & Paul Duchesnay, who now coach at J.P. Igloo. "She has an emotional involvement in the short because the guitar music is played by her boyfriend," Leitch says. "It's a Spanish guitar piece. It's very classical and incredibly beautiful. She gets inspired by it."Bobek will probably perform two long programs this season: the Titanic program that never had a chance to surface last year and a new program under development, Leitch says. "She has another piece selected, but it's got some vocal to it, and we want to make sure we can get the instrumental version.- Link to the article.

  • In a recent article, Nicole stated that despite her rejected bye to Nationals, she still plans to remain eligible for the 2002 Olympics. The article also states that Nicole is very hurt and will not challenge the USFSA's descision to push her out of Nationals.
  • Nicole could did not meet the qualifications in order to compete at Nationals. Here's an article:Any chance Nicole Bobek had of competing in the upcoming U.S. Figure Skating Championships in Cleveland ended yesterday when her application for a medical bye was rejected. The 1995 national champion and world bronze medalist requested a bye from sectional competition, a qualifier for nationals, because she had a sinus infection. Because she is not skating in sectionals and did not receive a medical bye to skip them, she cannot compete for the national title. The U.S. championships are Feb. 6-13 in Gund Arena."Unfortunately, you won't be seeing her in Cleveland," said Bill Fitzpatrick, chairman of a three-member competitions committee which reviewed Bobek's bye application. "She's a wonderful skater and we're never pleased when a talented skater can't compete. But basically because she has not skated in the past two years, we couldn't give her the bye. She had a complete void in the qualifying procedure."Fitzpatrick said he did not talk with Bobek but said her Florida-based coach, Kerry Leitch, thanked Fitzpatrick "for going through the process."Bobek missed the 1999 nationals in Salt Lake City with an ovarian cyst. This season, she skipped both of her international assignments in France and Germany when she said her white blood cell levels were low and she was too ill to compete. Shortly afterward, however, she skated in a made-for-TV event. She then entered the Canadian Open, a pro-am event, but withdrew during the warmups with a sinus infection. Her last nationals were in 1998 when she finished third and made the U.S. Olympic team.
  • After having a lackluster warmp up due to another cold warm up, Nicole was forced to withdraw from the Canadian Open. This news is dissapointing since Nicole was landing her jumps easily just two days before.
  • According to the announcers at the Improv, Nicole has anounced that she is deffinitely going to make an attempt to go to the next Olympics is 2004 at Salt Lake City, Utah.
  • Nicole was looking helathy and confident on December 2nd at the Improv on Ice. Nicole improvised a performance to music by Billie called "Honey to the Bee." She confidently landed a triple toe loop and a double axel as well as a saved pop on another triple toe loop. People who attended the show live said Nicole was also landing many impressive jumps during the warm up sessions.
  • Nicole will be returning to the ice on Sunday, November 28. Her high blood cell count tests did not indicate any major or minor illness. Kerry Leitch, Nicole's Coach, is optimistic about the year ahead for Nicole, and he plans on sending her to the Improv on Ice in only a week as well as the Canadian Open and Nationals. Last year, Nicole faired well at the Canadian Open, winning both the short program and interpretive program with flawless skates. To learn more, here is the full article .
  • Some people have been saying that Nicole might not be able to go to Nationals because she has withdrawn from both of her GP event,s but I think the USFSA will let her.  Nicole is a very popular skater, and ABC probably would want her to compete for ratings.  But I'm asuming Nicole will get better.  She might not even be back on the ice for a few months, so she'll miss the whole season again.  We'll just have to see how sick of injured Nicole is.  Get better Nicole!
  • Here's a clip from a recent Ap article on Nicole: "Nicole Bobek has withdrawn from this weekend's Nations Cup figure skating event after collapsing at a charity event last weekend. Bobek, a 1998 Olympian plagued by illness, injuries and poor performances recently, was performing in New Jersey on November 6. When she left the ice, she collapsed and was taken to a hospital with a high white blood-cell count."
  • Here is a clip about Nicole in the recent Blades on Ice update:OLYMPIC FIGURE SKATER NICOLE BOBEK RELOCATES TO BRADENTON, FLORIDA TO TRAIN WITH OLYMPIC COACH KERRY LEITCH Bradenton, FL -- Former U.S. National Figure Skating Champion and Olympic team member Nicole Bobek has relocated to Bradenton, Florida to train with Olympic and World Coach Kerry Leitch at the new Ellenton J.P. IGLOO Ice and Inline Sports Complex. "I am very excited to begin training with Mr. Leitch, who I believe will be a great source of inspiration in both for technical and artistic skills," Bobek says. "Having overcome all of the setbacks and injuries I faced over the last few years, I am now confident to start a very successful season," Bobek adds. Bobek has made a decision to stay amateur and focus on training for the major competitions of the season. During the next several months, she will concentrate on bringing herself to optimum mental and physical shape by daily training, ballet classes with renowned instructor Diane Partington, swimming and weight training. The J.P. IGLOO facility gives Bobek the opportunity to incorporate all her training needs under one roof, helping her stay focused on skating. Last year, Bobek had a successful beginning, winning the Canadian Open and finishing second at Trophy Lalique before she was forced to pull out of Nationals for medical reasons. This year, she is determined to bring herself back to National and World Champion level. Staying amateur, she is eligible and aiming for the 2002 Olympics. Bobek's list of upcoming scheduled competitions include Masters of Figure Skating, October 16; Canadian Open, December 4; and Grand Prix in France.
  • Nicole recently competed at the Grand Slam(World Super Team Challenge).  In her division, she finished 2nd behind Maria Butyrskya.  Nicole was ahead of Elena Soldotova and Sarah Hughes.  There's no official list of what jumps she has landed yet, but we do know that she did not fall.  However, she was also said to have double a few jumps.  All in all, this was an excellent way for Nicole to start off the season.  She was said to look confident and physically fit.
  • The following was taken from an AP article: Nicole Bobek is training with a new coach, Kerry Leitch, in Bradenton, Fla. Bobek, 22, has been down this road before. Leitch is coach No. 9 and coaching change No. 11 for her. The numbers add up because Bobek had gone back to a former coach three times. Leitch is best known as a pairs coach. In 1998 a Canadian judge found Leitch guilty of having used unreasonable force when he slapped a 16-year-old male skater across the face as a disciplinary measure. Leitch received an "absolute discharge" in the case, which means under Canadian law that no conviction was registered against the coach but the finding of guilty was. Bobek, a native Chicagoan coached last year by Richard Callaghan, has decided to keep her Olympic-eligible status after a 1999 season shortened by illness. She is entered in two Grand Prix events, Nations Cup and Trophy Lalique.
  • The following was taken from a post on fsworld. World Super Team Challenge, Sept 25/26 in Kitchener, Ontario From what I understand, it will be individual competition (in spite of the event name), with amateurs vs amateurs and pros vs pros. Roster: Butyrskaya, Bobek, Soldatova, another tbc Yagudin, Stojko, Weiss, Eldredge Yamaguchi, Witt, Gordeeva, Sato Browning, Orser, Petrenko, Boitano Tickets on sale Aug 21. It will be televised on Fox, but I don't know when.
  • Here is a clip from a recent Callaghan article that pertains to Nicole."Callaghan said he will work with five-time U.S. champion and longtime student Todd Eldredge, who hopes to compete in his third Olympics in 2002; Angela Nikodinov, who joined Callaghan a month before finishing 12th at the World Championships in March; former Detroit Skating Club athletes Erin Pearl and Stacy Pensgen, fifth and ninth, respectively, at the 1999 U.S. Championships; and a new student, Jennifer Robinson of Canada, 18th at the worlds.  Callaghan said his other top skater, 1995 U.S. champion Nicole Bobek, had not made coaching plans for next season."
  • It turns out that TNN had a little scheduling mix up.  Nicole was actually aired on Wednesday instead of Friday.  I e-mailed the station but still have not recieved a response.  At SKATEFANS, Colette wrote:"I caught the end of an interview of Nicole on Woman's Day TV today. It was on TNN. She said that she is not competitive. When asked who she looked up to growing up in the skating world she said that she didn't think like that and couldn't name one (when asked specifically about scott hamilton she said that he had great footwork).She talked about a program that she had a couple of years ago where she went around to under-privledged schoosl and talked about growing up and her skating  .That's about all that I can remember.They gave the COI webpage address."
  • Nicole has been given her assginements for the Grand Prix Series of 99.  If she choses to compete, she will attend the GP Sparkassen Cup inGelsenkirchen, GER - Nov 10-14, 99 and the GP Lalique in Paris, FRA - Nov 18-21, 99.
  • Recently, Nicole was placed in the Team A Envelope fore the USFSA.  This means that Nicole is considered one of the top three American contenders for a world or olympic medal.
  • "Nicole Bobek, whose attempt to win her second U.S. title last February was derailed by illness and injury, said she's not sure if she will return to the Detroit SC after the summer break. Bobek, the 1995 U.S. champion, will remain an Olympic-eligible skater, though, because "it leaves more options open." Although her immediate plans aren't certain, her long-term ones are. "I want to coach one day," Bobek said..."- quoted from Freep article on Tod Elderage.
  • "Nicole (Bobek) has only been able to practice every other day since she recently returned to the ice after her surgery but today (March 11) she was back landing her double Axel," Callaghan said. Bobek smiled a big grin when asked about the double Axel accomplishment but is proceeding cautiously. "Right now my total focus is getting myself ready to perform on the Tom Collins' tour," said Bobek.-taken from Blades on Ice
  • Nicole's coach, Richard Callaghan, has resigned from coaching.   This came as a great shock to Nicole. Read the article.
  • Nicole resumed training tuesday, february 23.   Read the article 
  • Nicole has withdrawn from Nationals due to pain from an ovarian cyst.  She plans to undergo surgery and return to skating during the April Champions' Tour.
  • Nicole recently competed at the World Pros.  She placed 2nd after the technical program.  She landed a triple lutz, a triple toe, and a triple loop.  She doubled the salchow.  She skated to music from zorro.  She finished third in the artistic program skating to her Mowtown Medally once again.  She finished third overall.
  • Nicole has been added to the World Proffesional Championships which starts Friday, December 11th. Nicole will be competing against the liked of Michelle Kwan, Chen Lu, Denise Beilmen and Yuka Sato.
  • I recently watched Nicole at the World Team Challenge.  Nicole was in better shape than I expected.  the salchow was "clean" and she almost landed the triple toe loop.  I really enjoyed this program.  I especially enjoyed the beilman at the end and the split.
  • Nicole won the entire competition at the Canadian open. She performed her Mowtown medaly again.  She landed a triple lutz, a triple toe and a triple salchow.  Both sets of marks ranged form 5.7-5.9.  The girl is on fire!  Way to go Nicole!
  • Nicole won the short program at the Canadian Open.  She landed a triple lutz-double toe combination, a triple toe, and a double axel.  Nicole received marks as high as 5.9 from ISU judges. She skated to music form Zorro.
  • Due to the odd placements at NHK Trophy, Nicole has not made the GP Finals.  Since Tatyana Malinina won the competition, she placed above Nicole.  However, Nicole did place ahead of Tatyana at Skate America.  Irina Slutskya placed 2nd to also beat out Nicole.  Fumie Suguri placed 3rd to also beat out Nicole.  Elana Liashenko, who was 1st after the short program, was practically guaranteed a spot at the finals, and she got it.  She moved down to fourth, ruining Nicole's chances, but also placed higher than Nicole.  Nicole is 7th in the final standings, but she needs to be in the top 6.  
  • Nicole skated wonderfully at the Improv Ice this thursday on december the third.  She had to "improvise" a routine one hour before performing it.  Nicole picked the music "I'm mad about the boy."  Well, I am mad about this girl.  She landed a beautiful triple toe loop  as well as a saved double axel.  She skated with much more expression than she does with most of her other programs, and she really got into it near the end.  Nicole also performed her exhibition later in the show her Mowtown routine.  She landed two beautiful double axels as well as a great triple toe and double flip.  Overall, Nicole is definitely in better shape than she was at masters three weeks ago. Hopefully, she will keep this confidence going into the Canadian open this weekend.  She is obviously well prepared.
  • Unfortunately,  I accidentally erased my entire news page, so I have to start over. I shall try to put all the news I can remember.
  • Nicole placed 2nd at Trophy Lalique.  She won the short program with a flawless triple lutz double toe combination, a triple toe and a double axel.  She placed 2nd in the free skate with a triple lutz, a triple salchow and a triple toe loop.  the lutz and salchow were both in combination.  She doubled a flip, a loop and a salchow.  She skated to music from Zorro for the short and Evita for the free skate.
  • Nicole placed third at Masters of Figure Skating.  She was 2nd after the short program in which she fell on the triple lutz but completed the triple toe and double axel.  In her free skate she landed a triple toe, a triple salchow, and a double axel. She also fell on a double axel.  She skated to music from Zorro for the short and 70's music for the free skate.
  • Nicole placed third at the Challenge of Champions.  She skated to music from Zorro. She stepped out of a triple flip and a triple toe loop.  She landed a triple salchow. She also had a clean exhibition to 70's music.
  • Nicole finished 4th at the Skate America.  She fell on a triple flip in the short program, but she landed a triple salchow and a double axel.  Nicole stepped out of a triple lutz and a triple toe in the free skated.  She put her hand down on a triple flip, and she landed a triple salchow double toe loop combination.  She also doubled another toe loop and landed a double axel.  Nicole skated to music from Zorro in the short program and to music from evita in the free skate. 
  • Nicole won the singles portion of The World Team Challenge.  She was third after the technical program, falling on a triple toe loop and landing a triple salchow. Nicole won the artistic and the whole competition, landing one triple toe loop and two double axels.  NIcole skated to "angel" by Sarah Mchlachlan in the technical program and to 70's mowtown music for the artistic.
  • Nicole withdrew from the US professional Championships due to her concussion.
  • Nicole suffered a concussion while practicing when she tripped and ran into the boards at her practice rink.  Nicole was unconscious for 4 minutes.
  • Nicole placed fifth at the Keri Lotion Figure Skating Classic.  She landed the triple flip double toe loop combination in the short to place fourth.  She was not able to land any triple in the free skate, so she moved down to 5th place.
  • Richard Callaghan is back to coaching Nicole this season.

This Page was last updated 10/9/00.

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