"A Smile Like Your's"
Above is a picture from Nicole's 1994/1195 season short program,Moiseves
Dances. Nicole placed first after the short program at the World
Championships with this routine.
Above is a picture from Nicole's free skate , Invitation to Dance,at the 1998 Nationals. Nicole landed five triple jumps in this particular performance.
Above is a picture from nicole's 1994/1995 season free skate program, Dr. Zhivago. Nicole won the Nationals with it and placed third at the worlds with it.
Above is a picture from Nicole performing to the soundtrack form the movie "The First Wives' Club." She performed it at the Carlo Fassi tribute.
Above is a picture from Nicole performing to "No Sacrifice." This routine was one of Nicole's exhibitions in 1995. she also performed it at the Carlo Fassi tribute.
Above is a picture from Nicole's 1996/1997 Free Skate routine, Giselle. She earned a bronze medal at the Nationals with it.
Above is Nicole's 1996/1997 Exhibition from the soundtrack of "Evita."
Above is a picture from Nicole's 1996/1997 short program from Russian Folk Music. Nicole never placed higher than 6th place after the short program with this routine.
Above is a picture from Nicole's free skate , Invitation to Dance,at the Olympics. Nicole's only triple was a loop. She finished 17th.
Above is a picture from Nicole's 1997/1998 short program, Zorba the Greek. Nicole skated this program flawlessly at Nationals to finish 2nd after the short program. Nicole did not complete any of her planned jumps with this routine at the Olympics finishing 17th after the short program.