Great Hokie LinksVirginia Tech's Official Sports Site: The most accurate information on Virginia Tech Sports Beamer Ball: Beamerball.com: Frank Beamer's Official Web Page-- Some areas are free, some aren't, but the Feature Articles are enjoyable reading Nick Sorensen's VT Website: He hasn't updated it in over a month, but when it's updated it is usually pretty good, and you can here commentary straight from a VT football player's perspective Kenneth Massey Rankings: This ranking that is used by the BCS is maintained by a fellow Hokie-- And he's actually a childhood friend of mine too! Tech Sideline: Used to be Hokie Central, but had to change it's name because of Tech's crackdown on Trademarks HokieFootball.com: Currently Offline because of the trademark crackdown, but should be back someday Tech Sports Online: Good Info Dynamic Tech Sports Site: Has some great footage of things, even footage of the UVA coach trying to trip one of our players in a past game Virginia Tech Clubhouse: ESPN's VT Site Fanonly.com: Football Main Page Roanoke Times: Roanoke Time's Football Page Roanoke Times: Roanoke Time's Basketball Page Randy King's Tech Insider: Great writer with delightful stories, although he has a tendency sometimes to get over-critical on some of the players/teams...they are still fun to read though